Lin Wood Drops Major Bombs At Freedom Fest!
He says Trump is still president, Q spreads Truth, Cabala Harris, Bandido Biden, JFK Jr, Bill Clinton Obama pedos, where is Obama? Joe Biden a video deep fake, election fraud, we don’t know which people that are dead may be alive, people alive may be dead, WWG1WGA, explosions in DUMBS in DC, save all the little children.
Biden the crook and criminal, Obama is a Muslim, Cabala the senator from India becomes the first Afro American VP, Covid is the flu from China, CIA Operation Mockingbird, media is propaganda from CIA, FBI is CIA cleanup squad.
Bill Gates depopulation. He is on fire with the TRUTH. He knows what we all suspect about many issues. Trump is running things from the sideline. He speaks a bit slow so I increased the speed of the video to 1.25%.
Why Trump Did What He Did With The Vaccine for COVID!
GoodBye Hillary & Good Riddance

A military tribunal on Thursday convicted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, child trafficking, endangering a minor, treason, and sedition.
The two male, one female panel of officers cast a unanimous verdict shortly after Vice Adm. John G. Hannink, who prosecuted the military’s case against Clinton, showcased his final witness for the prosecution, Clinton’s former strategist and lover, Huma Abedin.
In exchange for leniency and a plea deal, Abedin testified she and Clinton had “shared” underage children with her estranged ex-husband, Anthony Weiner. Pressed to clarify her definition of the word “shared,” Abedin qualified her answer by saying they had “practiced” lewd and lascivious behavior on underprivileged minors Clinton had imported into the United States.
“American children?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.
“Yes, but not primarily. They’re too easy to track. More often than not from poor countries,” Abedin replied.
“Would you tell this tribunal how you appropriated these children?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.
“Hillary used her government credentials. She had carte blanche, as a Secretary of State, former Secretary of State and former First Lady. It was easy for her to bring orphaned children in from places like, say, Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq. No one asked questions. No one to look for them,” Abedin replied callously.
Asked to quantify their exploits, Abedin said she couldn’t count the number of underage boys and girls Clinton had brought to the United States under the pretense of providing them with a fruitful life, but she told the tribunal there had been “many,” most of whom were later “sold or donated” to influential members of the Clinton cabal.
“Who are the people?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.
“We never knew, exactly. It’s not like Hillary peddled them herself. She had someone handle that, and I don’t know the person’s name,” Abedin replied.
“And yet she still refuses to speak,” Vice Adm. Hannink observed.
He asked the tribunal whether they had heard enough; that the military had presented overwhelming evidence of Clinton’s atrocities against the United States and humankind. Unlike a conventional criminal trial, he reminded the commission, a unanimous verdict was not needed to convict Clinton on any of the charges. A majority vote, he said, would satisfy justice.
The tribunal arrived at a guilty verdict after deliberating only five minutes. They found Clinton guilty on all charges the military had laid out—the murders of Seth Rich, Vince Foster, and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia; trafficking and abusing minors from Haiti and other third-world nations; conspiring to assassinate a presidential candidate.
As she had throughout the tribunal, Clinton stayed eerily silent as the verdict was read and the officers recommended she receive the death penalty for her crimes. Vice Adm. Hannink asked Clinton if she had preference in how the military carried out her sentence, but still she refused to speak.
“You refused counsel. You refused to defend yourself. This tribunal therefore decides that the defendant, detainee Hillary Rodham Clinton, be hanged by the neck until dead,” Vice Adm. Hannink said flatly. “The sentence will be carried out on April 26, after Taps.”
Huma Abedin will face her own military tribunal, at a date yet to be decided, RRN has learned.
Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO
Scrambled eggs with jalapeno peppers, and a strawberry milkshake. The last meal of the condemned.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Monday night, her death the culmination of an operation that began on March 2 when U.S. Navy SEALs on Donald J. Trump’s authority arrested the disgraced politician at her Chappaqua, NY mansion. After a five-day tribunal at the world’s most infamous detention center, a three-officer panel found Clinton guilty of murder, accessory to murder, treason, child trafficking, and other high crimes. Clinton, who had refused counsel, had uttered nary a word throughout the proceedings, and had taken Vice Adm. John G. Hannink’s sentence of death with an unflinching gaze.
The hanging took place at 9:05 p.m., at once after Taps, which marks the start of quiet hours on U.S. military bases across the globe.
“The world is about to sleep quieter tonight,” Vice Adm. John G. Hannink said to a small assembly that included 3 Joint Chiefs of Staff and, notably, Donald J. Trump, who, garbed in his typical dark suit and crimson tie, had arrived at GITMO earlier in the day. Michael Pompeo and former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani flanked him, both men having played an integral role in amassing evidence against Clinton.
Under military guard, a shackled Hillary Clinton was escorted from Camp Delta detention block to gallows made of steel latticework, with a downward swinging door beneath her feet, that the Army Corps of Engineers had erected in a clearing near Windward Point Lighthouse, on GITMO’s southern edge. Affixed to a steel beam was a rectangular box with five circular, red buttons protruding from the case. In front of each button stood a uniformed soldier. Atop the platform, another soldier slipped a braided noose around Clinton’s neck.
Vice Adm. Hannink addressed the execution detail: “When I say ready, and not one moment before, you will poise your left index finger in front of the button. You will keep it hovered there until I say execute, and then you five must simultaneously press your button. Only one of the five buttons will trigger the door, and none of you will ever know which button that was. Do you understand these instructions?”
“Yes, sir,” the five bellowed in unison.
A chaplain and a physician climbed the 13 steps leading to the top of the platform and stood beside a soldier who was checking to ensure the noose was secure around Clinton’s neck. Below them, Vice Adm. Hannink asked if Clinton wanted last rites or had any final words.
Clinton broke silence. “I’m Hillary Clinton, you can’t do this to me,” she said, her voice a witch’s cackle.
“It’s already done,” Donald J. Trump shouted up at her.
“Ready.” Vice Adm. Hannink nodded at the execution detail.
After a moment’s pause, he gave the “execute” order, the soldiers pressed their buttons, and the grate beneath Clinton’s feet swung open. Her legs and feet, still shackled at the ankles, twitched a moment or two, then stopped.
The rope was cut, and Clinton’s lifeless body lie sprawled in a damp patch of grass. The physician present checked her vitals and declared her dead.
A confidential source involved in Trump’s mission to obliterate the Deep State said the overall mood was somber and melancholy; there was no celebration, no jubilation, just an atmosphere of contentedness, an acknowledgement that what had to be done, was done. The nature of her crimes overshadowed celebratory thought. But a four-decade reign of terror had come to an end.
“As much as Trump hated her, this was purely business. He cares about the children who suffered at her hands more than he cares about what she did to him. Yes, her demise sends a signal to the Deep State. But Trump knows there are many more to go, and he won’t celebrate till the job is done,” our source said.

The U.S. military has offered a recently incarcerated James Comey a plea deal: No death sentence in exchange for future testimony against the Deep State’s preeminent architect, Barack Hussein Obama.
As reported previously, U.S. Marines on April 20 raided Comey’s posh Mansion in McClean, Va., where they arrested the traitor and shipped him to Camp Lejeune, N.C. There, the military has been interrogating him in advance of his eventual trip to Guantanamo Bay to stand before a military tribunal.
A confidential source involved in Trump’s operation to invalidate the 2020 election and arrest the traitors told RRN that Trump agreed to remove capital punishment from the table if, and only if, Comey signs an attestation linking Obama to the tragic deaths of 16 patriots. According to the military, Barack Obama had on July 31, 2013 authorized an airstrike against a Colorado militia group after learning its members had obtained photographic evidence of guillotines being installed at FEMA camps in Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming.
The militia members, the military claims, had gathered at a secluded safehouse in northwest Colorado to discuss methods of disseminating their evidence without endangering themselves and their families. Unbeknownst to them, an Obama spy had, apparently, infiltrated their ranks and communicated knowledge of the meeting to the Obama hierarchy. As the meeting progressed, an F-16 receiving instructions from Cheyenne Mountain homed in on the safehouse and released a pair of Mark 83 1000-lb bombs. The resulting explosion laid waste the area and killed everyone in attendance, including women and one child.
“Obama tried to destroy evidence of the attack, but seems he missed some. Trump and the military believe Comey knew about it an advance. So did Susan Rice and John Brennan, who’s already at GITMO. Comey’s not getting out of a tribunal, but Trump wants Obama. It’s possible Brennan has already spilled some info on this. Trump’s willing to spare some lives to get to Obama,” our source said.
After an exhaustive search, RRN was unable to find evidence of the aforementioned attack. There are no public records of explosions or forest fires in northwest Colorado that day. Nor have members of the three-percenters, the militia group named on military records, ever spoken publicly on the attack.
“The Deep State are masters of coverups and deception, and their reach is unlimited. They could have threatened people into silence. Look what’s happening now, even the Oath Keepers are flipping and ratting one another. Trump thinks it’s legit. And the military, it seems, has evidence. And they must think Comey can put the nail in Obama’s coffin,” our source said.
The question is, will Comey talk, or is his fear of his Deep State masters greater than his fear of the hangman’s noose.
Author’s note: We asked our source why Obama, a fan of drone strikes, didn’t use a drone, which would have been less conspicuous. He seemed sure it was an airstrike and that the pilot was told he was bombing an Islamic terrorist hideout.
Comey Sings Like a Canary after Watching Clinton Hang
Disgraced former FBI Director and Deep State operative James Comey is singing like a canary to the military after being forced to watch Hillary Clinton’s neck snap at Guantanamo Bay on Monday night, Real Raw News has learned.
Confidential sources involved in Trump’s mission to eradicate Deep State traitors told RRN that James Comey, who had been temporarily detained at Camp Lejeune, was brought to GITMO the morning of Clinton’s execution. Up until Monday night, Comey had refused a plea deal to testify against Deep State architect Barack Hussein Obama in exchange for spending the rest of his natural life at GITMO, as opposed to sharing Clinton’s fate.
While detained at Camp Lejeune, Comey defiantly told jailors he would never betray Obama, who he heralded as a great man, and even invited them to torture him, saying he had been trained to withstand waterboarding, electric shock treatment, and even truth serum. Moreover, Comey told his captors he did not believe that the military had apprehended Clinton.
“You can’t touch Hillary Clinton,” Comey purportedly said. “And you won’t get anything from me.”
His tune changed late Monday night.
“With military guard, Comey was sitting in a Humvee a few meters from the scaffolding. He was made to watch Clinton being marched up the steps and the noose placed around her neck. He saw the door open underneath her feet. He was seeing his potential future fate, but even that wasn’t enough to break him. With the hummer motor running and windows up, he probably couldn’t hear Clinton’s final words or Trump’s witty reply,” our source said.
Comey, our source added, believed the military had manufactured a theatrical production to trick him into giving up the goods on Obama. He accused the military of using “freshman” scare tactics. He told his guard that U.S. intelligence agencies were well-versed in using lifelike mannequins to stage fake executions, often to wheedle confessions.
Two hours later, Comey was taken to the GITMO medical building where Clinton’s shell, ashen and rigid with onset rigor mortis, lay naked on a stainless-steel table.
“Comey was permitted to inspect the corpse and decide for himself if it was a dummy. Also, there were a pair of embalming machines in the room. Comey broke down almost immediately, dropping to his knees and crying out ‘what have you done,’ as the guard told him he’d be next unless he started talking,” our source said.
“Fuck this. I’ll talk. I’ll tell them whatever they want to know,” Comey reportedly said.
Our source said Comey started blabbing Tuesday morning, and that representatives of the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Office have spent the last 48 hours taking his deposition.
“I don’t know specifics on the deposition yet but hopefully soon. It’s likely he’s spilling the motherload on the Obamas. It’s only a matter of time now before Obama is brought before a military tribunal, the Biden puppet presidency collapses, and Donald J. Trump is reinaugurated,” our source said.
Military Preps Podesta Tribunal
The U.S. military is finishing preparations for its case against the next Deep State architect to face a military tribunal, John Podesta, whose trial at Guantanamo Bay begins on Tuesday, May 4. Real Raw News has learned that Vice Adm. John G. Hannink, who successfully prosecuted the Judge Advocate General’s case against Hillary Clinton, will not return for an encore performance and instead delegate prosecutorial responsibility to another JAG official.
Unlike Clinton, who was eerily reticent until the moment of her execution, Podesta has talked and cooperated with the military in exchange for leniency. Although he won’t escape a tribunal and possible lifelong imprisonment, he will elude the hangman’s noose.
A confidential source with knowledge of the military’s litigation procedures told RRN that Podesta’s tribunal should take less than two days, as Podesta is expected to concede to the prosecution’s most damning allegations. They include sexual interactions with at least 50 underage children. Two, who were ages 6 and 10 at the time Podesta molested them in 2014, are expected to appear at the tribunal via live video to recount stories of how Podesta, Clinton, and a slew of political and Hollywood elites deceptively beguiled them into a world of sex, drugs, and ritual sacrifice.
“Podesta will be opening a Pandora’s Box that can’t be closed. It sickens me that he’s been given a deal. From what I’ve heard, they strapped these kids to gurneys locked in basements and fed them intravenously while periodically doing blood draws on them, telling these kids they were auditioning for roles in Disney films. And then the sexual misconduct. All that “pizza” Podesta enjoyed so much. If he adheres to his agreement, names will be dropping, names will be confirmed,” our source said.
Moreover, it’s anticipated that Podesta will testify to his knowledge of the murders of Vince Foster and Mary Mahone, a White House intern who was gunned down outside in the Georgetown suburb of Washington, D.C. Podesta’s plea deal also stipulates admitting to his involvement in the murders of Seth Rich and former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
Additionally, Podesta must confess to taking part in Clinton/Obama-inspired plots to assassinate Donald J. Trump.
“Podesta has admitted he knows about 13 different schemes to kill Trump. Six were actually acted on, though each was foiled,” our source said.
In closing, our source said the military has already picked an all-female, three-officer panel to weigh the military’s case against Podesta. He could receive life at GITMO or, however unlikely, be exonerated on all charges.
Podesta Military Tribunal: Day 1
Sparks flew at Guantanamo Bay Tuesday morning as the U.S. military opened its case against former Clinton co-conspirator John Podesta, who stands accused of treason, accessory to murder, and innumerable child sex crimes.
Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall of the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps began the proceedings by painting Podesta as a sanctimonious, smug lackey whom Hillary Clinton had recruited into her “nefarious cabal” in the early 1990s. Podesta’s unquenchable thirst for power and Clinton Cash morphed a barely competent attorney into a literal “yes man” who sacrificed his soul and committed unspeakable crimes to appease his Clinton masters, Rear Adm. Crandall told the three-officer, all-female panel picked to judge the merits of the military’s case.
In full dress uniform of their respective branches, the officers heard Rear Adm. Crandall rifle off names of 50 male and female minors Podesta had allegedly molested between 2003-2014. The admiral produced a dozen sworn affidavits from victims who had escaped Podesta’s clutches. Now adults, most were between 9 and 12 years old when Podesta convinced the victims’ parents that their children were being groomed for a future in politics, modelling, or Hollywood stardom. Two affidavits, authored by unrelated persons who did not know each other, told a strikingly similar story.
In July 2012, 10-year-old Henry Rayburn (not his real name) was introduced to Podesta as a friend of his parents, Washington socialites who spent more time hobnobbing at diplomatic soirees than they did caring for their child. Henry’s parents did not blink twice when Podesta offered to take young Henry on a trip to Disneyworld to meet Micky Mouse. According to the affidavit, Podesta chartered a private plane and “chaperoned” a group of four children to Orlando.
Rear Adm. Crandall read part of it aloud to the panel: “I never met Micky Mouse. After arriving in Florida, John Podesta told us we were going to a hotel and he was going to order pizza and soda for us to eat before meeting Micky. As much as I’ve tried to forget it, I remember one thing vividly: feeling lightheaded and dizzy after eating and waking up in sweat, blindfolded, face down and strapped down to a metal table in what I now know was an abandoned warehouse. I hurt all over, hurt so bad I thought it had to have been a nightmare. I tried to scream, but my words came out slow and odd. I heard John Podesta’s voice saying ‘this is the best time to draw blood’ as someone else, at least I assume it was someone else, sodomized me. I drifted into unconsciousness again, and then remember waking up on the airplane back to D.C. Podesta wasn’t on the plane, or at least I didn’t see him. Another man I didn’t recognize told me I was being sent home early because I had gotten sick and wouldn’t be able to meet Micky Mouse. I asked about the other kids and was told they were still in Orlando. When I told my parents, they tried to convince me that my imagination had been playing tricks on me, even though I was bruised all over and had huge hematomas on my forearms where they’d done blood draws. Although my parents never admitted to it, I believe they were bribed into silence. I kept quiet. Who would’ve believed a bratty 10-year-old kid.”
“The other 11 affidavits tell similar stores with one common denominator: John Podesta,” Rear Adm. Crandall told the panel. “These are not arguments to be contested. John Podesta admitted as much at pre-trial, and we have it all on tape. He engaged in serial, ritual abuse on children, and bribed and blackmailed parents to stay quiet. He and Clinton participated in these crimes with wanton abandon.”
Unlike Clinton, who was executed at GITMO on April 26, Podesta had retained a defense attorney to speak on his behalf. His counsel, Trisha Anderson, was no stranger to Guantanamo Bay. From 2013-2016, she served as primary defense counsel for 17 Yemeni Jihadists at GITMO.
She argued that Podesta’s admission of guilt was contingent on a plea deal the military had rescinded only two days prior to the tribunal. She said Podesta had signed the agreement in good faith, and that JAG had violated his rights by “pulling the rug out from under him.”
“My client confessed to avoid a death sentence from this Kangaroo Court, not because he is guilty of the crimes. You have ancient hearsay and flimsy evidence. If these tribunals allowed expert witnesses, I could shred this evidence to pieces. JAG’s behavior is a direct violation of my client’s rights,” Anderson protested.
Rear Adm. Crandall reminded the panel that Podesta, detained as an unlawful combatant, had no rights, and that it was their duty, not Ms. Anderson’s, to judge the validity of evidence.
“So now that we’ve withdrawn the plea agreement, he suddenly didn’t commit the crimes he’s charged with. Fascinating,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
After a brief recess, he presented his next piece of evidence, recorded video testimony of a 19-year-old man claiming that in 2013 Podesta had “exposed himself” to both he and his sister at a “pool party” hosted by Hillary Clinton at her Chappaqua, NY mansion. He identified himself as the son of a couple who had been longtime friends of the Clintons.
“John Podesta told us all kids want to see it,” the man’s quavering voice said. “Hillary was there, so was Bill. So was Chuck Schumer. Actor Tom Hanks. Many people I didn’t recognize. They all knew what was going on. He wanted me and my sister to touch his penis. He started wagging that tiny thing around.”
In the courtroom rivulets of tears streamed down Podesta’s face from behind his spectacles.
“He’s crying not for remorse but because he’s caught,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “You fine officers have children of your own. Imagine, as unthinkable as it is, if these were your children. We have much more to present, but if there’s no objection, this commission will recess until eleven hundred hours tomorrow.”
A cowering Podesta, shackled at the wrists, was escorted from the courtroom, his attorney at his side.
Podesta Military Tribunal: Day 2
Update: Podesta Military Tribunal, Day 3 GUILTY!
On Wednesday afternoon Rear Adm. Crandall came out swinging.
“Not only did the defendant abuse innocent, unsuspecting children, but he took medication to carry out his macabre crimes,” Rear Adm. Crandall addressed the three-officer, all-female panel. “See, for much of his adult life, John Podesta has had erectile dysfunction. He admitted to this pre-trial, and you have before you copies of his written statements, with his signature in his handwriting. To remedy his ailment, Podesta did what many men do: He got a prescription for ED medication, in his case Cialis. Unlike most men, however, Podesta didn’t use this medication to have consensual sex with adult partners. He used it to terrorize adolescents. Let that sink in. John Podesta took erectile dysfunction medication to have sex with kids.”
“It’s hard for me to articulate this to you,” Rear Adm. Crandall said, still addressing the panel, “not because you fine officers are all female, but because of the nature of these crimes. I’d have the same difficulty talking to an all-male commission.”
According to Podesta’s statement, he grew weary of taking Cialis, which, he said, left him feeling lethargic and nauseous afterward. In August 2009, he was told of a “miracle remedy” that allegedly treated ailments from the common cold to pneumonia, from erectile dysfunction to stage 4 pancreatic cancer. The person who told Podesta about this cure was none other than William Jefferson Clinton, who, Podesta claimed, had self-administered it for nearly 30 years.
The cure involved a process whereby blood was drawn from the adrenal gland of young, frightened children. The younger and the more frightened, the better, Podesta had written in his statement to JAG. Several vacutainers of blood were taken from children, usually when they were in a state of unfathomable fear. Because the blood was drawn from a small gland above the kidneys, the jab was extremely painful.
“Podesta says the blood was spun through a centrifuge, then refrigerated and sent to an ‘underground’ laboratory in Switzerland, where it was blended with other chemicals and attenuated into a compound that, when injected, rejuvenated the recipient with newfound vim and vigor. He also says it never cured his ED. Mind you, there is no scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of this fairytale compound, but he says he and countless others have taken it to feel youthful, energetic, and, ummm, to extend life,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
In his statement, Podesta said the pharmaceutical concoction, which he called adrenochrome-C9H9NO3CU7TI9CN5, was administered either by injection or, for greater efficiency, intravenously suspended in a saline solution. He wrote he had received a dozen infusions since 2009.
“This fiend says this product is being used by thousands of wealthy people, wealthy because, he says, it cost about $250,000 per injection or $425,000 per infusion. Let’s be clear: This is sickening and, if true, people who took this will eventually be brought to justice,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
As he spoke, a handcuffed Podesta sat silently beside his attorney wit his elbows planted firmly on the desk. His head lowered, he avoided glancing at the three officers tasked with deciding his fate.
Rear Adm. Crandall said the prosecution would present its final evidence Thursday afternoon.
Podesta Military Tribunal: Day 3 Guilty!
On Thursday, the Office of Military Commissions, Rear Adm. Crandall presiding, segued away from Podesta’s fascination with small children and focused instead on criminal actions he had taken against Donald J. Trump and his family.
Rear Adm. Crandall showed the three-officer, all-female panel statements of guilt Podesta had written and signed prior to the tribunal and before the military had rescinded a plea deal removing capital punishment from the table. One statement described how Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and then-DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile planned to extort Trump into dropping out of the 2016 presidential election. The plan, which was Podesta’s idea, involved kidnapping Trump’s youngest son, Barron, and threatening to “send him home in pieces” unless Trump followed the kidnapper’s demands.
To obfuscate their participation, Podesta suggested using a third party with no ties to the DNC to hire Chinese nationals to grab Barron Trump. At the time, Barron was 10 years old and typically in the company of his mother, Melania Trump. Tuesday and Friday afternoons were the exceptions. For 2 hours on those days, Barron left his mother’s side and travelled with a Secret Service detail to posh NYC toy stores like FAO Schwartz and Kidding Around, child-friendly places the SS had rigorously vetted.
“They learned the Trumps’ schedule. They intended to either pay off the Secret Service or create a distraction to kidnap young Barron. This ill-conceived plot was not carried out, but that’s not the point. Conspiracy to commit a crime is an actionable offense. The level of hubris is mindboggling,” Rear Adm. Crandall told the panel.
Moreover, he showed the panel an email Podesta had sent to Clinton and Brazile. “Difficult but doable. Will cost a lot, probably. But if we get ‘B’ then ‘D’ will have no choice,” the email read.
A reply from Brazile said, “Let’s do it.”
“Clinton and her minion, I mean the defendant, were publicly confident Hillary would win that election. Privately, they had an abundance of fear that Trump was going to win. So fearful they wanted to kidnap his son. A profusion of both arrogance and fear,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
After a short recess, Rear Adm. Crandall focused on a Podesta-and-Clinton-hatched plot to assassinate President Donald J. Trump during his visit to Vatican City on May 23-24, 2017.
Podesta’s written confession told a horrific tale about hiring someone to murder Trump at the Apostolic Palace. In this case, the plan to kill Trump failed, but still a life was lost.
Rear Adm. Crandall read from Podesta’s confession: “It was both our idea to eliminate Trump because we knew Pence would be more agreeable to work with. Hillary had connections in the Vatican, and she asked me to contact a man I knew only as Vittore Mazzi. We wired him the equivalent of $2,500,000 and told him we didn’t want details, only results. He wrote back, cryptically, he would poison Trump’s dinner plate and make sure it was only Trump who got poisoned food. Since we were not expecting to hear back until the job was completed or network news announced Trump was dead, I didn’t check the email address he responded to until after the dinner was scheduled. If I’d checked earlier, I would’ve told him to find a different way to kill Trump, because we know, of course, that a food tester accompanies him on most domestic and all trips abroad. I learned shortly thereafter that someone besides Trump had eaten food from his plate and died. The administration covered it up because there isn’t supposed to be public knowledge that a president employs a food tester, and his administration was afraid public dissemination would damage public opinion of the Secret Service. That’s what I learned. And I can only assume they asked the Vatican to keep it under wraps.”
“The defendant was a pitiful schemer,” Rear Adm. Crandall said, addressing the panel. “It seems that when Clinton tasked you with planning these crimes, things always went awry. Your involvement is indisputable. Regardless the statements and emails, out of his own mouth he admitted to these crimes at Clinton’s trial. This commission could spend weeks or even months highlighting his expansive criminal career, but we have others to bring to justice.”
A tearful and sullen Podesta slouched in his chair. Beside him, his counsel, Trisha Anderson, stared at the screen of her MacBook and rapped at the keys. She slowly rose to her feet and with an acrimonious smirk on her face, asked to make a statement.
“I remind the commission that my client’s admissions of guilt were based on a good faith agreement. JAG has pulled a bait-and-switch on Mr. Podesta. Had he known he might receive capital punishment, he would not have cooperated. The U.S. military is subverting justice, and Mr. Podesta, by no means a picture-perfect man—who among us is?—is being railroaded. I ask that you ladies, you officers, consider JAG’s behavior before deciding Mr. Podesta’s outcome,” Trisha Anderson said.
Rear Adm. Crandall gave a brief review of the charges and reminded the panel that a military commission, unlike a civilian court, needed only a majority vote to convict. He also said the tribunal, again unlike a civilian trial, does not have a separate penalty phase and that judgment be rendered once a determination of guilt is reached. Without a moment’s hesitation, the panel announced it had reached a verdict, finding Podesta guilty on all charges. It recommended Podesta receive capital punishment for his grievous crimes.
“Ms. Anderson, does your client understand the verdict, and does he have a preference as to how this sentence will be carried out?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked.
Podesta broke down in tears, his shoulders heaving fitfully.
“You’re murdering him, you decide,” Trisha Anderson said.
“Very well. This commission decrees John Podesta will face capital punishment by firing squad, the act to be carried out on 1 June. This session of the military commission on tribunals is concluded,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
As Podesta was helped to his feet and escorted from the tribunal chamber, his counsel said she would appeal the decision to anyone and everyone willing to listen.
Pentagon Coup! Joint Chiefs Overthrown
Last month Real Raw News reported on a shocking incident at the Pentagon, the seat of America’s military might: The man who calls himself president, Joseph R. Biden, had visited the Pentagon under the pretense of conducting a surprise presidential inspection. His real impetus was to learn whether a rumor he had heard was true, that Donald J. Trump was in the building meeting secretly with Marine Corps General David H. Berger, which could explain why Pentagon police denied him access to the property. While RRN cannot confirm Trump’s presence, we can now authenticate earlier reports that pointed to a dramatic shift in power at the nation’s most fortified structure.
On April 14, two days before the Pentagon Protection Force turned away a shocked and confused Biden, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley summoned the 7 other Joint Chiefs to the Pentagon for an emergency meeting, according to a confidential source involved in Trump’s mission to eliminate Deep State operatives throughout the nation.
Gen. Milley, our source said, lambasted his colleagues for allowing high-ranking officers from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces to undermine Biden’s presidency. Gen. Milley said Biden was the democratically elected President of the United States, and that all armed forces personnel, from the lowest private to the highest general, had a patriotic duty to support and protect Democracy, Joseph Biden, and Kamala Harris.
“From what we know, he went off, ballistic-like. He was a cursing machine, swearing at and excoriating these highly decorated, lifelong members of our country’s military. He said he’d heard they were helping Trump do what he called ‘secret and illegal arrests’ of prominent active and retired politicians. He kept blasting them and told them he was going to recommend that Biden and Harris fire them,” our source said.
Gen. Milley reportedly offered the other Joint Chiefs of Staff a final chance to abandon their allegiance to Donald J. Trump and swear fealty to Joseph R. Biden and Kamala Harris.
Of all the Chiefs, only one leapt to his feet in support of Biden. Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, denounced Donald Trump and told Gen. Milley that he and the National Guard would honor their oath to the Constitution He said they were prepared to defend Biden’s presidency with their lives, if necessary.
Our source said Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps David H. Berger, a longtime supporter of Donald Trump, passed Gen. Milley an envelope. The envelope held an arrest warrant issued by the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps. It named Gen. Milley as a traitor to America and its people.
“Except for you and this coward,” Gen. Berger said, pointing at Gen. Hokanson, “we all support this great nation and what it stands for, and we reject the forces of darkness destroying what our Founding Fathers worked so hard to codify. We stand for a nation, not a man. Why are you so eager to say Kamala Harris’s name in every sentence with Biden’s name? We know why.”
Gen. Milley, our source added, shredded the warrant, calling it a joke, and promised Gen. Berger he would hang for treasonous behavior.
“If anyone hangs, it won’t be me,” Gen. Berger reportedly said. “We’ve been expecting this for a long time.”
A dozen armed members of the Pentagon Protection Force entered the conference room and handcuffed Generals Milley and Hokanson.
In closing, our source said Milley and Hokanson have since been shipped to Guantanamo Bay, where they will ultimately answer to a military tribunal.
Asked if Donald J. Trump was at the Pentagon on April 16, our source replied: “I cannot say yes or not. I can tell that what’s happening now is a prelude to his reinauguration on Independence Day.”
Wow, New Secret Space Force Ship, Watch For Yourselves!
Pence Shot While Fleeing Military Arrest
Former Vice President Michael Pence took a bullet to the chest on April 14 as he and an unidentified male companion tried to elude U.S. Special Forces that had been tasked with apprehending him under terms described in a sealed indictment. The formal charges were drafted after Pence helped Deep State operatives legitimize Biden’s presidency at the January 6 Electoral College certification and after Trump had obtained irrefutable evidence linking Pence to a plot to topple him.
As reported previously, the first attempt to capture Pence had taken place on March 4 when U.S. Special Forces surrounded a remote cabin in the Indiana wilderness where Pence was believed to be hiding. Apparently tipped off to the incursion, Pence absconded into the woods minutes before Special Forces stormed the cabin. He vanished in the shadows and managed to elude capture for over a month.
On April 14, the MSM reported that Pence underwent surgery to have a pacemaker implanted at Inova Fairfax Medical Campus in Church Falls, Va. That tale, however, is a cover story meant to obfuscate an encounter that nearly ended Pence’s life, said a confidential source involved in Trump’s war on the Deep State.
On April 13, Trump and the U.S. military received credible tips suggesting that Pence and an unknown companion were holed up at the Commonwealth Hotel in Richmond, Va. Pence purportedly possessed classified military documents he had stolen from the White House prior to Jan 20.
“I don’t know the nature of the material, but it’s believed Pence intended to smuggle it to Biden. Trump got confirmation that Pence was indeed at the hotel, and he notified the military immediately. He wasn’t’ going to let Pence get away again.”
On the morning of April 14 Special Forces, donned in civilian and hotel staff attire, staked out the hotel and confirmed through staff that a man matching Pence’s description and an Asian man in his mid-20s had checked in on the 12th.
“Special Forces split into groups. Some stayed in the lobby while others went upstairs. One soldier said he was room service, then heard what he called panicked voices from inside. He’d obtained a master key, you know, those credit card-looking things that unlock doors, and burst in the room. Pence and the other guy were both wearing bathrobes. The Asian guy grabbed a silenced pistol from a night table and fired, but the shot went wide,” our source said.
Special Forces returned fire, killing the Asian man and grievously wounding former VP Pence.
Gasping for air with his hands clasped over a sucking chest wound, Pence reportedly apologized for having betrayed Donald J. Trump, saying with what he must have thought would be his last breath, “Tell Donald I’m sorry. They made me do it.”
“The dead guy and Pence were quickly taken from the hotel. After consulting Trump, Pence was airlifted to the hospital. As he fought for his life, Trump and his people began cooking up a cover story to avoid a media circus. It was generally known that Pence had heart trouble, and they went with the pacemaker story. If he died, they would have said he died due to surgical complications. After he was out of the woods, he got a telephone call in the hospital from Trump,” our source said.
Trump gave Pence an ultimatum: either sign a written confession naming his Deep State co-conspirators and agree to wear a monitoring anklet while JAG decides whether to send him before a military tribunal or have his crimes at once laid bare to the American public, including evidence of him cavorting with young men.
“An agreement was reached,” our source said. “Pence said the Asian guy was a bodyguard named Xao, but his identity couldn’t be confirmed. He had no fingerprints. He’d dipped his fingers in acid. No dental records, either—he had full implants. And a search of the National Facial Recognition Database gave no results,” our source said.
Hotel Staff were sworn to silence, as were several guests who witnessed the grisly scene, told that disclosure would violate the National Secrecy Act.
Dr. Fauci Prepping to Flee Country
Donald J. Trump and the U.S. military have expressed unease over Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recent real estate acquisitions in the United Kingdom, Argentina, and Panama, heightening concerns that the Deep State doctor might flee the country ahead of being served an arrest warrant for crimes committed against America and its people.
As reported previously, Fauci, certainly no pauper, has netted at least $9,000,000 from Covid-19 vaccination sales, and a substantial part of that illicitly earned income went toward the purchase of overseas properties. All three were purchased in his wife’s name—Christine Grady—via Sotheby’s International Realty Agency, which brokers transcontinental deals for the rich and powerful. Curiously, all three parcels were bought in the first quarter of 2021, after news of his indictment began circulating among alternative news outlets.
Sources involved in Trump’s efforts to bring the Deep Sate to justice told Real Raw News that the military has delayed arresting Fauci due to his current degree of public exposure, appearing almost hourly on syndicated MSM broadcasts. Like many of his Plandemic co-conspirators, Fauci gives interviews virtually from home, in what appears to be the home office inside his northwest D.C. townhouse. However, Fauci’s official residence “went dark” in early February, according to military sources who had the residence under constant surveillance.
“The Deep State has obviously set the bastard up with dens made to look like his home where he broadcasts from. Only one reason to do this. Because he knows his time is short. When he’s in public, which rarely happens, he’s always encircled by an entourage of Fauci fans. The people who fawn over him like he’s Jesus Christ,” our source said.
Asked whether the military is considering grabbing Fauci sooner than later, our source said the following: “All I can say is the military is making careful considerations now that it knows Fauci has property in other countries.”
The military, he added, perceives the purchases as a harbinger of Fauci’s desire to escape a military tribunal. The charges against the Deep State doctor are certainly damning–mass medical malpractice resulting in the needless deaths of 500,000 Americans. Not to mention treason and aiding and abetting the CCP.
“Fauci thinks he’s untouchable. He’s not. If his family, and that means his daughters, too, are complicit, then they’ll face justice. The military knows Fauci had a hand in financing the lab from which the virus was let loose. His days are numbered, mark my words,” our source said.
Even if Fauci successfully absconds to a foreign country, Donald J. Trump and the military will retrieve him, regardless of valid extradition treaties, our source added.
Military Indicts Liz Cheney
After House Republicans voted to remove Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from her House leadership post, and she pledged to make sure Donald J. Trump never gets “near the Oval Office again,” the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps drafted a sealed indictment charging her with treason and other high crimes against America and its citizenry.
A confidential source involved in Trump’s war on the Deep State told Real Raw News that the long overdue indictment was signed and sealed after Donald Trump and key Republican lawmakers gave JAG evidence that tied Cheney to illegal ballot harvesting in her home state, proof that treasonous Cheney is nothing less than a Democrat in disguise. On election night, as Trump was trouncing Biden in Wyoming by 40 percentage points, Cheney was on the phone begging state election officers in 5 precincts to stop tallying Republican votes. Moreover, she verbally assailed Wyoming Secretary of State Edward Buchanan (R) for supporting a “criminal candidate.”
Cheney’s election night antics and hatred of Trump coalesced into sheer lunacy on Jan 6 when she blamed Trump for the Capitol riots, demanding his impeachment, and labelling him “an insurrectionist” guilty of sedition. After failing to rally Republican support, she unprofessionally, unethically, and illegally asked Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance to hasten the state’s tax fraud investigation on Donald Trump.
Worse, she harangued Trump’s eldest children—Don Jr., Eric, and Ivanka—with a ceaseless barrage of emails and voicemails, demanding they pressure Trump to stay in New York or Florida, anywhere but Washington D.C.
“It was criminal harassment but had nothing to do with the indictment. The Trumps have the thickest skins of any human beings on the planet, and they blew Liz Cheney off as loony toons, a crazy Karen,” our source said.
A “Karen” is pejorative slang for a meddlesome, self-entitled, middle-aged Caucasian female who inappropriately insinuates herself into other people’s lives.
“The indictment is because she betrayed her oath of office and subverted the United States Constitution for personal gain. It was JAG that chose to indict her, not Trump. He merely supplied evidence for military review,” our source said.
The indictment, however, does not signal an immediate arrest. Our source said JAG is curating a cornucopia of indictments, deciding which to act on first. Persons currently basking in media limelight, such as Anthony Fauci, are being shuffled to the back of the pile, while the military targets criminals whose public exposure has diminished, as they are easier to apprehend without drawing unwanted public scrutiny. Regardless, the vilest Deep State villains—and their minions—will eventually face military justice.
Military Puts SCJ Amy Coney Barrett on House Arrest
Acting on a sealed indictment, the U.S. military has placed Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett on house arrest and fitted the mother of 7 with an ankle bracelet to ensure she does not abscond while JAG decides whether to show compassion or schedule a military tribunal.
On April 15, U.S. Navy JAG and Army CID investigators visited Barrett’s D.C. home where she lives with her children and her husband, Jesse, most of whom were present when investigators told Barrett that the Insurrection Act of 1807, which Donald J. Trump invoked before leaving office, empowered them to detain or arrest citizens who stand accused of treason or present a threat to national security.
A source involved in Trump’s Deep State battle told Real Raw News that Barrett, evidently confused, welcomed investigators into her home under the impression that they were seeking her help in an official, Supreme Court Justice capacity. When told that she was the target of the military’s investigation, Barrett turned belligerent and said she did not acknowledge military authority over the citizenry. She accused investigators of misrepresenting themselves to gain access to her home, and demanded they leave unless they had an arrest warrant issued by a D.C. circuit judge.
“The military told Amy’s husband to take the kids to another room while they did business with her. Then she dropped a bombshell, told investigators she was personal friends with Kamala Harris and that she would have their heads on silver platters. The investigators told her Kamala Harris had no authority over them and that Amy was lucky they were showing her a courtesy by only placing her under house arrest and not immediately shipping her ass off to GITMO,” our source said.
As reported previously, the military and Donald J. Trump spent the last week of December debating the merits of imprisoning Barrett, who was viewed in conservative circles as the woman who would bring parity to the Supreme Court and prevent the liberal left from hijacking the 2020 election. But two days after her confirmation hearing, she stabbed Trump in the back by recusing herself from a pivotal vote that could have exposed widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania.
“Amy Barrett is a source of embarrassment for Trump. He championed her, and she betrayed him,” our source said. “Trump and [Jeffrey] Rosen wrote the indictment way back on December 19 and handed it off to the military. She is guilty of treason and other high crimes,” our source said.
Those other crimes, he added, include a tangential link to the late Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose organization, the Clinton Foundation, helped Barrett circumvent roadblocks and red tape that had previously hampered her efforts to adopt Haitian children. Barrett has adopted two children, one in 2005, the other in 2010. The military’s focus, our source said, is on the second adoption. It has evidence proving that the Clinton Foundation had kidnapped hundreds of Haitian children in the aftermath of the massive 2010 earthquake that killed 300,000 people. When the quakes subsided and the dust settled, the Clinton Foundation swept in and scooped up children like minnows caught in a fishnet, under the pretense of rehoming orphaned kids. According to Clinton Foundation documents obtained by the U.S.
military, less than 25% of “rescued” children ever set foot on United States soil. The military, our source said, has indisputable evidence that the majority were sold into slavery.
“The Clinton Foundation took these kids saying their parents had been killed in the earthquake. Fact is, it later turned out many of the parents were alive and wanted their kids back, long after they vanished into the ether. There are no official adoption records for the Barrett kid. No paperwork at all. It’s like he just magically appeared, and no one ever questioned it. No doubt it should have been vetted before her Supreme Court nomination. That was clearly a big oversight on Trump’s part. The questions are, was that kid kidnapped, are his parents really alive, and what exactly does Barrett know?” our source said.
“Trump still has a soft spot for Barrett; he’s a compassionate man. He’s weighing justice against taking a mother from her kids. That’s why he asked JAG to place her on house arrest, at least for the time being, rather than deport her treasonous ass to GITMO. Now she has to wear a tracking anklet until a final decision is made,” our source said.
Barrett, he added, verbally thrashed investigators with unbridled hatred, accusing them of violating her Constitutional rights. The JAG and CID agents tried to pacify her by saying insolent behavior would yield a hasty trip to Guantanamo Bay.
“They put the tracking anklet on her, and her family was put under a gag order,” our source said.
The arrest of Amy Coney Barrett comes at a time of inquietude, as the Supreme Court has recently taken a case that could imperil Roe v. Wade.