Sabrina Wallace Is An Android Daughter Of Black Project Parents And Her Video Has Enough Redpilling For The Entire Year!! The World War Is Electromagnetic, Genetic And Spiritual!! Humanity Has Become Remote-Controlled Android Chimeras (Half- Human and Half-Machine) Who Have Their Blood Harnessed By Nanotechnology!!… That’s What The mRNA Is For!! All This Technology Works With Chemtrails, And 5G!!
1. Yo dude… we cannot just keep stating this over and over, while people do little or nothing about this… we need some serious public education and we are our media. Sooo this Sabrina Wallace video is essential viewing for any living souled human on the planet, who wants to live! People… spend your energy on this topic, you will not disappoint yourself or others… it really comes down to, do you want to be human or not?
2. So yeah, more proof, that humans have been turned into half-machine, and half-human… and by half-human people should probably ask the question… “er…. sir… uh… uh… what is the ‘other half’?”
Well dear child… it can be ‘anything’.
Sir… anything, I don’t understand.
Well child… they can use technology to insert other beings RNA, which then changes our DNA.
Oh, well that doesn’t sound complicated, sir.
Oh, it isn’t… the technology has been perfected in the underground bases.
Sir… really, it is not an experiment?
Yes child, it is an experiment… always the dark experiments… with destruction, not creation.
So you are saying all this new technology, like my smart phone, is there to destroy me? Sir??!!
Yes child…. why do you think they called it an ‘android’? It was so you would become one. Child, can you not feel the radiation coming off your phone, and tingling your fingers?
Uh, yes sir, I feel that all the time.
Well child, that is how it feels when some of the technology begins to interface with you.

What if everyone suddenly all around us, including ourselves, were finding ourselves involved in one way or another, by a hidden plan to change the DNA of humanity, to create a new species, that is genetically altered, remote-control programmable, destined to live in a planned permanent prison!?? These are some essential study notes to help navigate the final battle between light and dark… see for yourself, if you can afford to miss out on this critical document.