Month: July 2021

Theres No COVID Here! It Never Existed In The First Place!

Theres No COVID Here! It Never Existed In The First Place!

Rob Oswald: Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and not a virus. “I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through...

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People are waking up just not fast enough.

People are waking up just not fast enough.

Heed The Warnings Of The Chaos That’s Coming! - Mike Adams, Health Ranger - Banned Must VideoFriday, July 23, 2021 14:39 Mike Adams of guest hosts The Alex Jones Show with guest Bob Griswold to break down the signs of the coming chaos and what...

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New Jeffrey Prather: FEMA, Famines & Farmicide!

New Jeffrey Prather: FEMA, Famines & Farmicide!

Get Ready As We Are About To Go Though Some Really Bad Shit!China mimics Stalin! 250 million from farms to cities! FEMA plans famines! FDC to cut coms! 50K + Charlie-One-Nine KIA! CISA/FBI admit China Cyber sabotage! Fauci panics on Gain on Function!

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Reasons For Wanting To Get Jabbed, I Would Love To Hear Them!

Reasons For Wanting To Get Jabbed, I Would Love To Hear Them!

I have heard many reasons why someone would want to take the shot. Trouble is those are all from people who wouldn't take the shot explaining why, which is vastly different then those who took the shot telling why. So please submit your reasons via the comment section...

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Health Care Is Actually Kill Care, Everything Is Backwards

Health Care Is Actually Kill Care, Everything Is Backwards

Let's see everything that cures anything is illegal or discarded  as BS. If the fix doesn't come from big pharma it doesn't work. Hello, Wake Up! You Get Assinated If You Are A President Who Does Go Along With The COVID Jab!Now they are  telling you that without an...

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Lin Wood Messages Via Telegram Rumble — Lin Wood Fireside Chat #20 | Why Epstein, Gates, Abramovic & Why Does Microsoft Have a Patent w/ a WO-2020-060606 Publication Number? Find all of the FACTS and supporting PROOF referenced on today's interview can be found...

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We Are In The Last Battle – Hold The Line

We Are In The Last Battle – Hold The Line

Time To Take Our Country Back!All Aboard The Storm Has Arrived!Resucing Children From Human Trafficing In Mo. July 4, 2021Something Went Big Bada Boom In The Caspean Sea! 7-5-2021Even Mark Zuckerberg Can't Win Against Us. Look At His 4th Of July Outing!

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AMERICAN DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF MAN  (Adopted by the Ninth International Conference of American States, Bogotá, Colombia, 1948) WHEREAS: The American peoples have acknowledged the dignity of the individual, and their national constitutions recognize...

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Undersea Fire – Really, How Is That Possible?

Undersea Fire – Really, How Is That Possible?

The Story Being Told! NEW - Fire broke out on a subsea pipeline of the Pemex oil and gas company in the Gulf of Mexico. The fire is reportedly under control now. What Can Make A Fire Burn Underwater, Any Thoughts or Ideas.

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THE SOUND OF FREEDOM: Exposes The Pedophile Economy enslaving millions of innocent children around the world to a life of rape, torture and murder. Tim Ballard, former Homeland Security Special Agent confirms Adrenochrome is real. They take the children’s blood and they drink it.

THE SOUND OF FREEDOM: Exposes The Pedophile Economy enslaving millions of innocent children around the world to a life of rape, torture and murder. Tim Ballard, former Homeland Security Special Agent confirms Adrenochrome is real. They take the children’s blood and they drink it.

THE SOUND OF FREEDOM: Exposes The Pedophile Economy enslaving millions of innocent children around the world to a life of rape, torture and murder. Tim Ballard, former Homeland Security Special Agent confirms Adrenochrome is real. They take the children's blood and...