WEF 5th Columnists Want More Sovereignty, Control & Legal Authority Ceded Over To The WHO, To Control The People For The NWO.





If you wonder how the COVID hoax was pulled-off, if you wonder how governments around the world agreed in lockstep to crash their economies, to force-inject their citizens with lethal poison and to now starve them to death, the answer lies in our countries’ UN membership, which made them automatic signatories to the WHO’s 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR), which are legally binding on 196 countries. This is all of the countries of the world, except for the Vatican and Palestine, which are “non-member observers”, and Taiwan, which the UN considers to be part of China.

Our governments throughout the world have been infiltrated and are now controlled by World Economic Forum-trained fifth columnists intent on destroying our countries’ sovereignty in order to usher in a One World Government and they are doing this via the IHR, which supersede the United States Constitution and all other constitutions in the world.

Worse, these treasonous actors have caused the United States Government to propose amendments to the IHR that will be voted upon at the next World Health Assembly this May 22, 2022 to May 28, 2022. These amendments would cede additional sovereignty, control and legal authority over to the World Health Organization.

HERE is the official document.

If these amendments are approved by 2/3rds of the member countries of the World Health Assembly (130 of 194 countries), these amendments would enter into force as international law just six months later (November 2022).

These amendments do NOT require approval by 2/3rds of the United States Senate – or that of any other country. These amendments will give the Director General of the WHO the power to unilaterally declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC, pronounced “FAKE”) even over the objection of the country dealing with an outbreak of disease.

Whereas, the International Health Regulations to which we are currently bound were activated by declarations of emergency by local governments, these new amendments would grant that authority to the World Health Organization, a specialized agency of the UN.

The first round of hearings about these amendments took place last week. The next round takes place on June 16th-17th, after the 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHASS), scheduled for May 22-28, 2022.

I joined Sean Morgan with attorney, James Roguski on Making Sense of the Madness last Thursday to discuss all of this and James has done an amazing job assembling the information below.


It’s clear that ultimately, we must abolish the WHO.

As James says:

“The World Health Organization (WHO) and World Health Assembly (WHASS) are abominations that must be removed from the face of the Earth.

“They cannot be reformed. They cannot be saved. They must be defunded, disbanded, abolished and replaced.

“The WHO and the WHASS must be replaced by a truly representative organization and an assembly that LISTENS to the will of the people and works to promote the health of the world, rather than just promote the growth, power and wealth of the bureaucracy.”


Everyone is encouraged to prepare and submit their opinions and recommendations to the WHO’S International Negotiating Body (INB) and to all the delegates to the World Health Assembly.

Although neither the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body nor the United States delegation to the World Health Assembly is likely to listen to or act upon any of our recommendations, IT IS STILL EVERYONE’S OBLIGATION TO MAKE THE EFFORT TO SPEAK THEIR TRUTH TO POWER BEFORE THE APRIL 29, 2022 DEADLINE.

Please make it clear to each and every member of the Independent Negotiating Body, and to your countries’ delegation to the World Health Assembly, that they MUST address these important issues:

  • The abuse of our health related human rights
  • The loss of freedom to practice medicine according to one’s conscience
  • The need to restore the sanctity of the patient-doctor relationship.

We must all demand that the issues of medical freedom be included in the discussions of any international agreement.

Please share this information with everyone you know and encourage the people and organizations listed below to publicly speak truth to power.


Intergovernmental Negotiating Body

The six-member of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) are listed below.

  • Ms. Precious Matsoso (South Africa) CONTACT: MatsosoP@who.int
  • Mr. Roland Driece (the Netherlands) CONTACT: DrieceR@who.int Linkedin
  • Ambassador Tovar da Silva Nunes (Brazil) CONTACT: DaSilvaNunesT@who.int Linkedin
  • Mr. Ahmed Salama Soliman (Egypt) CONTACT: SolimanS@who.int
  • Mr. Kazuho Taguchi (Japan) CONTACT: TaguchiK@who.int
  • Dr. Viroj Tangcharoensathien (Thailand) CONTACT: TangcharoensathienV@who.int

Dr Viroj Tangcharoensathien
International Health Policy Programme,
3rd Floor, National Security Reform Office Building,
oi Sataranasuk 6, Tiwanon Road, Nontaburi 11000, Thailand.
Email: viroj@ihpp.thaigov.net


Secretariat for the INB

  • Ms Jane Ellison, Executive Director, Governance and External Relations CONTACT: EllisonJ@who.int Twitter: @JaneEllison
  • Dr Jaouad Mahjour, Assistant Director General, Emergency Preparedness CONTACT: MahjourJ@who.int
  • Dr Timothy Armstrong, Director Governing Bodies CONTACT: ArmstrongT@who.int
  • Mr Steven Solomon, Principal Legal Officer CONTACT: SolomonS@who.int
  • Ms Gina Vea, Unit Head, Governance Unit CONTACT: VeaG@who.int Linkedin
  • Ms Anne Huvos, Unit Head, Pandemic Influenza Preparedness CONTACT: HuvosA@who.int
  • Dr Olla Shideed, Executive Officer, Emergency Preparedness CONTACT: ShideedO@who.int Linkedin
  • Mrs Paidamoyo Takaenzana, External Relations Officer, Governance Unit CONTACT: TakaenzanaP@who.int
  • Dr Claudia Nannini, Legal Officer CONTACT: NanniniC@who.int Linkedin
  • Mr Kenneth Piercy, Senior Legal Officer CONTACT: PiercyK@who.int Linkedin
  • Dr Carmen Savelli, External Relations Officer, Governance Unit CONTACT: SavelliC@who.int Linkedin

Delegates to the World Health Assembly

As of today (March 28, 2022), the INB has NOT set up a mechanism to receive input or comments from the general public. Nor have they made it clear how one might submit documents directly to the INB via email or by other means.

The “proper protocol” appears to be that individual citizens of the world should reach out to their country’s delegates to the World Health Assembly. Each member country can send three official delegates to the World Health Assembly:

Find the delegates to the World Health Assembly from your country in the document below.

List Of Delegates And Other Participants
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NOTE: The details regarding who is supposed to “represent” We the People” at the World Health Assembly (and how to contact them) is maddeningly difficult to obtain. I realize that the PDF above includes a list of delegates to the special session that occurred in November 2021 and that the delegates that attend the 75th World Health Assembly will likely be somewhat different. If you would like to help research this information, that would be very much appreciated!


Each member country can send three official delegates to the World Health Assembly:

  1. The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Xavier Becerra) leads the U.S. delegation to the World Health Assembly. Share your opinions with him directly. CONTACT: Xavier.Becerra@HHS.gov Twitter: @SecBecerra
  2. Deputy chief delegate: Mr. Benjamin Moeling, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Permanent Mission, Geneva CONTACT: ??
  3. Delegate: Ms. Loyce Pace, Assistant Secretary, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: @HHS_ASGA @globalgamechngr

The United States delegation included a number of alternate delegates and advisors:

  1. Alternate: Ms. Maureen Sinclair Bartee, Senior Adviser, Global Health Security and Biodefense, White House National Security Council CONTACT: Linkedin
  2. Alternate: Ms Mara M. Burr, Director, Multilateral Relations, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: 202-205-4677
  3. Alternate: Ms T. Carson, Health Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva
  4. Alternate: Ms Nerissa J. Cook, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State CONTACT: 202-647-5798
  5. Alternate: Ms. Barbara De Rosa-Joynt, Senior Health Adviser, Economic and Development Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State CONTACT: Linkedin
  6. Alternate: Ms H. Lobel, Attorney Adviser, Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Department of State
  7. Alternate: Mr Colin McIff, Deputy Director, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Colin.Mciff@hhs.gov 202-205-8943
  8. Alternate: Ms Kristen L. Pisani, Director, Economic and Development Affairs, International Organization Affairs, Department of State CONTACT: 202-647-1545
  9. Alternate: Mr R. Riley, Acting Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva
  10. Alternate: Ms Kathryn M. Youel-Page, Assistant Legal Adviser, Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Department of State CONTACT: 202-647-1660
  11. Alternate: Mr. Jimmy Kolker, Ambassador, Office of the Secretary, Office of the Coordinator for Global COVID-19 Response and Health Security, Department of State
  12. Adviser: Ms Emily Bleimund, Director, Trade and Health, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Emily.Bleimund@hhs.gov 202-691-2188
  13. Adviser: Ms C. Boorman, Adviser, Permanent Mission, Geneva
  14. Adviser: Ms S. Chai, Senior Adviser, Pandemics and Emerging Threats, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Shuen.Chai@hhs.gov 202-260-0435
  15. Adviser: Ms S.-N. Duncan-Jones, Adviser, Permanent Mission, Geneva
  16. Adviser: Ms Sarah Emami, Senior Global Health Officer, Multilateral Relations, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Sarah.Emami@hhs.gov -202-691-2023
  17. Adviser: Ms K. Farnsworth, Health Officer, Global Health, United States Agency for International Development
  18. Adviser: Mr Jose Fernandez, Deputy Director, Global Health Security, Pandemics and Emerging Threats, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Jose.Fernandez@hhs.gov 202-260-6820
  19. Adviser: Ms Brittany Hayes, Global Health Officer, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Brittany.Hayes@hhs.gov
  20. Adviser: Ms M. Holohan, Senior Multilateral Health Adviser, Policy, Planning, and Learning, United States Agency for International Development
  21. Adviser: Mr L. Kerr, Director, Pandemics and Emerging Threats, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services
  22. Adviser: Ms Gabrielle Lamourelle, Senior Adviser, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Gabrielle.Lamourelle@hhs.gov 202-260-6034
  23. Adviser: Ms Maya Levine, Senior Global Health Officer, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Maya.Levine@hhs.gov
  24. Adviser: Ms K. Mordhorst, Global Health Policy Officer, Economic and Development Affairs, International Organization Affairs, Department of State
  25. Adviser: Ms Leandra. Olson, Senior Global Health Officer, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Leandra.Olson@hhs.gov
  26. Adviser: Ms S. Roberts, Public Health Analyst, Global Health Centers, Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services
  27. Adviser: Ms J. Seedorff Foreign Affairs Officer, International Health and Biodefense, Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Department of State
  28. Adviser: Mr P. Riblett, Deputy Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission, Geneva
  29. Adviser: Mr S. Smith, Representative, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Permanent Mission, Geneva
  30. Adviser: Ms Serena Vinter, Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy, and Communications, Global Health, Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: uvv3@cdc.gov 404-639-0323

The contact information above is NOT doxing. The people listed above are PUBLIC SERVANTS and the contact information provided is publicly available on the websites listed below.

State Department:


Department of Health And Human Services:



Phone: (202) 690-6174, (202)-260-0399
Email: globalhealth@hhs.gov

United States Mission Geneva



Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
Route de Pregny 11
1292 Chambésy
Tel: (+41) (0)22 749 41 11



The Working Group on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response


  • Her Excellency Ms Grata Endah Werdaningtyas of Indonesia CONTACT: EndahWerdaningtyasG@who.int
  • Mr Colin McIff of the United States of America CONTACT: McIffC@who.int


  • Dr Malebogo Kebabonye of Botswana CONTACT: KebabonyeM@who.int
  • His Excellency Mr François Rivasseau of France CONTACT: RivasseauF@who.int
  • Dr Ala Alwan of Iraq CONTACT: AlwanA@who.int
  • Dr Lyn James of Singapore CONTACT: JamesL@who.int

The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response


  • The former Prime Minister of New Zealand, the Right Honourable Helen Clark CONTACT: ClarkH@who.int
  • The former President of Liberia, Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf CONTACT: JohnsonSirleafE@who.int

Panel Members:

  • Mauricio Cárdenas CONTACT: CardenasM@who.int
  • Aya Chebbi CONTACT: ChebbiA@who.int
  • Mark Dybul CONTACT: DybulM@who.int
  • Michel Kazatchkine CONTACT: KazatchkineM@who.int
  • Joanne Liu CONTACT: LiuJ@who.int
  • Precious Matsoso CONTACT: MatsosoP@who.int
  • David Miliband CONTACT: MilibandD@who.int
  • Thoraya Obaid CONTACT: ObaidT@who.int
  • Preeti Sudan CONTACT: SudanP@who.int
  • Ernesto Zedillo CONTACT: ZedilloEv@who.int
  • Zhong Nanshan CONTACT: ZhongN@who.int



We, the people of the world, declare that we hold the power and obligation to reject tyranny and the duty to strongly protect the rights granted by those before us.

We, the people of the world, demand the immediate termination of all oppressive, segregative, dystopian, tyrannical and divisive mandates that have been imposed globally under the premise of a declared pandemic.

We, the people of the world, demand that governments return all powers to medical and scientific professionals to treat patients based on science, knowledge and experience instead of on imposed mandates.

We, the people of the world, demand that the physician-patient relationship be restored by allowing all medical professionals to practice without fear of punishment.

We, the people of the world, demand freedom to choose our own medical treatments based on uncensored and transparent scientific data and research that is free from coercion, punishment, or threat.

We, the people of the world, demand the right to refuse medical treatments based on health, conscientious or religious beliefs and demand that our infringed rights to bodily autonomy be returned immediately.

We, the people of the world, demand that all employment that was terminated because of the refusal to take an experimental drug be reinstated immediately.

We, the people of the world, demand the immediate cessation of mandates and coercion that impose medical interventions on children without the explicit consent of the parents.

We, the people of the world, demand the immediate release of the medical and scientific data and statistics of all vaccines and medications that have been mandated during this declared pandemic.

We, the people of the world, are enforcing Article 6, Section 3 of the Nuremberg Code which states that: In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.

We, the people of the world, demand that all liability be imposed onto the drug manufacturers and that they be held responsible for all deaths and injuries caused by the medication.

We, the people of the world, demand a thorough investigation of all corruption and conflicts of interest surrounding this declared pandemic and that each guilty party be punished and convicted for every death and/or injury that was caused by the mandates or coercion, including all suicides.

We, the people of the world, declare that it is our inalienable right and duty to immediately demand the return of our freedoms, truth, liberties and our right to the pursuit of happiness.



Source: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/the-peoples-treaty-with-james-roguski-and-alexandra-bruce/

Abolish the WHO

The World Health Organization is a major threat to humanity. It must be defunded, disbanded, abolished and replaced.

This is the fifth article in this series.

  1. Pandemic Treaty
  2. The People’s Treaty
  3. Speaking Truth To Power
  4. WAKE UP and Smell the Burning of Our Constitution
  5. Abolish the WHO
  6. Pandemic Mitigation Project
  7. An Open Letter to the WHO





The World Health Organization (WHO) and World Health Assembly (WHASS) are abominations that must be removed from the face of the Earth.

They cannot be reformed. They cannot be saved. They must be defunded, disbanded, abolished and replaced.

The WHO and the WHASS must be replaced by a truly representative organization and an assembly that LISTENS to the will of the people and works to promote the health of the world, rather than just promote the growth, power and wealth of the bureaucracy.

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHASS) is scheduled for May 22-28, 2022.

Do not be deceived into thinking that they care about you.


The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed programme budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland.




The World Health Assembly’s stated “mission” clearly fails to have any concern for the health of the people of the world.

The WHASS is not a democratically elected body that represents the will of the people of the world.

Most people do not even know that that the World Health Assembly even exists.

Most people do not know who their country has chosen as delegates to “represent” them.

List Of Members And Other Participants
496KB ∙ PDF File

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Most people have absolutely zero influence over the proceedings that take place.

The World Health Assembly is just a big rubber stamp designed to approve whatever their Dictator General (and whoever pulls his strings) desires.


The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHASS) will fail to address any of the following important issues:

FAILURE #1: Linguistic Lies

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will fail to agree upon the legal definitions of words and phrases that have been used by government officials and the media to abuse the rights of human beings around the world.

They will fail to agree to a legal definition of the word “vaccine.”

They will also fail to agree to a legal definition of the word “gene therapy.”

They will also fail to distinguish between the two terms.

They will also fail to agree to a legal definition of either of the words in the often misused phrase “safe and effective.”

They will also fail to agree to legal definitions for the terms “case,” and “pandemic.”

They will also fail to distinguish between the legal definitions of the phrases “died with” and “died from” a given disease.

In fact, they will completely fail to even consider the need for clear definitions.

If you ever hear, see or read about anyone using any of the words or phrases listed above and pretending to exert any form of authority over you in any way, you should know immediately that they are lying to you. They are committing the crime of asserting authority under the “color of law” simply because the words that they are using are not clearly defined within the law.

The first article of the International Health Regulations is dedicated to definitions of various terms used in that document.

International Health Regulations 2005
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Title 42 Section 70.1 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations contains definitions related to health (some of the definitions that are listed are absolutely astonishing).

Neither of these documents defines the words and phrases that have been used by government officials and the mainstream media to deceive the people of the world.

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will fail to remedy this situation.

FAILURE #2: Bioweapons masquerading as “vaccines”

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will fail to address the dual issue of whether or not the “gene therapy” injections that are masquerading as “vaccines” are “safe and effective.”

The WHASS will fail to call for an investigation into fraud and collusion in the approval process for these injections.

The WHASS will fail to call for a retrospective study to evaluate the impact of these injections.

The WHASS will fail to call for an ongoing study to evaluate the long term “safety” and “effectiveness” of these injections.

The WHASS will fail to call for an ongoing study to evaluate how and why the medical countermeasures recommended by the WHO have fared miserably and failed to end the COVID-19 “pandemic.”

The WHASS will likely discuss “vaccine equity” at great length. They will use that term, but I highly doubt that they will ever legally define it.

It boggles my mind that delegates from countries around the world will travel to Geneva in order to fight for their right to gain access to more injectable biological weapons (“vaccine equity”) in order to kill and maim more people in their home countries. Unfortunately they will fail to realize the insanity of their demands.

FAILURE #3: Harm caused by approved treatments

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will fail to investigate the utter lack of “safety” and “effectiveness” of remdesivir, midazolam, the use of ventilators and other officially approved therapies for the treatment of COVID-19.

The WHASS will fail to call for a retrospective study to determine whether these treatments saved lives or actually contributed to an increase in the death toll.

To their credit, the WHO did recommend against the use of remdesivir. They should follow up on that one good decision and report on the harm and death that remdesivir has inflicted upon patients in the countries that did approve and implement its use.

FAILURE #4: Loss of Medical Rights and Freedoms

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will fail to address the abuse of medical freedoms over the past two and one-half years.

Patients have been denied their “right to try” essential medications that have been used for decades. These medications have been shown to be very safe, but patients around the world were denied access to these medications and given no valid reason for that denial.

Doctors who used their clinical observations and years of wisdom based on experience were not allowed to practice medicine according to their conscience. In fact, they were abused and punished for their bravery.

The delegates to the WHASS will most certainly fail to consider “The People’s Treaty.”

FAILURE #5: Human Rights Abuses

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will fail to address the organized manner in which nation-states ignored and abused the human rights of their own people over the past two and one-half years.

The WHASS will fail to discuss, debate or research the FAILED policies of lockdowns, contact tracing, travel restrictions, social distancing, masking, job loss due to injection mandates and other forms of abuse that human beings around the world have been forced to endure.

FAILURE #6: Failure to Acknowledge Success

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will not recognize that the WHO’s failure to identify effective early treatments was, and continues to be a primary cause of suffering and death due to COVID-19.

The WHASS will fail to even acknowledge the bravery and wisdom of clinicians such as Dr. Shankara Chetty, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Dr. George Fareed, Dr. Brian Tyson, the FLCCC, Dr. Peter McCullough and the innovative clinical trial METHODOLOGY of Dr. Richard Fleming. These doctors (and many others) helped to save countless lives while the inept policies of the WHO caused millions of people to die needlessly.

FAILURE #7: Liability Protection

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will fail to address the dangers and harms caused by providing pharmaceutical companies and other organizations with protection from lawsuits in response to the injuries caused by their products.

If products are supposedly “safe and effective,” then why do the companies that produce such products need legal protection against claims of injury and death caused by their products?

FAILURE #8: Research and Data Fraud

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will fail to address the massive corruption in the world of research, medical literature and data collection and reporting.

The world-wide manipulation of data and restriction of the free flow of information regarding research and clinical results that have been designed to fit the official narrative has been absolutely horrific.

The “Trusted News Initiative” and the “Fact Checker” industry that it spawned must be stopped.

Encouraging people to “trust the science” and then covering your tracks by claiming that “the science changed” and the denial of obvious truths that are not supported by clearly manipulated data has only served to awaken the masses to the obvious lies that are being told and the crimes that are being committed under the mantle of “science” and “the greater good.”

FAILURE #9: Violations of the Nuremberg Code

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will fail to address the many violations of the Nuremberg Code that have occurred worldwide.

Millions of people around the world have been coerced into accepting experimental gene therapy injections in order to keep their jobs, to travel or to pursue an education. These are all clear violations of the Nuremberg Code’s prohibition of forced medical experimentation.

These are crimes against humanity on a monumental scale.

The World Health Assembly will day and do nothing at all about this ongoing abomination.

FAILURE #10: Origins of SARS-CoV-2

The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will fail to address the elephant in the room.

Wet lab? Lab leak? In silico bioweapon? Mass Murder?

The only action that the World Health Assembly will take on this topic is likely to be the same as the action that it will take regarding all of the topics listed above:

Complete ignore-ance.

On what is the 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly likely to focus?

Provisional Agenda Of The Seventy Fifth World Health Assembly December 29 2021
262KB ∙ PDF File

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Instead of taking action that could directly improve the health of the people of the world, the 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will most likely focus upon expanding their bureaucracy and seeking more money.

  • The World Health Organization has created a “bureau” known as the “Intergovernmental Negotiating Body” that has been directed to negotiate a “Treaty For Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” They will NOT focus on protecting human rights and medical freedoms. They WILL focus on expanding the WHO’s legal authority over humanity.
  • The WHO’s Working Group on Strengthening WHO Preparedness and Response to Health Emergencies (WGPR) has been directed to review the procedures for processing amendments to the International Health Regulations. They will also focus on expanding the WHO’s legal authority over humanity.
  • The WHO will re-appoint their current Dictator-General for another 5 year term in office.
  • The WHO will give out awards to those who have done their bidding.
  • The WHO will discuss ways to increase their funding and monetary resources and power.

They will do these things because that is what bureaucracies do.

Where and when will the 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly occur?

The Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly will be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, opening on Sunday, 22 May 2022, and closing no later than Saturday, 28 May 2022.

What will the people of the world do when they recognize the abject failure of the World Health Assembly and the WHO?

Some people have begun to let their feelings be known!


by James Roguski

The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.

If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.




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