Pirates At It Again, Your Tax Dollars Protection Racket At Work – Festival Goers Clog Jail as Electric Daisy Carnival Lights Up Las Vegas (JAIL)

Here Are Some Comments On This From Viewers

  • Marijuana and mushrooms?!?!?! OMG LOCK HER UP FOR 30 YEARS, she’s nothing but trouble. I remember taking mushrooms many times and every time I’d just go out committing crimes. Oh wait, nevermind, what I meant to say is I’d just relax in my room and explore the mind and wonder how great the universe is. Truly devious stuff.
  • Arguably two of the safest (and even sometimes beneficial) substances known to humans. Police sure can be parasitic sometimes.
  • Thank you brave officers for helping create a new generation of unemployable felons . I’m absolutely sure these are the worst criminals in Vegas
  • You took three grams of weed off the street, Sherlock. You also gave a kid a criminal record and destroyed her future. Well done.
Wow I feel so much safer now that all these dangerous people are off the street. Now if we could get these pirates off the street we really would be safer not just feel safer.

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