Sugar demineralizes your body, pulls calcium from your bones, causing osteoporosis, it damages your immune system, leads to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, throws off your hormones, fries your pancreas and clogs your arteries because unused glucose becomes saturated fat and cholesterol which is stored in your arteries, leading to high blood pressure and clots and it turns into fat in our bodies.
Sugar is rocket fuel for disease, viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus, mold, yeast and anything that grows… Including cancer cells. Here’s the scariest part – It causes your skin to wrinkle! *GASP* Next to cigarettes, sugar is the fastest thing to age you.
Sugar causes inflammation in every cell in the body. Got freckles or brown spots on your skin ? That means sugar is damaging your respiratory and reproductive organs.
The Next Step On Your Addiction Path Could Be Adrenochrome.
Remember Cher of Sonny and Cher? She is an Adrenochrome Junkie, Take A Look!