If I Know Trump He May Take Over An Alien Invasion To Make His Return Entrance

How I Think Donald J Trump Will Return!

My Two cents worth: There will be three displays to project a false flag Alien Invasion in different parts of the globe. These DS Hoaxes will be Co Opted by Donald Trump and the Q Teams, Secret Space Program Solar Warden will likely join in the festivities. The other option is, it is a real Invasion and we are all doomed. I would assume this will take place anytime from Now until October but I am thinking more like August or Better the Fourth of July.

Then Again, I also believe Princess Diana is Alive and Now Queen of England and I also Believe John F Kennedy Jr. is No Longer A Jr. but the Vice President Of the united states of America. So you may not want to listen to me because I could be a total tin foil hat type.


It would make a lot of sense that our Country and World are Reborn on July Fourth 2021

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