Month: April 2021

This Time We Win

This Time We Win

Lin Wood Drops Major Bombs At Freedom Fest!He says Trump is still president, Q spreads Truth, Cabala Harris, Bandido Biden, JFK Jr, Bill Clinton Obama pedos, where is Obama? Joe Biden a video deep fake, election fraud, we don’t know which people that are dead may be...

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ALERT! The "Vaccine" is a Bioweapon - 5 Doctors Testify HEALTH IMPACT NEWS -  Ever since reports have surfaced in recent days that people who have chosen NOT to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots but have been exposed to those who have received them, and have...

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Canada Just Turned Into A Dystopian Nightmare

Canada Just Turned Into A Dystopian Nightmare

THIS IS EXACTY WHAT HAPPENS AFTER GUN CONFISCATION, POOR CANDIANS DON'T STAND A CHANCE!Today’s Tip Tip of the day: Plan ahead! Like the saying goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail”. Also, if you don’t have a plan of your own, you will fall into someone else's....

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The Watchers Have Returned Like In The Days Of Noah

The Watchers Have Returned Like In The Days Of Noah

This Article is being reposted from its original which can be found on Watchers Have Arrived—And America Will Never Be The Same 25 March 2021 Hello Folks, In Sister Ciara’s letter yesterday (God Is Playing Games With Biden—History...

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The Secret Covenant

The Secret Covenant The author of The Secret Covenant is unknown. Questions as to the origin of The Secret Covenant have been debated and as it seems most have even dismissed it as a work of complete fiction but to those who have obtained a deep understanding of these...

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If You’re A Cop, Listen Up!

If You’re A Cop, Listen Up!

Zombies and Trolls By Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA(abridged by I could weep for what has happened to the human race. There are too many pathetic, terrified individuals around with their heads buried deep in the sand. Our governments have lied,...

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Q – Operation Update For 4-5-2021

Q – Operation Update For 4-5-2021

We will pick where we last left off that Q is an ongoing military operation and sting and the current USA, Corp is under Military Control while our President Donald J. Trump cleans house.Trump made a proclamation on January 6, 2021 he did so directly after his speech....

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THIS PAGE WILL BE CONTUALLY UPDATED!4.18.21: Lin Wood brings DOWN the HOUSE with AMAZING TRUTH! DO NOT FEAR! Pray! 4.18.21: Lin Wood brings DOWN the HOUSE with AMAZING TRUTH! DO NOT FEAR! Pray! Live Navy Seal Michael Jaco’s Personal Meeting Room! – Must VideoWould You...

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God In A Nut Shell – Trey Smith

God In A Nut Shell – Trey Smith

God in a Nutshell: A little about the God in a Nutshell project…… God in a Nutshell project: The God in a Nutshell project is a news and information source  — whether the documentary videos or the online news site. God in a Nutshell, the news site, does reporting and...

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THE SOUND OF FREEDOM: Exposes The Pedophile Economy enslaving millions of innocent children around the world to a life of rape, torture and murder. Tim Ballard, former Homeland Security Special Agent confirms Adrenochrome is real. They take the children’s blood and they drink it.

THE SOUND OF FREEDOM: Exposes The Pedophile Economy enslaving millions of innocent children around the world to a life of rape, torture and murder. Tim Ballard, former Homeland Security Special Agent confirms Adrenochrome is real. They take the children's blood and...