Let’s see everything that cures anything is illegal or discarded as BS. If the fix doesn’t come from big pharma it doesn’t work. Hello, Wake Up!
You Get Assinated If You Are A President Who Does Go Along With The COVID Jab!
Now they are telling you that without an Experimental shot which has all kinds of Side Effects and it is coming out in the news now that it may even kill you. Really?

HORRIFIC!—Five pilots dead in One Company, what are they hiding?
Don’t Get On An Airplane!
Now Those Vacinated Are Glowing Under Fluorescent Light!
They Are Colluding To Genocide You!
Here is the horrible truth.

Stevie Thrasher (EPISODE 3 of Covid Vaccine Victims “Sharing Their Stories”)
A special thank you to Stevie for allowing me to share her story. The phone conversations I have with victims like Stevie make this all too real. We need to continue sharing stories like hers to bring a stop to this.
Thank you for having the courage to speak up Stevie. I’ve got your back ❤️
Please ask others to come forward and submit their story. All videos I am doing will be going up on the CVV website as well ❤️
Note: There are two ways I am excepting video testimonials. One if you are in or around NYC, I am able to film for you. If you are unable to travel, I am accepting self tapes. I do all the editing myself and ask that you please reach out to me if you’d like to share your story about to discuss guidelines etc for submissions.
#SharingTheirStories #Pfizer #Injury #USA #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS
Subscribe: t.me/covidvaccinevictims
Share your story: covidvaccinevictims.com

Jacob Michael Clynick
13 Years old, USA
Student Jacob only 14 years old took his first Pfizer injection on May 24, 2021 and his second dose on June 13, 2021. According to his aunt, Jacob unexpectedly suffered cardiac arrest just 3 days later on June 16, 2021. He was healthy with no preexisting conditions nor medications. Simply a 13 year old boy.
Now will the world wake up? Children have to die for people to see what’s happening?
Rest In Peace Jacob ❤️
There is a GoFundMe: https://tinyurl.com/2zaf3mjd
#Pfizer #Death #USA #Cardiac #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS #SaveTheChildren