I was asked to review the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and my reply is below.
The Request that started this:
Please watch the Constitution 101 series from Hillsdale College.
We all need the same understanding about our Constitutional Republic.
The series will help us to fully use the documents our founders bequeathed to their posterity. Many paid the ultimate price to make us free. We the People must honor them and cherish our liberty.
This is a Red Herring. The government has no duty of protection therefore everything else is BS and PR. No Duty Of Protection means No Duty Of Allegiance means no such thing in reality as a State, Government or Citizen or illegal Alien for that matter. Nothing but a bunch of men and women with costumes and good PR who do business at the barrel of a gun.
In Other Words A Protection Racket!
You may want to review this as well if you think your constitution is so great. No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority | by Lysander Spooner – https://youtu.be/dWESql2dXoc – History has been written to keep you captive. Out of the box thinking wins this.
Old time whalers would throw a barrel overboard to distract the whale so while the whale was attacking the barrel the whalers could harpoon the whale. Your Constitution and Bill of Rights are the Barrel. This is nothing more than a smoke screen to keep you from the truth. There is no spoon (as in the Matrix) or government in reality.
How Many Of These Alledged Rights Have Been Broken, You Can See For Yourselves The BS!