Ascension & DNA Activation
A very important part of spiritual awakening is ascension, which literally translates to “go up”.
There are many techniques that assist one with their desire to reach higher planes of understanding during their personal journey. Some are called by an internal voice to dig deeper and others are led by those that have already ascended to a multidimensional realm.
When Kundalini energy is activated in one’s lifetime, the ascension process is also triggered. The activation of this energy is often a reaction to a near death experience or emotional/physical/mental trauma. This is perhaps why we hear of so many individuals with astounding stories leading to their enlightenment.
When we refer to transmissions of Light Codes, specific words, phrases and sounds can trigger the activation of one’s Kundalini or DNA just by listening. This is how energy healing practitioners help others with their deep soul knowledge.
🧬codes 🧬 love 🧬 hope 🧬 unity 🧬