We Are Not Paying Attention To The Bigger Picture – Invasion of America by China?

URGENT – This Is A Very Long Two Part Post on One Page! – URGENT

Scroll down to also read about the Chinese Military Surveillance of Our Infrastructure with Stealth Drones.

To achieve victory in a future war, it will not be sufficient to have nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them very accurately on target; it will also be necessary that the ground forces be able to move rapidly into regions which have been subjected to nuclear strikes. Only when this problem is solved will it be possible to speak of the effective exploitation of nuclear strikes by tanks and infantry in conclusively defeating the enemy, or of carrying out extensive maneuvers and decisive advances in depth.

Soviet Military Strategy, [p. 343]

In 1990 I spoke with a Mexican gun runner. We met at the house of a someone we both knew. The Mexican placed a loaded gun on the table and spoke expansively about his “love” of mankind, his Cuban drinking buddies in Mexico, and the future destruction of the United States. There was an unmistakable Marxist element in the gunrunner’s far-left worldview. It was clear from our conversation that he hated America and he loved communist Cuba.

My interest in the rising cross-border criminal class from Mexico stemmed from a then recently-published book by Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., titled Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West. This book describes “long-term Russian and Chinese intelligence operations aimed at achieving the demoralization and ultimate control of the West….” After preparing for several years, the Soviet special services entered the world of drug trafficking in 1960. They called it “Operation Friendship of Nations.” Soviet dictator Nikita S. Khrushchev got the idea from Chairman Mao Zedong of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), who had instructed his subordinates to “begin cultivating opium on a grand scale” in 1928. According to Douglass, “Mao’s strategy was simple; use drugs to soften a target area. Then after a captured region had been secured, outlaw the use of all narcotics and impose strict controls to ensure that the poppies remained exclusively an instrument of the state for use against its enemies.” [P. 11]

In the 1950s, after Stalin’s death, the Soviet Union modernized its strategy. This involved several steps: (1) They founded Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow to train communists from Third World countries; (2) They began training terrorists from various “national liberation movements”; (3) They set up networks for international drug and narcotics trafficking; (4) they infiltrated crime syndicates throughout the world and set up their own syndicates; (5) they prepared sabotage networks throughout the world, which were to be in place by 1972. [P. 17-18]

The strategy respecting these five points was explained by Douglass as follows: “Narcotics, terrorism and organized crime were coordinated and used together in a complementary fashion. Drugs were used to destroy society. Terrorism was used to destabilize the targeted country and to prepare the revolutionary environment. Organized crime was used to control the elite. All three strands were long-range strategic operations and all three had been incorporated into Soviet Bloc planning by 1956.” [P. 19]

The creation of criminal cartels and the infiltration of international organized crime were key elements of “Operation Friendship of Nations.” As Douglass noted, “The main reason for infiltrating organized crime was the Soviet belief that high-quality information – information on political corruption, money and business, international relations, drug-trafficking, and counter-intelligence – was to be found in organized crime. The Soviets reasoned that if they could successfully infiltrate organized crime, they would acquire unusually promising scope for controlling many politicians and would have access to the best information on drugs, money, weapons and corruption of many kinds.” [P. 18]

How successful was the Soviet and Chinese strategy in subverting the United States? Undoubtedly they compromised America’s banks. They bought many politicians. They corrupted bureaucrats, police officials and intelligence officers. But that is nothing compared to the success they had in Mexico.

Chinese and cubans in mexico

In 2003 a Las Vegas journalist named Scott Gulbransen published a book titled The Silent Invasion. It was about Chinese and Cuban infiltration of northern Mexico and the U.S. southern border. Through the good offices of a Tijuana pimp named Reynaldo, Gulbransen obtained an interview with the leader of a communist group called La Conquidistas.

Keeping his head down, Gulbransen was driven to a secret location. When he was allowed to look out the window again, he saw a sign depicting an armed man pointing to an image of the state of California. On the sign it read, “Viva Mexico, Viva Baja California.” When he arrived at the meeting place, he was searched. Men with automatic weapons and red scarves were guarding the location. Gulbransen was directed to a trailer at the back of the property. He was told to address el jefe [the boss] as “señor,” and not to ask too many questions. On entering the trailer, he was overcome by the smell of cat piss. Behind a massive maple desk sat a large man in a camouflage jump suit, wearing cheap sunglasses and smoking a cigarette. The following conversation took place:

EL JEFE: So you are the reporter?

GULBRANSEN: No, sir. I am writing a book on the U.S.-Mexican border.

EL JEFE: This I know. And what do you plan to say about the border and the people of Mexico

GULBRANSEN: I plan to discuss the problems of your people and some of the strange things going on down here.

EL JEFE: What strange things my friend?

GULBRANSEN: Well, there’s been incidents with our border patrol who claim they’ve been fired on by Mexican soldiers and soldiers that appear to be Chinese.

EL JEFE: Very well. But I must tell you, you are traveling down a dangerous road. Besides, no matter what you find, no one will believe it.

El jefe then told Gulbransen, “We are the true Mexican people tired of the economic oppression handed down by the United States. We want our freedom and we want our northern provinces of Tejas, Nuevo Mexico, Arizona and Alta California.”

Question: Why did this maniac with cheap sunglasses think he could wrest four states away from the world’s premier military power? El Jefe’s answer was: “We have friends throughout the world.” Was this a reference to China and Cuba? El Jefe laughed and ended the interview. As Gulbransen departed, el Jefe said: “You tell the fat Americans about the real Mexico. You tell them their day to pay is coming fast. Coming very fast.”

This encounter made Gulbransen more curious than ever. So, he began an extensive investigation. What did he find? He stumbled on testimony from multiple sources indicating that Chinese ships were delivering arms, ammunition, uniforms and men into Baja California through the port of Ensenada. In addition, border agents told him the Chinese were smuggling uniforms and ammunition into the United States.

Then there was the story of Tijuana policeman Jesus de la Rosa. Because de la Rosa was honest and did not take bribes or inform on his corrupt colleagues, he came to be trusted by his superiors. One night de la Rosa’s captain asked him to drive to a desert location south of Mexicali to meet with a Cuban. There he was given a package of money with a shopping list which included ammunition, beer, rice, cement mix, and Tijuana police uniforms. The Cuban asked that de la Rosa deliver these items. It would be an ongoing job. After making several supply runs to this desert location, de la Rosa asked the Cuban what was going on. The Cuban trusted him and showed him around a secret “army encampment.” The first soldier he met spoke a European language, had blond hair and an enormous scar across his forehead. There were ten black tents with a satellite dish connected to one of them. De la Rosa had been in the Mexican Army and realized this camp was not Mexican. The camp had Chinese, North Korean and Cuban commandos in it. Jesus de la Rosa told Gulbransen, “I don’t care if people think I am crazy, but I think the U.S. is going to be attacked. Chinese, Koreans, Cubans – they all hate the U.S. What I can’t understand is what Mexico has to do with it and how the U.S. can’t see it.”

Months after giving this testimony, de la Rosa was murdered. Gulbransen explained, “Several other sources, sources not named in this book … have also come on hard times. Several lost their jobs suddenly, others became ill with unusual ailments. Still others were harassed and even physically threatened due to their involvement.” [P. 208]

I corresponded with Gulbransen in June of 2003. He was having a hard time since the publication of the book. He said, “I’ve been followed, bumped (with a car) and these cars have also ‘cased’ my house. They’re always the same car – Ford Taurus sedans. Different colors but always the same [model]. When they bump me, it’s usually from behind at a stop light. I get out to exchange insurance, and they take off. Once, the driver (always white males 25-35) told me I am lucky I didn’t get killed and then sped off. I’ve reported them to local police and the tags are always ‘retired.’ The casing of my house I’ve also reported and each time the police never do a thing. I’ve also been followed on foot when I am in New York and also several times shopping with my family. Always [it is] the same ‘looking’ white male who follows me, enough to make it known. Almost like they want me to know and be scared … which I am not. I also have been approached by attractive women … who flirt (I am married with two kids) and say cryptic things like ‘You look like you’re a safe person….’ Or ‘Be careful not to get hurt….’ These all come out of thin air and have no context.”

Was Gulbransen being paranoid? I am inclined to think not. As Nietzsche once wrote, “if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” About a decade ago (give or take) I called Gulbransen to see how he was doing. He sounded good. He was glad his Mexican adventure was behind him. He had decided to never touch the subject again. Can you blame him?

why nukes are not enough

The quote from Soviet Military Strategy, with which I began this essay, is something that most U.S. military experts have missed. As Chinese generals were trained in Marxist-Leninist schools and shared the same philosophy as Soviet generals, there is a common strategic mindset at work in China and Russia. These people do not think like American generals. “To achieve victory in a future war,” their guiding text says, “it will not be sufficient to have nuclear weapons … [but] it will also be necessary that the ground forces be able to move rapidly into regions which have been subjected to nuclear strikes. Only when this problem is solved will it be possible to speak of the effective exploitation of nuclear strikes by tanks and infantry in conclusively defeating the enemy, or of carrying out extensive maneuvers and decisive advances in depth.”

Think of it this way: bombs cannot take over a country. Only soldiers can do that. The real question is: How would you get Chinese soldiers into the United States in the opening days of a war? There are at least three scenarios: (1) you could move military personnel by ship to prepared enclaves in Mexico on the eve of war; (2) you could move military personnel by ship toward American ports; (3) you could fly troops to specially prepared airfields.

Today, Chinese ships are docking up and down the West Coast and in Mexico. We never think of those ships in terms of military sealift capacity. But, in truth, they can move troops and supplies into North America just as easily as they can move consumer goods. What Scott Gulbransen saw in Ensenada almost twenty years ago was nothing compared to the massive off-loading that goes on every day in Southern California or San Francisco Bay. What might they off-load into our ports if war is about to break out? Do we have troops guarding our ports now?

GRU defector Stanislav Lunev told me that Russian and Chinese plans for invading America were based on Germany’s 1940 invasion of Norway. The Germans infiltrated Norway with “tourists.” They had hidden storage facilities with uniforms and weapons. The Germans also put military personnel into merchant ships (instead of the usual merchandise). They sailed right past the British navy. Why? Because they did not look like military ships carrying troops. Imagine, if you will, the access which China enjoys to our port facilities. Imagine, as well, Chinese access to airstrips that might be used to airlift troops deep into American territory. (And yes, there are such airstrips!)

birds of a feather prepare together

The Chinese communists, of course, are now talking about war with the United States. Consider the Newsweek headline which reads, “China State Media Says Country Must Prepare for Nuclear War With U.S. After Biden Asks for COVID Probe.” Consider another disturbing Newsweek headline from 10 June: “China Increasing Military Capability at ‘Serious and Sustained Rate,’ Top U.S. General Says.” According to this story, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, “warned on Thursday that China’s military is rapidly expanding its capabilities, saying that the U.S. must take steps to ensure it maintains a competitive advantage moving forward.” But China is not America’s only worry. On 26 May General Milley made an even more noteworthy comment. He warned that “fraying” relations with China and Russia required an urgent improvement in ties to prevent a “great power war.”

This is strange advice coming from our leading general. For the last thirty years we have been working to improve ties with Russia and China. And where has this gotten us? We have given the Russians and Chinese every break. They take advantage of us at every turn. They steal and they lie. They break treaties. They commit aggression against their neighbors. (Russia against Ukraine, China against Hong Kong.) We have sent them credits, technology, and more. And what do we get for our pains? America now finds that Russia and China are arrayed against us. General Milley says we must use diplomacy to get ourselves out of this mess. But diplomacy is what got us in it; that is, when Kissinger and Nixon “played the China card” all those years ago. And now General Milley wants President Biden to “play the Russia card” – as if Russia and China were cards that we might play with ease. No! Russia and China are players, not cards; and they have played us.

I am sorry, General Milley, but avoiding a great power conflict is not up to us. We stupidly failed to maintain the balance of power. We wrongly believed that Russia and China were enemies that could never join forces. Our “brilliant” statesmen and our Pentagon strategists made no preparation for this eventuality. Furthermore, we had decades of warnings about this very thing – from Russian defectors! In 1984 KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn warned that the Sino-Soviet split was a deception; that after the “collapse” of the Soviet Union Moscow and Beijing would cleverly shift the balance of power against America and suddenly combine their strength into what he called “one clenched fist.” In 1998 GRU defector Stanislav Lunev warned that Russia and China had developed a war plan against North America. There would be an invasion, he said, in which Russia took Alaska and parts of Canada while China took the lower 48 states. “Fraying’ relations is not the cause of our woes, General Milley; rather, the cause is our own strategic incapacity and readiness to fall into every trap our enemies set for us.

America’s policymakers have failed. They failed to understand their enemy’s strategy. They even failed to properly identify their enemy. Let me explain it in very simple terms: China is part of the “socialist camp.” Russia is part of the “socialist camp.” Cuba and North Korea are part of the “socialist camp.” Their long-range policy is designed to defeat the United States. It is a comprehensive policy, involving all areas of science, government and business. They were never going to give freedom to their people. They were never going to put away their enmity for us. And yet, our elites wanted to believe the Cold War was over. They wanted to believe in the so-called “collapse of communism.” But it was all nonsense. Just look around you. Look at Venezuela, or Cuba, or Africa, or Mexico! (Or even Canada!)

Our pundits and our professors told us that communism was a failed economic system. Such was our conceit; but I tell you: There has never been a communist economic system. The Soviet Union and Red China never had such a system. The communist bloc always practiced a form of state capitalism that restricted consumption (in the same sense that a plantation restricts the consumption of its slaves). Communism is not really about economics. It is about world revolution and the acquisition of absolute power.

Whatever forays into Mexico the Chinese and their allies have made in the past, you can bet there are more Chinese in Baja today than ever. You can also bet that China is stockpiling weapons and uniforms right here, inside the United States. Black Lives Matter, step aside. The real liberators are coming.

Moscow and Beijing have always known that America will never become a truly “socialist” country. After all, why would they want a socialist America? The United States itself must be leveled to the ground, said Stalin in the 1930s, when “the present capitalist encirclement [of the USSR] is replaced by a socialist encirclement [of capitalism] ….” A Marxist takeover of America is only meant to soften the country up, to make it ready for destruction.

But destruction is not the final goal. As Sokolovsky’s text explained, ground forces will be necessary if the ground is to be conquered. Troops and tanks are needed to “move rapidly into regions which have been subjected to nuclear strikes.” In the paragraph quoted from Sokolovsky’s Soviet Military Strategy at the beginning of this article, the final sentence reads: “If required, the vehicles [used to transport troops] should be transportable by air along with the troops.”

What would you say if a Chinese general acquired a 200-square-mile area in Texas to build a fake wind farm? What would you say if that same Chinese general was building a 10,000-foot runway on that same property? Watch this video and see if I am mistaken:

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27 thoughts on “Invasion America?

  1. Geopolitics expert warns China preparing for total war against the United States

    The long-term global domination plan has always been for China to invade and conquer the continental United States by launching attacks from Mexico, while Russia plans to attack and take Alaska, then proceed to conquer Canada.

    What has changed recently in all this, however, is that China has sharply accelerated its timetable of attacking America due to emerging revelations about the origins of the covid-19 biological weapon, which was developed under the supervision of the communist Chinese military.

    China now knows it must attack and attempt to destroy America before these investigations show China deliberately built the bioweapon and released it on the world. https://www.brighteon.com/56efa647-c0a5-44fa-9808-c17199225c4a

  2. The beast stands not only at the gates; it’s inside the gates, ready to devour an increasingly defenceless (and still fast-asleep) nation. When open military action begins, most people won’t believe their eyes – just like the history teacher in Red Dawn couldn’t, moments before he was struck down by Soviet machine-gun fire…

  3. Transport by air Chinese civilians.

    Fill up the easily taken land in the western U.S.

    Tell them, or force them to breed like rabbits.

    Make “peace” with the eastern U.S. ( give gifts).

    Don’t invade Taiwan, etc.

    Explain that we “just need food”.

    Pretend to have “conservative values”.

    Case closed.

  4. I’ve watched this scenario building up for years and wondered why they took so long? After all, Xi promised to take Taiwan by 2020 and didn’t. How much face did he lose with that failure? Can he afford to wait much longer?

    I lived in San Francisco—it has no port any more, the port was destroyed by a communist led longshoreman union decades ago. The real port is across the Bay in Oakland. Other ports are found in Richmond and Stockton.

    It was in Oakland some years back, I don’t remember how many years ago, that a container was opened to see if its contents were the same as its bill of lading, and they were not. Instead were found 5000 AK47s and ammo. Within a couple of days, that news disappeared from the local news sources.

    I’ve been inside of warehouses where shipping containers were unloaded for distribution to retail stores. Even a fairly modest warehouse can store a couple of 40 foot containers with only minimal disruption of a front business.

    Remember when the U.S. invaded Iraq? What delayed the invasion the most was not getting the men over there, but in getting the supplies that the men needed over there. The PLA has pre-positioned weapons and supplies here in the U.S. so that their men can spring into action without having to wait for their supplies.

    As I envision it, the war will start with shock and awe as several cities are flattened using nukes. Some cities would be spared because they have equipment and supplies that the invaders can use and Chinese spies already know where are those supplies.

    Then while we’re still standing dumbfounded “What happened?” PLA personal disguised as students, tourists, smuggled-in workers at Chinese owned businesses will spring into action, empty those smuggled in containers and attack. Others will cross the borders from Canada and Mexico. Some will disembark from ships to secure the coast. Airliners will land able to carry more troops, because their supplies are already here.

    That’s just the opener. They need boots on the ground here to secure their victory, but can they keep them here? Stay tuned for further episodes.

  5. Washington is the #1 producer of apples, blueberries, hops, pears, spearmint oil and sweet cherries. The state is the #2 producer of apricots, asparagus, grapes, potatoes and raspberries in the U.S. Washington is the second-largest producer of wine in the United States, supporting 1,000 wineries.

    Plus a heck of a lot of high quality fresh water year round.

    1. Did You Know? 10 – 12 billion apples are harvested in Washington State each year. Each Washington apple is picked by hand.

  6. This is the type of writing I greatly appreciate. Getting down into the nitty gritty of things, things that some of us already know through years of research. Writing that is not afraid to underscore the true danger America and the rest of the world is facing. This is what is needed, a brutal honesty. No brushing things under the rug, no more pretences.
    What we are facing is worse than anything the world has ever seen.

    How would you get Chinese soldiers into the United States in the opening days of a war? How about under cover of a health crisis? Some are saying the vaccines didn’t come because of the virus. The virus came to implement the vaccines. I believe this hypothesis to be true.
    True evil is about to befall us, may God have mercy on our souls. Vivat Christus Rex.

  7. CCP develops COVID with aid of Fou-Chi and American tax dollars. We pretend not to see. China then releases virus and again we pretend not to see. The Biden administration covers up all information. Trouble is at our door step and again we pretend that it doesn’t exist. We didn’t see the attack on Pearl Harbor nor the grave threat of Nazi Germany. We supplied the Chinese with guidance systems for rockets and pretend we haven’t. Global warming is our number one enemy. We pretend the threat is not there. God help us. We’re pretending not to see.

  8. Jeff, a very recent piece of disinformation.

    “In defense of silo-based MIRVed ICBMs”
    Pavel Podvig, RussianForces.org


    “Well, there is precisely zero evidence that the Soviet Union ever contemplated attacking US silo-based missiles, whether as part of a first strike or in an attempt to limit the damage during a nuclear exchange. It built its MIRVed missiles for entirely different reasons.”

    “In reality, building a first strike capability what exactly the opposite of what the Soviet Union was about to do. Even before the Soviet Union embarked on its modernization program that will eventually produce its first MIRVed missiles, it initiated a thorough review of its nuclear posture.”

    “As for damage limitation and warfighting, Soviet MIRVed missiles never got anywhere close to that – throughout the 1970s they were not capable of taking out more than about 20 percent of Minuteman silos and could only hope to take more than a half of them in the 1980s. I would not be surprised if the Soviet Union never targeted US ICBM silos at all. What would be the point?”

    “It is a tougher call for the United States. On some level, US ICBM force is largely irrelevant. As I mentioned earlier, I doubt that Russia aims its missiles at US silos, so they probably don’t even work as a sponge. On the other hand, these missiles do have a non-trivial counterforce capability that would only increase if they were MIRVed (and there are enough warheads in the reserve to do so). And if the GBSD program proceeds as planned, this capability will be maintained for a long time. Add to this that the United States believes in damage limitation and relies on launch on warning that opens it to catastrophic accidents, and you have a picture of a pretty destabilizing and dangerous force. But is not ICBMs, MIRVed or not, that are the problem, it is the first-strike damage-limitation strategy.”

    So MIRVed Russian ICBMs,of which there are MANY, GOOD, MIRVed American ICBMs of which there are ZERO, bad?

    1. There is so much disinformation packed in those sentences. First off. Our ICBM silos are not really hardened targets the way Soviet silos are. Peter Pry discuses the imbalance which exists in the fact that 30 years ago we very few hardened positions while the USSR had thousands. They simply negated much of our throw-weight by hardening. We have had some improvements since, but we are still far behind them even now.

  9. If the political willpower were activated somehow .. how many days working 24/7
    would it take to super-harden 100 silo’s?

    (let’s spend on infra-structure!)

    If 3 Trident subs are out of communication for 3 days – all subs can launch
    – if 7 officers agree. (hypothetical – obviously, cough, cough,)

    “Add to this that the United States believes in damage limitation and relies on launch on warning that opens it to catastrophic accidents..” Q. Given current in place tech. is this even possible in 2021, just wondering.

    Biden could say: The computer decides – 12 to 74 percent chance ( a random choice which changes every 5 seconds ) the U.S. launches on warning – we the people don’t decide anything, and it takes 3 weeks to dis-engage the system.

    Decrease predictability across the board – but not to intolerable levels.

Chinese STEALTH DRONES surveilling US energy infrastructure; Fauci emails reveal explosive admissions of covid cover-up

Image: Chinese STEALTH DRONES surveilling US energy infrastructure; Fauci emails reveal explosive admissions of covid cover-up

(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update presents two bombshell stories, both pointing to the increasingly irrefutable fact that we are living in a state of war right now, and America is being relentlessly attacked by communist China via multiple vectors (bioweapons, cyber war, etc.).

Today we have the bizarre story about a highly customized stealth drone spotted over the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, AZ. This drone is invisible to air traffic control radar and couldn’t even be seen with night vision goggles, reportedly. It was somehow spotted by a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) helicopter, which was joined by a Tucson Police helicopter to try to chase down the drone. It evaded them both with high speed maneuvers, climbing to 14,000 feet, then vanishing.

Before fleeing the area, the quadcopter drone — described as 5 feet in length and 3 feet wide — was monitoring critical US energy infrastructure as well as Air Force Base operations, including fighter jet runways.

This was all covered in an article published by TheDrive.com. From that article:

…the unusual drone was first spotted near a complex of fuel tanks just west of Runway 12 at the U.S. Air Force’s Davis-Monthan Air Force Base… The description of the drone’s initial observed location would appear to match the location of a terminal owned by Kinder Morgan, an energy company that operates fuel pipelines and other energy infrastructure.

…this incident would add to the growing number of recent drone incursions which have worryingly occurred in military-controlled airspace or near sensitive installations.

I reached out to several of my contacts who are current or former military, and I was told that they believe this drone is a communist China stealth surveillance drone. It appears to be capable of long-range flight with high speed maneuvers, and it carries a thermal camera to see through fog and clouds while conducting secret observation missions on US strategic assets (such as pipelines, oil refineries, military bases, etc.).

Importantly, these drones can be outfitted with several hundred pounds of high explosives and transformed into “kamikazee drones” that are essentially armed cruise missiles. Since they avoid any radar signature, they can slam right into any intended target, and the U.S. military has zero defense against these kamikazee drones. They can also be launched from Mexico, then flown into U.S. airspace and activated there.

My contacts believe there are hundreds of such drones operating right now in U.S. air space, and they feed images and thermal video streams to communist Chinese satellites, which then relay it back to servers in China. This allows China to acquire videos and imagery that are not possible to acquire via satellite. For one, these drones can look horizontally and see inside open aircraft hangars, for example, to obtain counts of U.S. military aircraft. Since they are also much closer to the ground than satellites, they produce far more detailed images and videos.

Sadly, the “woke” Pentagon is now focused entirely on turning the military into a soy boy transgender festival of libtardia rather than defending America against its enemies. Thus, the Pentagon has proven to be utterly incapable of doing anything useful to counter this obvious and powerful threat to national security. Instead of getting communist China out of U.S. air space, our U.S. Secretary of Defense (Austin) wants to get patriots out of the military.

This is all covered in today’s Situation Update podcast, which also takes a look at the Fauci email bombshell story that’s now breaking:


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