Mass Psychosis and Cognitive Dissonance Have Taken Over To Replace Rational Thought
This is reply to an Article on Armstrong Economics, You can view the entire Article by clicking on this story.
I believe more people are finally waking up to the true agenda, but there are many who remain fixated on the initial news. After years of fear-mongering on a 24/7 news cycle, many people are traumatized. All the criteria to put society into a state of mass psychosis have been achieved. However, part of the global population refuses to admit that government and health agencies lied to them for years due to cognitive dissonance, defined as the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. Society has been in a confused panic for so long that many cannot fathom the truth — COVID was a scam. Even the New York Times reported that half of Americans still would like to wear masks, despite the CDC and other health agencies admitting they are ineffective.
The site Very Well Mind notes three common causes of cognitive dissonance: forced compliance, new information, and decisions. Forced compliance to COVID laws has ruined lives, but many were left with no other option than to comply for fear of losing employment or even the ability to participate in the public. The health agencies in charge constantly provided the public with new and conflicting information over the years, aimed to confuse and scare us into compliance. The deciding factor was poised as a moral obligation to protect the public despite the fact that the vaccinated can contract and transmit the virus too. People, including world leaders, openly judged and vilified “the unvaccinated” and deemed that they have no place in society.
After years of blind compliance, people are deeply disturbed once they learn the truth. This is leading people to hide their true feelings, justify their behaviors, and seek out information that aligns with their predetermined conclusion. You stayed in your home for months, maybe years. Your children have fallen behind in school, extracurricular activities, and crucial socialization. You missed weddings, birthdays, holidays, and funerals. You took all the shots and boosters and administered them to your children. Was this all for nothing? It is hard to stomach that the answer to the question is YES.
I have reported that there is hope — we are building a herd immunity to fear. The fast-spreading omicron variant helped many to see the light when a growing number of people directly contracted COVID, survived, and realized, “Hey, that wasn’t so bad!” I also stated, “Perhaps the cognitive dissonance will begin to pass; the masses need to become outraged to resist the authoritarian restrictions that have reshaped the global society.” As we have seen with ongoing protests throughout the world, people are indeed waking up to the larger agenda and are not willing to lose any additional freedoms. The only reason some lawmakers are choosing to repeal some restrictions is because they have been met with strong opposition from the people who put them in power. Resistance is not futile. Hold the line.
They Passed a 1.5 Trillion Dollar Spending Bill In The Middle Of The Night.
4 years ago independant journlaist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva was expelled from the European Parliament for confronting the US Assistant Secretary of Health over Pentagon-funded biolabs in 25 countries accross the world.
She was smeared by US media as “fake news”. And now here we are…
Full video & presentation👇
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva at the AV9 Conference, England in May 2018 (