National Action Task Force – Support and Defend the Constitution

Who are We?

We are ‘America’s Watchdog.

We sniff out corruption and unAmerican activity to expose it and bring it to justice.  Our national network of investigators have eyes and ears everywhere. 

Mission Statement

The Mission of N.A.T.F. is two fold; 

 1. To bring knowledge, education and empowerment to all of our oath keepers in public service as well as the people they are sworn to protect for the purpose of  laying down a solid defense of our God given rights against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 


 2. To seek remedial measures to violations of rights.  Our legal team stands ready to assist in the aim of seeking proper justice so that victims of legal, governmental and/or court abuse can send a strong message to the violators and  often be compensated for damages in the proess.  We use all lawful means available to expose, correct and punish the offenders  if necessary so that the people can have confidence again in our system of government, its laws and their proper application and enforcement.

Why N.A.T.F.?

The N.A.T.F. solves several fundamental problems which have prevented almost all conservative/Patriot groups from having any notable success.  The current situation is this – 

 The Patriot groups are; 

 splintered and scattered

  1. they have little to no political clout
  2. they have no funding to speak of
  3. they are not unified to create a presence of solidarity and a single message under a single banner.
  4. often operating on myths and theory and get no traction.
  5. for these reasons they are easy to ignore and disregard and even attack and pick off one at a time with little to no consequence.

Now, imagine the following in the alternative; 

 You belong to a national organization which has instant recognition everywhere!

  1. Working jointly all the local chapters are on the same page with knowledge, training, resources and the same M.O. which has been proven effective.
  2. With a solid legal team behind you, you now have the courage to stand up and claim your rights or ‘Just Say No!’
  3. Your local chapter and national network give you the political clout to deal with errant sheriffs, city council members or any other public servant who needs correction.
  4. The ‘Member’ sticker on your home, business or car is ‘Notice’ to handle you with kid gloves and respect.
  5. The legal team can win in court and the professional PR team can shine a bright light on cockroaches and put them instantly in the court of public opinion to expose their crimes.  Watch them scurry!
  6. Your  N.A.T.F. jacket, hat and/or high quality badge instantly command respect, curiosity and perhaps even ‘fear’ when you are identified as a member of the ‘N.A.T.F. Investigations Unit’

 NATF has no interest or desire to replace or take over existing groups and their activity.  We are a ‘complement’ to what you are already doing and will ‘add’ to your current activity.  Both entities will co-exist side by side. 

 Get Involved Today

The N.A.T.F. is not only a national organization of specialists and volunteers, but it is a ‘Movement’ which is gaining momentum every day.  Everyone can play a role.  Our ultimate objective is to support and defend the constitution by attaining the ‘Rule of Law’  and putting tyrants back in their place which enables us to have ‘Freedom’!  

 Join us Today!

 We are protecting God given rights

 Here are some of the different ways you might contribute and interact with us.  Click Here

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