Democide refers to the murder of people by their own government, Don’t Wait Get Your COVID Shot Today, Remember Those Words or Have We Forgotten Already.

Democide refers to the murder of people by their own government, encompassing genocide, politicide, and mass murder, and is a broader term than genocide, encompassing any government-related killing.

Here’s a more detailed explanation:
Democide, as defined by Professor R.J. Rummel, is any murder by government, or by officials acting under the authority of government, according to explicit or implicit government policy or with the implicit or explicit approval of the highest officials.
It’s a broader concept than genocide, which specifically refers to the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their group identity.
Democide includes actions like genocide, politicide (killing of political opponents), and mass murder, but also encompasses cases where governments cause deaths through reckless indifference to human life or through neglect.
The concept of democide emphasizes intentionality, or the practical intention, meaning that even if a government’s actions are not explicitly intended to cause death, if they result in deaths through reckless indifference or neglect, it still constitutes democide.
Examples of Democide:
The Soviet system of forcibly transporting prisoners to labor camps, where many died due to harsh conditions, is an example of democide, even if the regime didn’t explicitly intend to kill the prisoners.
Democide vs. Genocide:
While genocide is a specific type of democide, democide is a broader category that includes all forms of government murder, including genocide.
Historical Context:
Democide has been a significant issue throughout history, with examples including the Nazi regime’s genocide of Jews and other groups, as well as the mass killings carried out by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
Preventing Democide:
Promoting democratic freedom, limiting government power, and ensuring accountability are crucial steps towards preventing democide and ensuring that “Never again”.

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