Wireless Cancer And Other Health Issues From Microwave Radiation – Wifi, 3G, 4G and 5G


Last updated: June 2022
 You have the right to full disclosure!
  Cancer research begins HERE with information that could save your life.
Wireless technologies are violent and life-threatening.
 Wi-tech requires that the human environment be contaminated and saturated  
    –both indoors and outdoors– with a confirmed human carcinogen 
just as deadly as asbestos, tobacco smoke and radioactive fallout.
  In 2021, A federal court ruled that federal “safety limits” for human exposure to Wi-radiation are based on “arbitrary and capricious” decisions by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
The court also declared that FCC has failed to respond to “record evidence”
that microwave exposures at less than current limits
may trigger negative health effects and environmental harm. [1] 

 Wireless technologies –and millions of environmental microwave antennas

 that support them– produce the VOLTAGE OF CANCER.
This voltage can be measured as a mechanical wave force by microwave detection equipment.

 Detection meters prove that high-frequency electromagnetic waves,

delivered with the intensity of a pneumatic drill, now pollute the air everywhere
  This radiation penetrates and manipulates the body perpetually.

The VOLTAGE OF CANCER is especially pernicious because it is not perceptible to

normal human senses and few people know how to detect and quantify it. 

Connected devices held on the brain, tucked into pockets or strapped to the arm

pump carcinogenic currents throughout the body. The average Wi-user touches his devices 2,617 times per day; extreme addicts fondle their devices 5,400 times daily. [2]


 Millions of people believe that every social, financial and informational  transaction must be accomplished with wireless technologies, without which life is impossible.

  But those who love the VOLTAGE OF CANCER will suffer degradation of brain and cardiovascular function, eyesight, hearing and immunity.

  They will also forfeit the genetic integrity of their offspring.

  The VOLTAGE OF CANCER is a potent mutagen for egg, sperm, embryo, fetus.

The National Center for Health Statistics reports the U.S. fertility rate at an all-time low. [3]

We see the results in damaged children across the USA.

 Now 6.7 million youth require special education because of physical/mental impairments. [4]

Wi-radiation slamming through human bodies damages memory and attention span.  Wi-radiation is linked to ADHD suffered by millions of kids who require psychiatric medications. [5]
There are over 200 types of human cancers.
According to the American Cancer Society,

in 2022, 1,918,030 people in the USA WILL receive a new invasive cancer diagnosis. [6]
 Note: This number does not include millions of new cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer diagnosed each year.
 Across the year, that will be 5250 new invasive cancer cases PER DAY, EVERY DAY.

 Approximately one fifth of these new 2022 cases will be a second primary cancer

for people who have suffered a different version of the disease before. [7]
Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease for American children. [8]
In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed an increase in these childhood cancers: brain, kidney, liver, thyroid, lymphoma. [9]

 One half of all Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetime

and cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada. [10]
The situation grows worse by the day as new microwave and millimeter wave antenna sites are continually mounted above us to accommodate evermore powerful devices and ever-increasing mobs of wireless addicts.

Governments rake in $billions from selling carcinogen that makes wireless devices work. In 2020, wireless carriers bribed the FCC with $60.8 billion for new C-band spectrum in order to unleash 5G Ultra radiation from antennas like this mounted on rooftops and towers everywhere.


The Kill Zones USA

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TCA) was signed by Bill Clinton, U.S. president of the day. The passage of this tainted, industry-directed federal law was a blitzkrieg. It launched an occupying army of radiation peddlers authorized to impose– for profit and for slave labor (screen slaves)– their violent and genocidal will upon the entire population of the United States. This infamous law allows ruthless corporations and their collaborators to place cell towers on rooftops, in backyards, near school grounds and within public right-of-ways without adequate regulatory oversight and without proper health and environmental inquiry. Many of the corporations that blanket the USA with microwave carcinogen are foreign-owned, including T-Mobile/Sprint (Deutsche Telekom) and (Japan’s SoftBank Group Corp). Technocratic totalitarians empowered by the TCA now hold hostage the entire U.S. population with lethal antenna weapons just as deadly –if not more so– than Nazi guns that forced prisoners to the camps.
    This urban residential building, along with many hundreds of thousands of others like it across the United States and Canada, is a typical death camp of the Microwave Age. The roof sustains banks of diverse antennas for wireless applications. The antenna bank seen to the right is pointed directly into windows of an adjacent residential building only yards away. Even antenna installers avoid stepping into frontal beams of such antennas. People living behind adjacent windows slammed with this Group 1A wave carcinogen are the walking dead. The cabled power cabinet seen in the middle is crammed with microwave radios which emit powerful, pulsed electromagnetic radiation that penetrates everything, including human bodies. These radios generate copious spikes of dirty electricity (in the kilohertz range), surging along with the microwaves to contaminate the entire electrical grid of the area. Only antenna profiteers are privy to information on the vast variety of frequencies and power densities that “rock” the molecules of all living flesh in this blighted neighborhood, selected for sacrifice.
With Each New Antenna Installation, Another Neighborhood Bites the Dust
Those who rake in booty from Kill Zones 
 get away with this horror
because the majority of our population
is apparently feeble-minded,
absolutely incapable of questioning overt genocide!
  The FCC announced that by 2026, an ADDITIONAL 800,000 commercial antenna installations are to be erected across the United States just for 5G equipment alone In 2020, the FCC called for an additional 20,000 workers to be trained for 5G tower installation. [14] 
  Such is the fate of a nation so “stoned” on microwave technologies that it cannot challenge occupation by ruthless invaders, while millions of their victimized collaborators greet the day and celebrate the night with:


“Heil Wireless”
 Wi-Antennas Create a Morbid Environment
   Any square mile infused with unrestricted and unmonitored wave carcinogen is a morbid environment where people incrementally weaken and gradually succumb, not only to the cancer-promoting radiation itself, but also to diseases and bio-toxins which naturally prosper in such areas.
   Back in 2015, AntennaSearch.Com reported that there were 1,248 wireless antennas emitting radio signals within one square mile of Civic Hall in New York City, and 2,510 antennas (178 cell towers) within one square mile of Times Square, Manhattan. According to the New Networks Institute: “This is only a fraction of the antennas and cell sites in this area of New York…And no one –not Verizon, or the NYPSC, or the FCC has any complete public data or documentation about the number of lines or even wireless cell sites.” [15]
   Factor in the innumerable, unregulated Wi-Fi hot spots and private radio antenna systems in the same areas and we are talking some “mean heat.” Now seven years later, there could be be thousands of additonal antennas in Times Square.  What kind of toxicity is added by the new dense network of small 5G millimeter wave antennas being mounted everywhere?  No one is asking! There is no federal, state or local authority interested in monitoring the bio-effects of aggregate radiation from multiple antennas in “hot zones” like those of New York City and other metro radiation ghettos.
  Researchers found that the 900 MHz propagated by GSM mobile antennas causes leukemia cells to divide aggressively after a 48-hour exposure in the laboratory. [See the Cancers of High Tech and Evidence for Cancer] What does this mean for cancer victims caught in an urban zone with thousands of antennas propagating numerous intersecting wave forms from  thousands of  frequency channels?
   Swiss researchers found that toxic molds greatly flourish when stimulated by microwaves and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Exposing mold to these energies, they “discovered that not only the biotoxins in the culture had increased more than 600 fold, but also had increased to a more potent and virulent form of biotoxin.”[16] Other researchers who studied various gram negative bacteria within range of cell tower radiation reported that pathogens show major effects from the microwave radiation, including antibiotic resistance. [17]
   Lyme Disease (LD), epidemic in many parts of the USA, is a devastating neurological affliction from tick bites. It is also spread from person to person. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., who specializes in the treatment of LD, is convinced that “the increased virulence [of LD] we’re now seeing is related to the dramatic increase in electromagnetic fields and microwave radiation from cell phones, cell towers, and all manner of wireless technologies. Therefore, EMF and microwave radiation mitigation are part of the standard protocol, as any subsequent treatment of Lyme disease will not be as effective unless these external factors are addressed.” [18] According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme Disease each year, about ten times the number of cases officially reported. Is ever-increasing microwave antenna radiation one of the reasons why so many LD victims suffer chronic and debilitating illness despite antibiotic treatment?

  Curtis Bennett, president of Thermografix Consulting Corporation in Canada, says that in a military application, the deliberate targeting of populations with biologically potent microwave radiation would be an act of war. [20] Bennett uses infrared imaging to illustrate what he calls the horrifying physiological effects” of microwave interaction with human bodies. Non-thermal microwave radiation is seen on a thermograph as capable of generating “hot spots” all through the body. 

  Physicist Leo Cashman explains that manmade radio waves are especially threatening because: “…The pulsing adds to the frequencies that are actually in the wave, making it hold lots of other frequencies and increasing the biological impact of the wave, the radiation. And then the modulation, putting the information onto the pulsed carrier wave, whether by amplitude modulation or by frequency modulation, adds more actual frequencies onto the wave and very often those modulating frequencies are very biologically active in their impacts, mostly detrimental, on the human or animal’s body….The results are not good and spewing this kind of pulsed, modulated radiation into our human environment all the time is recklessly dangerous.” [21] 
   Dangerous–or immensely useful if such toxic spewing is done purposefully. Consistent reports of cell tower sickness across the world confirm that wireless radiation from Wi-antennas is an advancement in slow-delivery lethality. Antennas can be used to replace bullets, bombs and to potentize weaponized biological agents. Such devious weaponry would be considered a precision tool by population control advocates and secret warfare agents. “Excess” populations, brainwashed to conduct every trivial function of social and commercial life via pulsed microwave radiation, eill readily and conveniently exterminate themselves once hypnotized by addictive wireless devices of mass diversion.
   It is not just antenna air pollution that afflicts the national public health. Most water towers across the U.S. now support a variety of RF/microwave installations. Preliminary research confirms that continually irradiating community water supplies with carcinogenic waves could be an additional contributing factor to the human suffering and disease reported across the nation. Radiation expert Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy explains:
“Weak pulsed radiation is routinely used in “electronic” water conditioners to remove lime scales from plumbing….However, the treated water has biological effects similar to those from direct exposure to weak electromagnetic radiation, perhaps due to its removing calcium ions from cell membranes just as it removes lime scales from water pipes….There is a growing tendency to mount mobile phone base station antennas on water towers. This may seem convenient, but it carries a hidden risk because the radiation may also “condition” the water to make it biologically active which could have adverse effects on public health…..This needs urgent attention by the water companies since, unlike the mobile phone operators, they have no legal immunity from prosecution for distributing a potentially toxic product.” [22]

Wi-antenna pollution is comprised of the following complex electromagnetic components, each of which exerts measurable and potent biological effects on people, animals and plants:


    • polarization of the waves (vertical or horizontal propagation)
    • power densities of propagated waves
    • current drawn from the core power supply
    • pulsed fields with duty cycles

    • numerous variations of pulse width, pulse shape, pulse amplitude
  • static magnetic fields
  • electromagnetic stray fields
  • duty factors
  • burst mechanisms for time division multiple access
  • hundreds of different frequency channels
  Radiation experts with the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RussCNIRP) confirm how little we know about the wave toxicity from complex Wi-antenna systems:  “So far, most of the real MW [microwave] signals that are in use in mobile communication have not been tested for adverse effects. Very little research has been done with real signals and for durations and intermittences of exposure that are relevant to chronic exposures from mobile communication. In some studies, so-called ‘mobile communication-like’ signals were investigated that in fact were different from the real exposure in such important parameters as carrier frequency, modulation, polarization, duration and intermittence. To what degree such studies are relevant to evaluation of health risks from MW of mobile communication is not known. For example, GSM users are exposed to MW at different carrier frequencies during their talks…The base station can change the frequency [through a selection of many different channels] during the same call. This means that no one knows to what extent any particular antenna installation is damaging to those who live in its range of effect.” [23]
   This means that every human being within range of wireless microwave pollution receives a unique dose, depending upon all of the parameters listed above. Factor in state of personal health plus genetics and you have each of 329 million people reacting biologically to wireless wave carcinogen in a very individual way. This is advantageous to population reduction specialists who would certainly be hindered in their dark work should every microwaved human succumb at the same time in the same obvious way.

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