An Introduction To Monoatomic Gold



What is Monatomic Gold?

Monatomic Gold, also known as Etherium Gold or Ormus Gold, is an individual trace mineral found in nature. Notable for its potential to optimize brain function, learning capabilities, and neurofeedback, it is becoming an increasingly intriguing field of research.

Understanding Monatomic Gold

Monatomic Gold, as part of the ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Element) family, comprises atoms not interconnected in a molecular configuration, allowing each gold atom to stand independently. These solo atoms are believed to stimulate unique electrochemical reactions in the brain, leading to enhanced balance between the brain’s hemispheres. The resultant effects include improved intelligence, heightened creativity, advanced mind-body coordination, and reduced stress levels.

The Historical Journey of Monatomic Gold

Tracing back to ancient civilizations, the narrative of Monatomic Gold or Ormus Gold intertwines with various cultures and epochs. Ancient Egyptians termed it as ‘Mfkzt’ (Mufkuzt), recognizing its potential to intensify spiritual encounters and divine connectivity. Other historical references include ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’, ‘White Powder of Gold’, and ‘The Elixir of Life’.

In the 1970s, David Radius Hudson, an Arizona farmer, brought this unique substance back into the limelight when he stumbled upon it while mining gold and silver. Hudson’s discovery of these unique elements, which he named ORMEs, initiated a wave of continued research into this potentially transformative matter.

Monatomic Gold’s Impact on the Brain

Research undertaken at the Alphalearning Institute supports the proposition that Monatomic Gold can foster brain equilibrium and cognitive ability. When these elements are isolated, they display properties that might be associated with their impact on the brain. For instance, Ormus Gold reportedly enhances the vibration of the user on a spiritual level, often activating the kundalini energy. The monoatomic structure penetrates every cell of the human body, elevating its frequency. This process could potentially result in heightened perceptual experiences like unintentional telepathy, auras and energy field visualizations, lucid dreaming, and instantaneous manifestation.

Monatomic Gold in Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback, a subset of biofeedback, uses real-time displays of brain activity to instruct self-regulation of brain function. Monatomic Gold has demonstrated its potential in this area, with studies suggesting that it can assist the brain in achieving a state of homeostasis or balance. Moreover, the discovery of ORMEs, including Monatomic Gold, potentially widens the range of its applications in neurofeedback. Specifically, users have reported that Ormus Gold can bring about a state of serenity and clarity, propelling them into the theta wave states of the brain.

24K Monatomic Gold is a powerful electrical conductor that has been known to help with physical and mental energy. Balancing and calming, gold helps the truer you come out from within!

The element of kings and rulers, gold represents the best in all aspects of life. But the benefits of gold are becoming more and more apparent outside the realm of wealth and status,  even by the conventional medical establishment. It stems from what gold is as a material: it isn’t affected by oxygen or moisture, so it doesn’t tarnish or corrode. These positive aspects led alchemists to turn to gold and try to understand how it can affect our health and wellness. 24K Monatomic Gold is the reduced state that allows our bodies to access these benefits and use them to improve our physical and mental well-being.

Many of the reported benefits of 24K Monatomic Gold relate to how it affects our personal wellness. Understood to be a superconductor, it allows the emotions and energy to flow through the body, strengthening the aura, helping the user develop keen insight, and it has even been known to heighten psychic abilities. The conductive properties also allow subconscious worries to rise to the surface, helping the user better understand their negative energy and overcoming it.

Experts say 24K Monatomic Gold works with the pituitary gland to increase hormone production, reinvigorating the body. This means it’s great for the skin, hair, and other parts that can be ravaged by ageing, as well as work to increase red blood cell production. It’s known ability to increase semen production makes this monatomic element a natural aphrodisiac!

All Monatomic Orme products contain 250,000 parts per million (PPM) of monatomic powder suspended in ionized water. Real monatomic powder is almost weightless, so an inert filler is used so it can be measured. We use a liquid filler so that nothing inhibits the potency and positive effects of the element, as dry fillers can be made with materials that affect how well it works.

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