Flying Monkeys are everywhere be very careful.
Well People Turned On Those Trying To Bring Some Rationality To The Whole COVID Crazies Almost Immediately.
I happened to be fortunate enough to know what was going down from the start. My late wife and I were very into hidden research and exposing a grand conspiracy to eradicate 90% of the global population. As you may expect I was already looked at like a cook anyway not because I was wrong but because I was so far away from acceptable in societies eyes. They would be looked at as crazy by their so called friends so it was easier to shut me out I guess. If I were a Debbie Downer I might understand but that is not what we are talking about, people who for some reason lost all respect for others as humans who may have different opinons then the main stream brainwashing madness.
I contracted PPMS most likely from a Big Pharma injection, because when I was a child my mother basically gave me to my grandmother to raise and she believed everything the white coats said, so I was used as a pin cushion for every new BS poison they came out with. BTW, I am not a nut case and I was very successful before PPMS with a very successful Resume that most in my family would be highly jealous of.
I am writing this to help others in similar situations so they know they are not alone. I have found myself with a heavy heart on this because I never expected to be ostracized from my own family. Then again I may not have known how easy it was to be thrown away and abandoned but as a side note due to this disease progression I cant say I blame them for running the other direction. To bad to because if I was able to get proper nutrition I would be getting better not worse. It is hard to eat and prepare food when you can’t move so I do what I can to survive day to day.
For my own edification I send the following message: “To all those that treated us like 2nd class citizens because we stuck our necks out to try and protect you All, I am sorry if you have health repercussions But we tried to Warn You..”
I had people tell me they would apologize if they were wrong, haven’t gotten one yet. One Gentlemen told me he would give me the clock his father made for him if he died. I said what would I do with a Clock, He didn’t make it a month before he was in the hospital dying. Passed within 72 hours of the 2nd shot.
Others have stopped taking my calls even though they know I live all alone and have a horrible disease. I didn’t deserve to be abandoned in my time of need but most of my family will lie and say they didn’t. That just makes it worse like being gaslight-ted. Every man and woman for themslves, what an ugly world.
“The component of the Mockery of the Victim is a show of macabre arrogance when done in a veiled or symbolic fashion and eliciting no significant response of opposition from the victim is one of the most efficacious techniques in psychological warfare.”
The COVID-19 injections are engineered modRNA nanoparticle injections that are classified as electromagnetic devices. Don’t believe me? Then just read the Pfizer DoD contract and FDA guidance that clearly defines the mRNA nanoparticles as electromagnetic devices. Or read Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s SubStack articles where you can ‘see for yourself’ the nanotechnology in the blood of the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Lying about the Use of Nanotechnology Has Made the Medical Freedom Movement Powerless in their Efforts to Prosecute Pfizer and other Criminals
There are Freedom Movement leaders who claim that discussing nanotechnology will weaken efforts to remove the injections from the market when in fact, the exact opposite is true. The nanotechnology industry is barely regulated in America. Essentially the FDA, the consumer protection agency, and EPA all said, “We’re going to let the manufacturers regulate themselves.”
A virtually unregulated industry means that there are no laws or government agencies protecting Pfizer and other manufacturers from civil and criminal liability for enabling the injection adults and children with engineered modRNA nanoparticles that are known toxic pathogens and electromagnetic devices.
In other words, the Childhood Vaccine Protection doesn’t protect Pfizer from injecting children with electromagnetic nanoparticles and pretending Pfizer has liability protection shielded by the US military is a completely fabricated story.
When Freedom Movement leaders and global civilians acknowledge that billions of innocent adults and children have been injected and poisoned with engineered nanoparticles that are ‘vaccine nanotechnologies’ that have a dual-use as weapons of biowarfare, I believe everyone of a a sound mind will do everything in in their power to remove the COVID-19 injections from communities around the globe.
We must demand immediate prosecution of Pfizer from our government officials and law enforcement, beginning with seizing the company’s assets.
Originally published June 21, 2023: When an individual (or group of individuals) with proclivities to act in deceptive, manipulative, and harmful ways are caught in a transgression their typical responses would include things, such as; denying the transgression ever happened; or denying that they know their co-conspirators; or even calling the witnesses to their crimes ‘not credible’ and ‘emotionally unstable’; but would they go so far as to deny the very existence of the weapons that they used?
There is a term used by Psychologists for when a narcissist enlists others to do their bidding , these are called Flying Monkeys. The Pharma and Government Shills have turn most of Society into Their Flying Monkeys. Google It for More.
by Flying Monkey
If No Other Agenda Was At Play, This Would Not Happen!
Robert F Kennedy Jr. Destroys Trust The Science & The Experts.
However please, if you have family members you forgot perhaps they would like to hear from you.
Here is a woman who is telling it like it is, not sugar coating anything. If you think her situation is because she is screwed up or not that intelligent, You Have Been Brainwashed Against Your Own Best Interests. She Is A Victim Of A Slave System. Cognitive Dissonance wil have you rationalizing away why I am wrong. I am not Wrong, You just can’t handle the Truth That You Are A Slave and anything But FREE!