Wi-tech requires that the human environment be contaminated and saturated–both indoors and outdoors– with a confirmed human carcinogenjust as deadly as asbestos, tobacco smoke and radioactive fallout.In 2021, A federal court ruled that federal “safety limits” for human exposure to Wi-radiation are based on “arbitrary and capricious” decisions by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
The court also declared that FCC has failed to respond to “record evidence”that microwave exposures at less than current limitsmay trigger negative health effects and environmental harm. [1]
Wireless technologies –and millions of environmental microwave antennas
that support them– produce the VOLTAGE OF CANCER.This voltage can be measured as a mechanical wave force by microwave detection equipment.
Detection meters prove that high-frequency electromagnetic waves,
delivered with the intensity of a pneumatic drill, now pollute the air everywhere.This radiation penetrates and manipulates the body perpetually.
The VOLTAGE OF CANCER is especially pernicious because it is not perceptible to
normal human senses and few people know how to detect and quantify it.
Connected devices held on the brain, tucked into pockets or strapped to the arm
pump carcinogenic currents throughout the body. The average Wi-user touches his devices 2,617 times per day; extreme addicts fondle their devices 5,400 times daily. [2]
Millions of people believe that every social, financial and informational transaction must be accomplished with wireless technologies, without which life is impossible.
But those who love the VOLTAGE OF CANCER will suffer degradation of brain and cardiovascular function, eyesight, hearing and immunity.
They will also forfeit the genetic integrity of their offspring.
The VOLTAGE OF CANCER is a potent mutagen for egg, sperm, embryo, fetus.
The National Center for Health Statistics reports the U.S. fertility rate at an all-time low. [3]
We see the results in damaged children across the USA.
Now 6.7 million youth require special education because of physical/mental impairments. [4]
Wi-radiation slamming through human bodies damages memory and attention span. Wi-radiation is linked to ADHD suffered by millions of kids who require psychiatric medications. [5]
There are over 200 types of human cancers.According to the American Cancer Society,
in 2022, 1,918,030 people in the USA WILL receive a new invasive cancer diagnosis. [6]Note: This number does not include millions of new cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer diagnosed each year.Across the year, that will be 5250 new invasive cancer cases PER DAY, EVERY DAY.Approximately one fifth of these new 2022 cases will be a second primary cancer
for people who have suffered a different version of the disease before. [7]Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease for American children. [8]In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed an increase in these childhood cancers: brain, kidney, liver, thyroid, lymphoma. [9]
One half of all Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetime
and cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada. [10]The situation grows worse by the day as new microwave and millimeter wave antenna sites are continually mounted above us to accommodate evermore powerful devices and ever-increasing mobs of wireless addicts.
Governments rake in $billions from selling carcinogen that makes wireless devices work. In 2020, wireless carriers bribed the FCC with $60.8 billion for new C-band spectrum in order to unleash 5G Ultra radiation from antennas like this mounted on rooftops and towers everywhere.

Curtis Bennett, president of Thermografix Consulting Corporation in Canada, says that in a military application, the deliberate targeting of populations with biologically potent microwave radiation would be an act of war. [20] Bennett uses infrared imaging to illustrate what he calls the “horrifying physiological effects” of microwave interaction with human bodies. Non-thermal microwave radiation is seen on a thermograph as capable of generating “hot spots” all through the body.

Wi-antenna pollution is comprised of the following complex electromagnetic components, each of which exerts measurable and potent biological effects on people, animals and plants:
- polarization of the waves (vertical or horizontal propagation)
- power densities of propagated waves
- current drawn from the core power supply
- pulsed fields with duty cycles
- numerous variations of pulse width, pulse shape, pulse amplitude
- static magnetic fields
- electromagnetic stray fields
- duty factors
- burst mechanisms for time division multiple access
- hundreds of different frequency channels