Humans Have Avatars… 70% Americans Controlled By Their Avatar!! Viruses, mRNA, Black Goo, Avatar Data Gathering, Splitting Timelines And More!! ! ‘Lee Merritt’ & ‘Harald Kautz’ Incredible Bombshells!!

ITM:  Some major deep diving going on in this video.  What is definitely worth a mention, is when they discuss the secret hologram avatars that are created from everyone’s data. That I completely feel in my heart exists… now I don’t know if it works like this, but here’s a story:  A couple have cellphones stuffed with apps, smart technology… newer cars… smart watches… all of this information is fed into an avatar that is always trying to product your next move… not only that, but they can also influence behavior… by a little zap here, and a little zap there, if you know what I mean. 

So this couple is ‘starting to wake up’… their favorite tv program begins to zap them back into subservience.  

The sad part, is that it probably goes like this:

  1. The god within them is targeted for zapping. 
  2. They more they use their technology, the further they go from god.
  3. Humans may be walking among us who have become their artificial avatar in terms of consciousness.
  4. There is also a zapping of emotions. For example, if you are feeling joy, you could be then zapped back into depression. 
  5. The system is based on predictability. Their data is your perception, viewpoint, spiritual advancement or lack thereof, how you think, behave, what you do, what you think, what you might think and so on!!

Isn’t that interesting? Klautz-Vella suggests something very similar exists, and that 70% of humanity are already participating, unknown to themselves. 

The seeding of the atmosphere is known to be used to facilitate 3D mapping abilities. 

Imagine feeding all that data gained, into the avatar program, and that it updates in real-time!


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