Cleaning Out New World Order Swamp Churches

New World Order Church Swamp….

Founded in 1948 the World Council of Churches (WCC), is an international, interdenominational fellowship of Christian churches that was proclaimed “a fellowship of churches which accept our Lord Jesus Christ as God and Savior” at the 1948 inaugural assembly. Based in the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, Switzerland, they are made up of some “350 member churches who together represent more than half a billion Christians around the world.”

WCC member churches can be found in all regions of the world and include most of the world’s Orthodox churches (Eastern and Oriental), as well as African Instituted, Anglican, Assyrian, Baptist, Evangelical, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Moravian, Old-Catholic, Pentecostal, Reformed, United/Uniting and Free/Independent churches, Disciples of Christ and Friends (Quakers).

The Encyclopedia Britannica says “The WCC is not a church, nor does it issue orders or directions to the churches. It works for the unity and renewal of the Christian denominations and offers them a forum in which they may work together in the spirit of tolerance and mutual understanding.And, in their own words, (Emphasis added)- All WCC programs aim to support the member churches and ecumenical partners to journey together, promoting justice and peace in our world as an expression of faith in the Triune God.


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