Imagine a group of very rich and powerful men. They own the banks, railroads, energy sources, and school curriculums. They have one job: to maintain their wealth and power. Any kind of competition that comes their way they will do everything in their power to destroy it. And by “destroy”, I also mean completely wipe it from history and change school curriculums to never speak of it in a classroom again.
What is “free” energy?
It’s more of a slang term for atmospheric electricity, or electricity from the air. “Ether/Aether” energy, if you will.
The reason it’s free is because you don’t have to pay for it, our ancestors had technology that was able to harness this energy free of charge, without using any resources.
Signs of Cognitive Dissonance – Happens When Faced With Conflicting Information
Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. People tend to seek consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes unpleasant feelings of unease or discomfort.
The inconsistency between what people believe and how they behave motivates them to engage in actions that will help minimize feelings of discomfort. People attempt to relieve this tension in different ways, such as by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding new information.
Everyone experiences cognitive dissonance to some degree but that doesn’t mean that it is always easy to recognize. Some signs that what you are feeling might be related to dissonance include:
- Feeling uncomfortable before doing something or making a decision
- Trying to justify or rationalize a decision you’ve made or action you have taken
- Feeling embarrassed or ashamed about something you’ve done and trying to hide your actions from other people
- Experiencing guilt or regret about something you’ve done in the past
- Doing things because of social pressure or a fear of missing out (FOMO), even if it wasn’t something you wanted to do
TRIGGER WARNING The Rest Of This Post May Trigger Cognitive Dissonance TRIGGER WARNING
A private collection of Strange Creatures has been found in the basement of an old London house.
In 1960 in London, during the clearing of the site for the construction of a new residential neighborhood, an old long-abandoned mansion, which belonged to Thomas Theodore Merlin, was sent for demolition.
In the basement of the house, the builders discovered several thousand small, tightly closed wooden crates.
Imagine their surprise when they began to find inside the bodies of strange mythical creatures that seemed to live only in fairy tales.
Thomas Theodore Merrilyn was known as a crypto-naturalist, fringe zoologist, and xeno-archaeologist. The creatures and artifacts are considered nothing more than myth.
It is a mystery that challenges our understanding of biology, chemistry and the very laws of physics. But it is not a fairy tale, for he was a scientist, and empirical data and rational thought reign supreme.