Economist Whistleblower Who Predicted Covid Tyranny Breaks Down How to Fight the Next Lockdown


Wall Street stockpicker, Edward Dowd tells Alex Jones that COVID was used as cover for the financial collapse.

The Democrats can’t allow the elections to happen this Fall, due to the crimes that they’ve committed; with the death shot and with their financial crimes.

The plan is to have another lockdown by this Fall in order to prevent the Midterm elections.

Dowd predicts they’ll start ramping up the Fake News hysteria by the end of July, early August, after summering in the Hamptons and Martha’s Vineyard (because they love their vacations, he says) and then they’ll go full-on after Labor Day.

Jones says this squares with what he was told by a source from Army Special Forces in Tampa, who told him that there would be another lockdown enforced by September.

Dowd says we must not comply with anything: No mask mandates, no vaccine passports, no lockdowns, no jabs.

No, to all of it!

Running Time: 43 min

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