Hal Turners Commentary Is Priceless
The US House of Representatives “COVID Committee” has released its Final Report (527 Pages) and it’s now official: The “Conspiracy Theorists” were all right and everyone else was wrong.
The Official Report outlines what so many of us TRIED to tell all of you. But YOU thought YOU knew better. YOU thought you were oh-so-much-smarter than us. YOU mocked us, smeared us, vilified us as we employed common sense and you acted like emotional screaming-meemies . . . petrified of something that was no worse than a seasonal flu.
Then, when that phony mRNA “vaccine” came out, you rushed in-line to get yours. Once you did, YOU then demanded the rest of us be as foolish as you. When those of us who actually THINK, refused to take this gene-therapy masquerading as a “vaccine” YOU vilified us; said we should be rounded-up and quarantined, and some of you said we should be shot.
Those of you who own companies and run corporations decided to act like tyrannical douchebags and arrogantly DEMANDED everyone get the phony vaccine or else be fired! When the vaccine made your employees sick, you chalked it up to “normal.” When the vaccine caused some of your employees to DIE, you denied their death had anything to do with what YOU demanded they take. When it came time to be accountable for what you did, you company owners and Boards of Directors ran from it like the cowards you actually are!
So many bigshot corporate executives ran and hid like scared little girls – because you started to realize it was YOUR FAULT that so many employees were getting sick and dying, and you didn’t want the blame for what you did. You wanted the power to tell people what to do with their own bodies, just not the responsibility when it turned out badly.
Did it ever occur to __any__ of you that maybe YOU were wrong? Did you ever once stop and think that maybe you didn’t know what was best? I dare say almost NONE of you ever even pondered those possibilities because you’re arrogant, self-righteous, scumbags.
Oh and you Doctors . . . . told people the vaccine was “safe and effective.” Some of you are still doing that to this very day! Liars you are. Cheats. The people who did that are not Doctors, they’re Quacks. They don’t practice medicine, they practice Quackery.
How about Hospitals that, to this day, refuse to treat people unless they’re COVID vaccinated? They should be stripped of their license and shut down so they can’t hurt anyone else. A lot of them are simply dangers to public safety.
So now that the official report shows that you weren’t nearly as smart as you thought you were; that you DIDN’T know what was best (for yourself or anyone else), will you kindly do the rest of us a big favor and shut the fuck up?
A lot of you are a combination of arrogant and ignorant. Your arrogance and ignorance killed innocent people. A lot of you, should kill YOURSELVES.
It would be a nice Christmas present to the rest of us if you would just sit in a warm bath, open up your veins with a razor blade, and bleed to death in the tub.
We’d finally be rid of people who are not only too stupid to continue breathing, but whose continued existence endangers the rest of us.
The Official Government Report finds:
COVID-19 Origins: The COVID-19 pandemic likely originated from a laboratory or research-related incident.
Misinformation: Public health officials and the Biden administration engaged in misinformation and disinformation campaigns to suppress the lab-leak theory and promote specific narratives.
Government Overreach: The Biden administration’s mask mandates and other restrictive measures exceeded its authority and were often not supported by scientific evidence.
School Closures: The decision to close schools during the pandemic was not supported by science and had severe adverse impacts on students’ academic performance, mental health, and physical health.
Vaccine Mandates: The government imposed vaccine mandates that were not supported by science, ignored natural immunity, and caused significant collateral damage.
Erosion of Public Trust: Actions by public health officials and the government led to a decline in public trust in institutions and a rise in misinformation and anti-science rhetoric.
Financial Mismanagement: The government’s pandemic relief programs were vulnerable to significant fraud, waste, and abuse due to insufficient oversight and outdated financial management systems.
WHO’s Failure: The World Health Organization (WHO) failed to uphold its mission, caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party, and did not hold China accountable for violating international health regulations.
Economic Impacts: The pandemic and the government’s response had severe economic impacts on individuals, communities, and businesses, including job losses, business closures, and supply chain disruptions.
Unintended Consequences: The government’s pandemic policies, including lockdowns and vaccine mandates, had severe unintended consequences that will likely have lasting effects on society.
Here is a direct link to the full 527 page report from the Government website: CLICK HERE
Source: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/world-news/u-s-government-covid-19-after-action-report-the-conspiracy-theorists-were-right-everyone-else-was-wrong

So how do we get remedy for being Targeted and in a lot of instances Shot with a Genocide Injection? And how do we stop it from ever happening again? I have a few ideas I want to propose below is my current list but I will be adding things to it over the next week. I am going to call things what they are not the new normal don’t blame us terminology. We can’t allow them to redefine terms and whitewash this atrocity or try and downplay their involvement.
Round up all Alleged Medical Professionals WHO PUSHED THE SHOT or STAYED SILENT ABOUT THE DANGERS and try them for Mass Murder. (Sorry, but NO, you have killed to many people, to allow you to remain in society. FACTS!)
Everyone subjected to this Psychological Warfare Operation is to be compensated accourndly. see below for the schedule of Damages and Awards.
- Unvaccinated, Injection Dodger / Anti-Vaxxer – 5,000,000.00 in damages for Trama, Psychological Abuse and Attempted Murder Victim.
- Vaccinated, Injured or Programmed – 5,000,000.00 in damages per occurrence and complete deprogramming and Vaccine Counter Measures be Administered ASAP.
- Vaccinated and Died – Victims family splits 10,000,000.00 in Damages per Death.
Big Pharma should be Indepedently Investigated and if guilty of any harm, liquidated and the proceeds go to all of their prey, Us.