A New Health Summit On The COVID Plandemic

To discuss how we’re going to build on the success we’ve had protecting employees’ Health Rights across all of Utah…

to next year, be making sure NO ONE here is coerced into doing something they might regret.

If someone wants to undergo a treatment because they believe it will provide them some protection, we don’t have a problem with that. It’s their choice.

What do take strong issue with, is THREATENING people (and now, their CHILDREN) who are on the fence, or who otherwise wouldn’t

through loss of employment, the ability to buy and sell, and participate in society in general.

And not only the threats, but telling these people there’s no risk whatsoever to it.

All these people on the fence, or may have already gotten their first round, and are now told they need MORE

NEED to know that there are extremely credible medical professionals telling an entirely different story on the risk, and they’ve got a whole lot of real life facts and data to back that story up.

Your Advocacy Guide to the Scientifically PROVEN Most Critical Dangers of the V – Why You Should Avoid It and Refuse Future Ones, created by Jonathan Otto for his V Secrets Reloaded series, you can expect to find:

  • Whatever happened to informed consent? Are people actually being told about all the serious risks BEFORE they get the “completely safe” treatment?
  • How recipients are being used as human guinea pigs. They’re not told that clinical trials will not be completed until April 2023 and that animal studies were halted after many animal deaths.
  • Why is there an unusually high increase in rare bleeding and clots?
  • How the dangerous mechanism of action hijacks the body’s genetic machinery for the body to produce the dangerous S protein
  • Why the S protein causes its symptoms
  • How the S protein crosses the blood-brain barrier and causes brain damage, neurological issues, clotting issues, heart attacks, lung disease, liver damage, kidney damage, spleen damage, and affects the male and female reproductive systems.
  • Why total deaths for the first six months of 2021 were over 2,912 and 99% of those are from the treatments. But in 2018, 2019, and 2020 there were only 18, 22, 15 deaths, respectively!
  • Why asymptomatic spread does not occur in the population. 10 million subjects in a Chinese study have determined that.

Well I said I was going to keep it short and sweet… but then saw all these bullet points I wanted to include…

Point is, if you or a loved one are on the fence about taking this thing, and especially if you’re considering it for your child… or taking another round of it for that matter…

Read this first.

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