Blue Gang Pirate Protection – Execution Style – Coup De Grace – Final Nail – You Get The Idea

This Is The Straw That Should Break The Pirates Code

This video shows perfectly why these pirates we call police are a major danger worse then the criminals to society at large.


My COMMENTS: Oh I will have more as time goes on. Come back to this post often.

You get in a fight and a knife gets pulled, then along comes the protection racket with guns and No accountability.

Cops – If you don’t put that knife down right now, for your own protection we kill you both.

Hell, they could have placed bets on the winner of the fight and rooted for their fighter which would have been much better. But NO we just decided to ended it by putting them both out of their misery. 

Think about this, If you are in a fight and someone has a knife do you think they will put it down so you can grab it and stab them. Oh, I understand because there are 4 to 6 pirates giving the order with guns drawn that the assailant should feel safe to do so.

Huh, Okay so why not just shoot the guy with the knife. I know you all got trigger happy and restraint is to much to ask from pirates.


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