Higher Consciousness: Path Through Illusions by Raine Stardancer


By Raine Stardancer

Overview: When it comes to perception, what we get is often what we believe that we see. How do we know if our perception is correct and what prevents us from seeing from a higher vantage point?

An illusion, by definition, is a misconception of something. To conceive of an idea is to form a belief. Those beliefs and ideas are based on perception that has been arrived at from various inputs such as facts, opinions, and assumptions, and in most cases, a bit of all of these. Therefore, if someone has a misconception (or illusion) about something, then that means that they have believed wrongly because their information is inaccurate in some way. This is where it gets a bit challenging. Some things, like those of objective reality, can be proven by facts, experiments and observable phenomenon. Things of the subjective reality can be a bit more difficult to prove, since those things are ascertained with a different part of our beings—that is, the consciousness. An elevation in our state of consciousness is the key to carving out a path through this world’s illusions.

Your perception is directly related to your state of consciousness. Your perception about yourself, life and the world, God (Source Energy), and others, seems to you at any given moment, to be the only perception (or understanding of reality) that there could be. You cannot fathom a different perspective as being the correct one and yours as false, because as soon as you are able to see that possibility, then your perspective has already changed! Some people believe that by limiting their understanding of the reality of all things, that they are being faithful to what they believe, and while their heart is probably in their right place, yet it is not enough to just have good intentions. You know what road was paved with good intentions, don’t you? ;). Of course I’m referring to the old saying “The road to hell was paved with good intentions.” The scope of history of religion and politics show that sometimes when we mean well, but have illogical or unfounded beliefs due to a closed down consciousness, we are even capable of the most deplorable actions all the while thinking we are on the right path. But if it be a path of illusions, what will be the cumulative result of those actions? Can those things only serve to show that our collective consciousness as a human race needs to be adjusted so that we can cease to cause each other harm? What is it that gets in the way of a higher view of things, of life and of each other?

In a word, filters. Our mind-dominated egos block much of the higher consciousness that exists within each one of us. It prevents us from seeing things in their true light. Our consciousness’ awareness can be blocked by the filters of the mind. Our mind is a kind of filter when it is loaded up with beliefs, whether those beliefs are formed from facts, probable ideas or even unproved assumptions, or repetitive errors, such as the kind found in every society, every culture and every religion.

The mind is akin to a computer’s operating system. That “operating system”, if you will, creates a kind of mental grid. That mental grid filters out beliefs and thoughts that threaten it, and only allows beliefs and thoughts that agree, or strengthen, the current belief. This is why sometimes you’ll have evidence regarding something in history, for instance, showing that what you believed was based on falsehoods. Yet if the mind is simply not ready to accept this fact, it will selectively either ignore or else re-explain the evidence to lean in favor of the current belief system. Having worked with people from cults, I have seen first hand how amazing the Mind Filters can be! Never think you’re above that sort of thinking. It is more prevalent than you’d realize. Some of the things we have long thought to be fact, may have been just cultural conditioning and assumption. If an error is repeated often enough, it seems true even though one may be able to prove otherwise. It’s because the mind can be programmed to an extent through various means, including ego-identity attachment, emotionalism appeals, manipulation of information, and so forth, but this will be covered more in-depth in another article.

Another of our biggest obstacles to clear mind and clear consciousness, is that of our emotions. Granted, emotions come forth from the thoughts in our mind. So once again, if the Mind Filter is filtering out selected parts of reality and what is, then the emotions will be congruent with the thoughts in the mind. For instance, if someone believes the thought, “all who disagree with us are bad or evil”, then it will cause ill will and bad emotions towards anther persons who does not hold to the same ideas. It is irrelevant who is right in that case. What matters here is that the emotions are being used as a filter to perceive of someone with a different view in a bad way. This thought and emotion can lead to actions that will not help humanity to find peace but only more strife. Emotions, just like the mind and thought life, must be brought under submission to the awakened consciousness that realizes when we hurt each other, we are also hurting ourselves.

We must all rise above our egos’ offenses and our emotional offenses at statements like the aforementioned.

In order to ascend in our consciousness, we must be willing to let go of all the mind and emotional filters that we’ve held onto. This may the hardest part for some of us. But it is necessary. If the things you’d believed were based on truth, it will come out in the light of examination, and clear logical thinking, guided by higher consciousness awareness. However, if what you’d held onto turns out to be not so true, see it not as a bad thing. See it as a chance to move on in your development. See it as a chance to ascend to higher places of knowledge and understanding. Then as you later look back upon what you’d held onto so tightly before, you may see that what you thought was your security—or anchor—in this world, if it was a limiting belief, was more like a metaphysical dog leash! Let go the leash and set the mind free!

With something as vast as our consciousness and a Universe as expansive as we have, how though, can we be so narrow (as often times mankind has been) to think that we know it all and there is only one possible perception of Reality that is correct. This has often amazed me, yet people will harm one another over which perception is ‘correct’. It is indeed a much bigger Universe out there than we’d ever believed before. Back when people thought the earth was flat (and you were ostracized in society if you believed otherwise), they could have never dreamed that the Universe was as large as it was. If they did understand that, they wouldn’t have been so worried about falling off the end of the earth, as was commonly believed if one went too far past the horizon. It’s silly now to see what humanity collectively once believed, but as our consciousness expands to see things from that higher perspective, it is to be looked upon as humanity’s infant years.

In my opinion, the greatest gift that we can give to each other is help each other ascend to the highest place within for each of us. This requires love and when we do this, we will begin to see that we are all connected by Source Energy and that power of Creation is the Energy of Love (not just a feeling but a power). When we have a have a mass awakening, then we will begin to understand the questions we all have about life and so forth because our collective shift in perception will be able to absorb that knowledge without blockages. At that time, a new awareness will occur. We are like blind men interacting with a Technicolor quantum virtual reality, and we don’t even really know it! Yeah, there is more! There is a kind of freedom in the power of a clear mind and a clear conscience. I will leave that soul work up to you. It’s just something to keep in mind.

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