Emergency Assistance And Instructions For When The SHTF

Currently The Rouge US Government Is Trying To Kill Us, So Get What You Can From Their Sites But Avoid The Actual Agencies (FEMA, DHS) Like The Plague.


In order to “build back better” and “reset” the system. The United States must be sacrificed. The decision has been made. Trump stood in the way of this decision. So the election had to be won (by any means possible) and given to the Democrats who are Davos NWO foot soldiers that are appointed to overseas the destruction of the USA.

In preparation for this destruction the following has taken place:

1)… The fuel independence and production of the USA has and is being crippled.

2)… The emergency strategic fuel reserves are being drained.

3)… The military has been weakened and demoralized.

4)… Missiles, ammunition and stocks of equipment have been drained and where it’s replacements are years away in some cases.

5)… Supply lines and goods are being hampered via “green” regulations and red tape on top of antagonizing China who’s rare metals and parts are necessary for certain military production not to mention manufactured goods not produced at home.

6)… The economy has been sabotaged and is failing.

7)… Mass flooding of illegal un-vetted immigrants of several countries, many hostile to the US on top of the flooding mass of deadly illegal drugs.

8).. Near total capture of the DOJ and Federal courts to stop any sort of legal remedy.

9)… The capture of all mass media outlets. They are paid propaganda agencies controlled by Intel agencies.

10).. Censoring of free speech to control any counter viewpoint to the MSM narrative.

11)…State sponsored murder and harm by injection.

12)…Destruction of relations with long standing allies leaving the US alone and hated around the world.

13)… Lost control of the petro-dollar system, the ONLY thing supporting the dollar besides guns and bombs of which they have now been depleted.

14)… A new socialist political system that rewards lies, depravity and infant murder (hailed as a human right) and that punishes productivity, honesty, integrity, personal safety, self defence and real education.

15)… State sponsored division of races and sexes. Sewing divisions in ever way possible to decide the nation into splinter groups at war with one another. A controlled FBI tasked to look the other way yet targets at patriots, election whistle blowers, Christians and political opponents. (Adding up to over half the US population).

16)… Near complete capture of the school system where children are taught to hate their country and themselves.

The list is so long that it can’t be listed here. But just think for a moment what has been going on since the election. I affirm it is intentional and goal driven using the Marxist playbook to destroy any country from within.

Now, to finish us off, a war with 2 super nuclear powers Russia and China. Can you see it? How is it so many Americans don’t?

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