DOD Created HIV / AIDS in the Seventies At Litton Bionetics

Dr. Leonard Horowitz Told Everyone HIV Came From A US DOD Bioweapons Program And Tested On Unsuspecting Human Ginny Pigs.

Dr. Horowitz was the doctor who was sent down to Florida to determine how a Dentist gave HIV to 13 of his Patients. After following the Rabbit Trail he Stumbled upon the chilling Truth that is was a Bioweapon created by the US DOD and then tested as Hepatitis B Vaccines to the Homosexual Communities in NY and San Francisco. They also released a more virulent strain in South Africa on the Black Population. I Guess they considered those people undesirables and Decided to Experiment on Them.

Someone Found Some more “Original DOD Documents”

Emerging Viruses and Vaccinations, Dr. Leonard Horowitz Told Everyone Where HIV Came From In This Book.

Dr. Horowitz was the doctor who was sent down to Florida to determine how a Dentist gave HIV to 13 of his Patients. After following the Rabbit Trail he Stumbled upon the chilling Truth that is was a Bioweapon created by the US DOD and then tested as Hepatitis B Vaccines to the Homosexual Communities in NY and San Francisco. The also released a more virulent strain in South Africa on the Black Population.

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