Devolution Power Hour by Patel Patriot – Understanding What Is Happening Hour by Hour

Just Ponder This One Takeaway – We The People Are Winning – How Is That Possible Without Help?

Patel Patriot believes that Trump anticipated the deep state using China to steal the election from him, thanks to a defector revealing that COVID-19 was a bioweapon released on purpose to weaken the U.S. and allow for large scale mail-in ballot fraud. So Trump reorganized the Pentagon (which really did happen just after the election, for reasons that are still unclear) and signed a series of Presidential Executive Action Documents (real and classified orders to carry out in the event of a nuclear attack or large-scale disaster) in response. Through his secret actions, Trump essentially declared a hidden, low-intensity war against not only China, but also against antifa, which he also secretly designated as a domestic terrorist organization. And because the U.S. is in a declared war with China, according to the theory, Trump can use any power at his disposal to save the country.

Using a variety of disaster contingency plans developed in the event that COVID-19 sickened or killed the president and the majority of Congress (plans Newsweek revealed the existence of in April 2020), Trump secretly suspended elements of the Constitution, and the nation is now under a caretaker special operations military government being run by “former” acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Chris Miller and administered by regional commanders with enormous power.

That secret war is fighting to expose both China’s massive vote switching and the leftist infiltrators who “really” caused the Jan. 6 insurrection. And finally, once the ruse of Trump faking his loss and allowing Biden to pretend to be president has purged us of evil, the Arizona audits will reveal the truth, individual states will “decertify” their electoral results, and Trump will stride back into the Oval Office.

The point of all of it is that at some point between the election and now, the power of the United States government “devolved” to a closely held, un-elected military government administered at the state or regional level. It’s not classic devolution, since nobody took a vote or authorized these actions, which are likely illegal and unconstitutional (or NOT). If DJT was the Commander & Chief during War Time he wouldn’t require anyone’s votes. Now consider this War as a Fifth Generation War with many Elements being Psychological in Nature with Bioweapons, Energy Weapons and Drones with AI.

Nothing Is As It Seems.

Patel Patriot attempts to sum up the theory in Part 3 of the series:

  • Trump prepares for election theft
  • China colludes with Democrats to steal election
  • Trump “caught them all” and prepares his countermove
  • Massive personnel moves at DoD and pentagon to place Trump allies in key roles
  • Implementation of what appears to be a Devolution plan for our Spec Ops
  • Refusing to tell incoming Dems about said Spec Ops
  • Checkmate

The idea of Devolution being a secret Trump plot to restore his own power through a legal military coup didn’t entirely originate with Patel Patriot. In February, the prolific conspiracy theorist and “the planet’s only expert on World War I flamethrowers,” Thomas Wictor, posited an extremely similar theory on the discussion forum QuodVerum.

Wictor’s theory has the same broad strokes as Patel Patriot and might be an even more traditional version of devolution, writing that Trump temporarily seized power through the military and delegated it downward.

“Devolution is the U.S. military running the country under seven separate plans that are put into action when the civilian federal government ceases to exist,” Wictor wrote, referencing the Newsweek article, which Wictor believes was actually a strategic leak by Trump. “So I think we’re in a hybrid state of devolution AND a shadow presidency. The military is making NO policy decisions, and Trump is preserving national-security infrastructure.”

Both Wictor’s thread and Patel Patriot’s posts sound quite a bit like “The Storm” theorized by QAnon—a military purge of Donald Trump’s civilian enemies, carried out both secretly and publicly. Patel Patriot, for his part, claims to know nothing about Q, writing on Telegram he hasn’t “personally read” the Q drops but thinks that there are “many things between Q and Devolution that lines up.” And at a glance, Devolution is full of points that Q believers will be familiar with: Secret codes hidden in how words are spelled, cryptic social media posts, and a plan that constantly shifts in its tenets, but is always to be trusted.

It’s also not clear if Patel Patriot was familiar with the Wictor thread, though in a Telegram post from late June, Patel claimed he was banned from QuodVerum after one of the site’s founders doxed him and deleted his account. Either way, Patel Patriot’s theory has taken off in a way Wictor’s never did—particularly in the QAnon community. And it’s doing so over a much more mainstream platform, as Substack has become the publishing platform of choice for some of the biggest names in journalism, free of editorial oversight, and easily monetized through subscriptions, though the entire Devolution series is free so far.

His own Telegram channel has racked up over 33,000 subscribers since its establishment in late June, including over 8,000 in just the last week. Patel Patriot live streams “power hour discussions” on the inner workings of Devolution, has turned readings of the articles into videos, and has gotten friendly mentions on Telegram or interviews from major QAnon promoters like QTah, QAnon John, We The Media (who “HIGHLY recommends” the blog series), and X22 Report.

Source Before I Corrected the BS:

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