How to Indict a Cop, Any Cop and that is the end of Pirates. You see these creatures are Anti-Social Bullies and when they find out you can fight back and put their asses in Jail they will stop.
Retrieve the following from your local Law Library:
- Title 5 Section 3331
- Title 18 Section 912
- A Copy of the Local Cops Oath of Office usually found in the county court house.
During your court case demand the officer takes the stand as a Witness or Ac-user.
Ask Him for Facts Only as you are not an attorney and do not understand legal opinions.
Ask him in What Capacity were you performing duties when you arrested or detained or ticketed you.
Ask to have the Cops Oath of Office Placed in Evidence The one you retrieved form the county court house.
Ask the “Officer on the Stand to read his “Oath of Office” into the court Record.
Now hand him Title 5 Section 3331 and ask him to read that into the Record.
When the two don’t match you have a Case of impersonating an Officer, demand all his testimony other then his Oath of office be stricken from the record as he was impersonating an Officer of the United States of America unlawfully. Demand your case be dismissed with predjidence.
Now go file a criminal case against the officer and pout him in Jail.
If you want to get fancy get all oaths of office including the judges and impeach and jail them all.