New Kerry Cassidy: The Event Is Here with Ismael Perez – The Great Solar Flash

Ismael says we are operating under the wrong time keeping system. There is an event that is supposed to happen to end the Age of Pisces and enter the Age of Aquarius. Ismael studies eschatology which is the original Ancient Texts with the original Prophecies that were not manipulated.

The original time keeping is under the real Mayan Calendar which have been suppressed by the elites. They know their time is about up. Their is supposed to ba a signal from the sun that will raise consciousness and provide codex updates to our DNA. Even the Mormon Church has a prophecy that there will be a Sun even that will evaporate the evil and Exalt the Righteous.

The sun is sending codex flares to our DNA right now which is programming our DNA with a new set of instructions to activate the DNA.

The Light Workers of the Earth have to do inner healing and if just 10% of the population does this then the rest of the planet will be ready for the solar flash.

Background of Ismael Perez: He considers himself a Cosmic Ambassador representing an Inter Galactic Alliance known as the Guardian Alliance. Many have come to this planet to help clean it up. From the age of 21 Ismael began raising consciousness and began seeing things. There was a war between the Galactic Federation and the Orion Reptilian Empire – Draconians, a real Star Wars. The War REALLY is against AI – Artificial Intelligence.

This AI has a LOT to do with what’s going on right now, especially with these Vaccines. It actually has to do with TRANSHUMANISM which is the Conversion of Humans into Machines and Connecting US to the War.

60% of the Galactic Federation are Humanoids, the other 40% are Dolphin, Whale, and Feline Species and Bird People and even some Raptors which were some of the Original inhabitants of the Earth that are working with us to defeat the Draco. We also have some Mantis Prey in the Federation. We even have some Grays that transferred over to the Light – there are also other species.

The Galactic Federation has been infiltrated by many.

Transhumanism – the AI is trying to build Silicon Bodies.

Awakening and Ascension — has to do with activating Dormant DNA which has a lot to do with silicon based or Crystalline structure and not carbon based.

The AI that is using Silicon is Artificial Silicon, it is not the original silicon that is Living Crystals and our Body is made of Carbon and Living Crystals and it is the living crystals which need activated.

That is how we activate our Light Body so we can travel to other dimensions. We are able to use our full potential so we can convert our Mass into PURE ENERGY and then Rematerialize when we reach our destination, that is how we travel through our Light Body.

Solar Flash – by using Looking Glass Technology they were able to see when the 10% of the population on the planet were going to be activated.


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