How A Starseed Found Thoth’s Spaceship

This series documents one Starseed’s role in a WorldWide mission to allow Earth to release the Truth of her & Humanity’s History.

The release of this information is a necessary Exit Protocol before being allowed to exit this matrix, and it was being blocked by the enemy. Divine Time Travel had to be used to perform a full back-up of Earth’s Crystal Core Records. The back-up Crystals were then hidden in 7 locations around the World. Each Starseed called to the mission, known as Operation Wildcard, was to find and deliver one set of back-up Crystals to Thoth at Earth’s Core. The ‘one year’ documented runs from May 4, 2017 to May 4, 2018.

The ‘Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean’ contain clues that can lead to finding the Spaceship Thoth left behind for such a time as this. Thoth was the sentient Being behind this System’s original Crystal Sun. Having passed all the challenges presented to him by GOD and King Yeshua, Thoth achieved the ability to navigate freely, both inside this Initiatory Realm, and in outer space, so that he possessed an ability to be free from this matrix before entering it.

How I Found Thoth’s Spaceship Playlist:…

Related Playlists: The Story of the Ankh Star…

For Starseeds Only…

Earth’s true history and original energetics have been withheld by those who are at war against GOD and Humanity.

For more context, see: Earth’s Original Magnetics and the Star of David…

3-6-9 CHARGE Mastery Playlist…

Originally Released in early 2018.

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