COVID Root Cause, Wait For It – Snake Venom!

COVID Root Cause Is Snake Venom Possibly Dumped In Water Supplies

Dr. Ardis was interviewed by Mike Adams on the same subject above, but these interviews at the bottom are much more in-depth. (Mike Adams) They are incredible!

Dr. Ardis goes through highlighted document after highlighted document, from industry, corporations and news outlets sourcing all of his conclusions! You will see that covid pneumonia is actually “snake pneumonia”, straight out of a document. You will learn that remdesivir is actually dehydrated snake venom, and that ALL covid symptoms are symptoms caused from snake venom, including the strange blood clots that we are witnessing, as well as strokes, heart attacks and neurological disorders. You will see that the latin meaning of virus is actually venom!! And you will learn that the derivation of the name Covid-19 comes from the cobra snake, including the “19” handle! And you will learn much much more.

Dr. Ardis has probably done the greatest service for humanity in our lifetime by empowering humanity with this information and knowledge. The level of evil that is being revealed, that has been revealed over the last 2 years and that will be revealed is unprecedented and hard for any normal, good spirited human to fathom or to swallow! But non the less, never deny the truth when you see! Accept it and Adapt. And hopefully most people will choose to become a force for positive change!

Here are the links and videos for Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3.

Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 0f 3.

Part 3 of 3.

APPARENTLY, There are some Issues with this Story See link below.

Snake Venom Story, True or False? You Decide…

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