Globalist Revolution Under Way While The President Abuses Us All For Good Measure. Get In Line Sheep!

This Is Called Gas Lighting By The Alleged President Of The USA!

He Is Calling Those That Are Healthy Dangerous To The Alleged Vaccine Protected.

This Is Called Psychological Abuse!

Mother May I Never Turns Out Well!

This Congressman Gets It!

They Are Comming For Our Children That Are Between 5 To 11 Year Olds.

They Are Comming For The Rest Of Us With Starvation And Power Restrictions or Outages!.

Another One Of Those Lies People Believe That They Have Entitlements, BS, Nothing Further From The Truth.

Do You Believe You Owe Taxes Too? BS, Nothing Further From The Truth.

Do You Believe You Need To Be Vaccinated Too? BS, Nothing Further From The Truth.




Citizens of the United States are guilty of far more than just 3 Federal Crimes per day. As mentioned by Putin a decade ago…the United States and all Americans are is the BIGGEST HUMAN RIGHTS violators; currently on the planet. I can mention several human rights Treaties; just in general…and many more that are specifically WAR CRIMES under the Geneva Conventions and “anti Genocide Treaties.

An example is Iraq, where American soldiers admitted to the use of “drop weapons” to justify the wanton MURDER of Iraqi men…who did nothing to the U.S.A. or any US citizen. This, of course, during one of the latest American OCCUPATIONS of foreigners on their own soil.

Now; apart from this…here’s what NO ONE talks about in relation to Universal Crimes; in particular….FRAUD. The entire financial system of the US is debt-based…making the US a ‘debtor nation” or “nation of debtor”…where under US law and International law….ALL AMERICANS ARE DEBT SLAVES to the lenders. Maxim of “borrower/slave” and “Creditor/lender” and also…RULER.

DEBTORS only have the Rights that Creditors are willing to extend. And, since this Debt Based system is based at first; on a 9 to 1 FRAUDULENT PONZI SCHEME….then everyone that touches that “debt ponzi fraud” without and Variation by Agreement or legitimate Global Agreement for IMMUNITY; is guilty of a Universal Fraudulent Crimes of dealing in a system of “UNJUST WEIGHTS AND MEASURES”.

IF that seems to “radical”; then look at a more ‘archaic” meaning for your “beloved word: Money”…..from Black’s law…. MONEY. In usual and ordinary acceptation it means gold, silver, or paper money used as circulating medium of exchange, And does not embrace notes, bonds, or evidences of debt

Bottom line…..DO NOT QUESTION WHY BAD THINGS HAPPEN..and pretend that “it’s not fair or equitable”; when you have UNCLEAN HANDS. This is the principle of equity and equitable settlement. The MAXIM is…”to receive equity, you must give equity”…and “your hands must be clean”.

It’s been known as the CLEAN HANDS DOCTRINCE for many millennia. And, there is no Citizen of the United States that
has “clean hands”.

If that sounds “too harsh”….then continue to BLAME the Cabal and the Elite for the current conditions of the World;

Let us know how that works out for ya.

Try This Remedy Instead As It Works: The Right Of Self Determination

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