Exposing the Truth: Shocking Test Results from Western NC & Tennessee Revealed
This video was livestreamed by Billy Bond and Bear Independent and a host of others yesterday evening and I’ve transcribed the first 26 minutes, which I thought to post, immediately, because it concerns serious safety hazards in the area immediately around and downstream from Erwin, Tennessee.
The Nolichucky River flows into the French Broad River, which flows into the Tennessee River, through Knoxville, then through Chattanooga and then through Huntsville, Alabama.
A canal built by the Army Corps of engineers has part of it that flow emptying into the Gulf of Mexico through Mobile, Alabama but it also flows in its natural course flows into the Ohio River at Paducah, Kentucky and then into the Mississippi River and finally, into the Gulf of Mexico, through the Mississippi Delta in Louisiana.
Every community along these paths could conceivably be affected.
I wrote about this over a month ago but now a $5,695 lab test result, paid for by Grindstone Ministries has come back, along with drone footage of the area to confirm that: “Soil level of contamination along the Nolichucky River exceeds the permissible exposure level by 10 to 1,000-fold, and it should be extrapolated that the levels inhaled through the dust and were absorbed through the skin could exceed the permissible exposure levels. Humans would be impacted by dust inhalation, dust settling on skin and then sweating, allowing absorption through the skin and absorption through wet mud into clothing and through skin…
“Arsenic: permissible exposure level 0.01, actual 8.27; barium: permissible 0.05, actual 853.73; chromium: permissible 0.05, actual 57.42; lead: permissible 0.05, actual 194.06; selenium: permissible 0.2, actual 2.26.”
In addition, Bear says that an out-building at the Nuclear Fuel Services Facility or an “old pole barn” as he calls it, an 8,000 square-foot structure (at 1205 Banner St, Erwin, TN?), where there were said to be “training barrels” of cesium-137, etc, for “training purposes”; according to the locals, it was used for cleaning all the contaminated equipment. Bear says this building was flooded and all the materials in that building were washed away, which was confirmed by drone footage of the property that was acquired by his team.
20 years ago, The Nuclear Fuel Services plant had a serious spill of enriched uranium, that was not reported at the time, for reasons of “National Security”, so there’s no reason to think they wouldn’t be lying now.
Bear also explains that the primary function of FEMA is not one of rescue and relief but of Continuity of Government. As he explains:
“For every $1 that FEMA spends on natural disasters, they spend $12 on Continuity of Government. And everybody who’s listening should do themselves a favor and Google ‘enduring constitutional government’.“
“That’s FEMA’s job. That’s their primary job. And “disaster relief” is Cover for Action.
“So, of course, they did a terrible job because their actual job is protecting the Government – not protecting you. OK? So, yeah, they’re terrible at their job. They’ve been terrible for as long as I’ve been doing this, which is since Hurricane Katrina, 19 going on 20 years!
“They’re always going to suck. They absolutely sucked during Hurricane Helene. And they’re going to suck during the next one and the next one after that, because it’s not their job.
“However, this is the first storm I’ve ever worked, from Hurricane Katrina, forward where FEMA was part of the problem. They weren’t just in the way. They were part of the problem.”
There are other very important speakers here, Including Rohit and Niti, who spent over $8,000+ of their own money, doing additional testing around Asheville, Woodfin and Rollins, NC and found elevated heavy metals and even radioactive barium, in Rollins.
There is a massive cover-up of the major chemical and radioactive spills that have likely been ongoing for decades, with “Sniffer”helicopters that have “Beach Balls” on their bottoms, testing the air for chemicals and radioactivity. Members of the Fire Department, of what sounds like Knoxville (they wouldn’t say, for the firemen’s safety), refused to go on-camera, because they are being followed by Black SUVs!
Lake Douglas is not a good water source for anything!
It’s absolutely nuts – but there are also ways to bio-remediate all of this, using microbes that can digest and transmute these poisons into organic compounds that fertilize the soil. Dr Will claims that there are no longer any such things as “Forever Chemicals”, using their methods.
There many, many more important details in this livestream!
It’s too late to transcribe it all for this post but it will eventually all be transcribed beneath the video, linked here and I highly encourage you to listen/watch this podcast, especially if you are local to Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina!
This is a special episode where Bear Independent, Billy & Michelle Bond, from Perma Pasture Farms and Rohit & Niti Bali and Dr Will and his team will be sharing our testing results with you all.
We the People are doing what our subcontractors are paid to do and are not performing. Where is the EPA?!
It is ok, the Americans are back and we are just going to handle this ourselves! There is great love here for you. Link with Anna-Approved Links of sites to follow and solutions : https://linktr.ee/
Billy Bond: We got a lot of people on this broadcast, and we got a whole lot of things to cover. And look, y’all, if you’re coming in right now, please do us a thumbs up. I mean, seriously, tell everybody you know that we’re live right now, because we’re going to be dropping tactical nukes of information on this show that is 180 degrees out of phase with everything you’ve been told about what’s happened in eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina, which just happens to be where Billy’s Jungle Palace of Love is currently located.
So look, y’all, I’m just going to kick it off by telling you what’s been officially proclaimed. Right off the bat, I’m reading this article from Citizen’s Times. Citizen Times, I’m sorry.
And it’s basically from French Riverkeeper Hartwell Carson basically said, and this was written on November 13th, 2024, and I quote, he says, you know, we’ve checked everything out here, but things are overwhelmingly good. And I’m reading this. This is a direct quote.
Also, Dr. Will’s going to get a real good laugh out of this. Also, Rohit, he says, according to the Mountain True, the organization tested for roughly 185 chemical pollutants. Hmm.
I’m sure there’s, Michelle, would you agree there’s probably a few more than that? Just a few. Just a few. But anyway, he says, and I quote, almost none of those pollutants were found.
And then according to Carson, this Hartwell Carson, the levels of chromium and mercury were well below the drinking water standard. And the levels were 28.9 milligrams per kilogram, which is well below the EPA safe limit for soil, which is 400 milligrams per kilogram. And then he says, of course, later on October 24th, Mountain True tested roughly 135 pollutants, and only two were present, and they were only isopropyl toluene and trimethylbenzene.
OK. I didn’t just step out of the cotton field, y’all, but I’m pretty sure this stuff ain’t wonderful. Bottom line is, everybody out there, everybody in this prostitute media, that’s why I said permaculture preparedness, practical living, and tonight we’re going to talk about prostitutes.
Look, let me just warn you right off the bat, y’all. You’re going to hear some stuff tonight that might freak you out. But guess what? I’m here live with a bunch of people who are doers.
It has been my policy, our policy of this show, to never offer a problem without offering at least a couple of solutions. And you’re going to hear some, probably most certainly, from Pat and Dr Will. Now, just briefly, we got Niti.
You heard me talk to her a little while ago, along with Rohit, her husband, and they did some testing. You’re going to want to know about it. Bear Independent, he’s on here as TJ Morris, but, you know, we affectionately know him as Bear.
Bear from the Internet, as he’s well known. If you don’t know about Bear, you want to check out Grindstone Ministries. You also want to check out the other things he’s doing, like Caleb House.
And this is why we support Bear and give money every single month to Caleb House, because he’s doing things that nobody else on this planet are doing right now. Dr. Will, I had on a little while ago. We’ll let you know about him here in a little while, and what he discovered, and the bombshells that he’s absolutely discovered.
And we were there to witness it this last Sunday. And then we got former UFC world champion Pat Miletic, soil scientist, or, no, no, soil savior these days. Got the coolest email address I’ve ever heard in my life, and Pat almost gave it out because it’s that awesome.
And, of course, Jim. Just Jim. He’s over there in the bottom.
I was going to say, it’s just Jim. No, we got Jim. He’s also the host of their podcast as well.
So Jim will jump in from time to time. But, look, Bear is dealing with some stuff right now that would ordinarily crush most mortals. So right off the bat, Bear, I’m just going to step back and let you take it away, because we’re going to start with your results, first.
And I’m guessing it’s not congruent with what I just read.
Bear Independent: Well, good evening, Billy. Can you hear me? I can indeed.
Billy Bond: And you got that awesome baritone. Hey, Bro, I’ll tell you what. If what you’re doing right now on YouTube and the other thing doesn’t work out, bro, you can also do some voice acting.
And you could be a Barry White fill-in if you had to, man.
Bear Independent: I got a face for radio, Homie.
Billy Bond: Yeah.
Bear Independent: All right. So my name’s TJ Morris, a.k.a. Bear from the internet. I am the founder and president of Grindstone Ministries, 501c(3), nationally-registered.
Same authority as the American Red Cross. We do disaster relief, which is different than disaster recovery. So we get in immediately after the storm, and our goal is preservation of life.
Food, water, shelter, med, search and rescue, thermoregulation, management of displaced peoples, et cetera, et cetera. 100% privately-funded. Don’t take money from FEMA.
Don’t take money from the state government. Don’t take money from municipalities. Don’t take money from homeowners. We’re just privately-supported by the Bear Nation and folks like y’all.
So with that preamble, we deployed Hurricane Helene for approximately 30 days. We were based out of Jonesboro, Tennessee, which is on the border with North Carolina, Western North Carolina.
And we had approximately 360 volunteers during that time. Predominantly what Grindstone does is debris remediation. That’s what we’re good at.
Chainsaws, heavy equipment, dump trucks, dump trailers, haul the bad stuff out. We’re like surgeons. Trust me enough for me to come in here, cut the bad stuff out, and then leave so you can begin to heal.
That’s what we do. Hurricane Helene, we did not do that. We were predominantly focused on distribution.
We were “Amazon for Hill People”. That’s what we did because that’s what the need was. You tell me what you need, I’ll get it to you within 24 hours.
And shout-out to the awesome people who came out and volunteered because we had mountains of excellent people who dropped everything they had, drove literally all the way across the country to come and sleep on a cot and love-on people they never met before in their life. That’s what makes Grindstone amazing.
So I had a gut feeling that the soil and the water was bad. Call it intuition, call it whatever you want. We were telling our people from Jump, “Stay out of the water, stay out of the silt.” We did a 24-hour stand down at one point because we were getting reports of cadaver dogs getting sick, of first responders getting sick, of locals getting sick.
And I needed more information because I didn’t want any of the people who had come and volunteered their time and spent their own money to come out here and help to get sick, as well. So we did a 24-hour stand-down where we stayed at our FOB, the Cherry Grove Baptist Church, 104 Cherry Grove Road, Jonesboro, Tennessee. We stayed there for 24 hours so we could get a better handle on what was going on.
During that time, we decided to start taking soil and water samples. We were also encouraging everybody in the community, the local law enforcement, local governance, the residents, constituents, everybody, to take soil samples, take water samples, and take multiples and send one set to the State testing labs and then send other sets of samples to independent labs so we could compare/contrast, and find out whether the state labs were giving different data than what the private individual labs were giving.
So, excuse me, we took a lot of different samples.
Specifically, what I’m gonna tell you about today, and for anybody who wants to, you can just screenshot this little matrix. It’s right here. The yellow was bad, okay? The yellow was, yellow, green, whatever that is. I’m super colorblind. The highlighted areas are bad, okay?
So this is coming out of Bumpus Cove, Tennessee, which is right on the Nolichucky River, which is right upstream from Little Germany. If you’ve been following Ground Stone Ministries, you’ll be familiar with the people of Little Germany.
So with that, we took seven water and soil samples from Bumpus Cove in the Little Germany area, and I’ll read you the conclusion of the report that we’ve got here:
“Conclusion. The correlation between soil levels and permissible exposure levels, immediately dangerous to life and health or lethal dose, 50% lethal dose, is difficult because each is measuring a different route of entry.
“IDLH: Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health, is typically concerned with airborne concentrations while lethal dose is oral ingestion. However, soil level of contamination along the Nolichucky River exceeds the permissible exposure level by 10 to 1,000-fold, and it should be extrapolated that the levels inhaled through the dust and were absorbed through the skin could exceed the permissible exposure levels. Humans would be impacted by dust inhalation, dust settling on skin and then sweating, allowing absorption through the skin and absorption through wet mud into clothing and through skin.
“Gastrointestinal issues and headaches were the most common symptoms of excessive exposure to these heavy metals, arsenic and barium being the most likely culprits of any potential injury. Their levels in soil exceeded the permissible exposure level by a multiple of 827 and 17,000, respectively. Cadaver dogs were reported to have been ill, their body mass is lower, and routes of entry would have been through their paws and wet soil, inhalation through looking for cadavers as well as ingestion through cleaning themselves and drinking from puddles.”
Now, let me take a moment to pause. There are, of the different types of minerals or issues that they’re looking for here, forgive me, I’m not a scientist and I don’t play one on YouTube.
They were looking for arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, silver, and manganese.
Above the permissible exposure level were: arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, and selenium. How much above? Arsenic, permissible exposure level 0.01, actual 8.27, barium permissible 0.05, actual 853.73, chromium permissible 0.05, actual 57.42, lead permissible 0.05, actual 194.06, selenium permissible 0.2, actual 2.26.
Now, Bumpus Cove has a long history that has to do with the nuclear fuels in that area and there has been dumping in the area for several decades. We cannot exclusively say whether or not the soil samples that we got were because of what happened at Hurricane Helene or because of the dumping that occurred previously.
However, I had been saying from Jump, when people started to rebuild in this area that they shouldn’t, because the water and the soil is bad. And I understand how difficult that is, because you own this land, it’s your land, your family’s been here for 100, 200 years, you want to rebuild here.
But the water is dangerous, the soil is dangerous, and this is why we explicitly told our people to stay out of the water, stay out of the silt, because it’s filled with bad things. Now, this sample was taken, that has all these levels, the levels that I just quoted to you, this is from the mudflats in the silt in Bumpus Cove.
So I have reason to believe that this isn’t groundwater contamination from the 1980s, that this is from the silt of the Nolichucky River, post-Hurricane Helene, because of where that sample was taken.
I’ll continue with the conclusion of this report and then I’ll be done for this portion.
“There’s also the possibility of biological contamination through ruptured sewer lines.” Again, this is a professional report that we paid $5,695 for this one report, “we” being Grindstone.
“There is also the possibility of biological contamination through ruptured sewer lines, septic tanks, dead humans, and livestock. The generation of hydrogen sulfide gas is also a possibility that could have impacted cadaver dogs. Mudflats with oxygen-starved organic material in the sediment can produce generally low levels of hydrogen sulfide. Shorelines with significant amounts of decaying organic material can create hydrogen sulfide problems. In the environment, hydrogen sulfide is produced from the bacterial breakdown or decomposition of dead plants and animal matter, especially where there is a lack of oxygen, like in the silt.
“At lower concentrations, it smells like rotten eggs. At higher concentration levels, it has a sickening, sweet odor, which –” inserting my own observations here, many NGOs reported running into that odor. Some of them didn’t know what that odor was – continuing from the report:
“At extremely high levels, a person can lose their ability to smell the gas and become unaware of its presence. Hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air, so it can build up in low-lying areas and enclosed spaces. Low concentration may irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory system. Asthmatics may experience difficulty in breathing.
“Moderate concentration can cause more severe eye and respiratory irritation, headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. And here is the crux of the report for my people: Grindstone.
No members of Grindstone Ministries’ team reported any health issues.
Now, I will insert here. We did have an “ick” going around at our FOB, general malaise, upper respiratory infection-type stuff, and we had concern because of the particulates that were in the air coming from the silt that we believed to be infected, to be an environmental hazard post-storm. And that’s why we did that 24-hour stand-down, and we had people who went to the hospital, people who were seen by doctors, who had tests done to make sure that this was not an environmental issue, this was just your typical seasonal ick.
And, Praise the Most High, it turned out to be just a typical Seasonal “ick”. Any issue that may have arisen would have been from acute exposure. No further potential risk of adverse health impacts exists as all personnel and volunteers have deployed from the site.
If Grindstone re-deploys to the area, this information will be valuable in establishing proper PPE and safety measures for each person volunteering their time and resources to help the people impacted by Hurricane Helene. And this is what I want to end with for my portion here.
We know Bumpus Cove from the silt, that’s what the report looks like. It’s not supposed to be highlighted. It is. It’s really bad, OK? We also know, per the report, that none of our people were exposed to that because we did a 24-hour stand-down, made sure everybody had PPE, and from Jump, I told people, we’re not mucking-out houses. My intuition says we’re not mucking-out houses, we’re not doing it. And the reason I felt compelled to participate in what is going on this evening is: Number One, for the safety of the people that are still there, OK? The people that live there, that have to be in this silt, that have to drink this water, and the people who have come to help them, who are now engaging in the restoration phase of putting things back together, again.
You have relief and then recovery, right? Relief is short-term, recovery is long-term. Grindstone does disaster relief. We’re in and out in a week to six weeks, typically speaking.
We were on Helene for 30 days. People will be rebuilding there for years, for years and years and years. And if the silt is bad and the water is bad, they are going to be exposed to things that could potentially harm them and or kill them.
And I want that out there, because nobody else is talking about it. And Billy, to your point, that the open reporting is that “Everything’s fine. Business as usual.”
Let’s get back to rebuilding, OK? So my primary concern is safety for NGOs, 501c3s, and the Residents. My second concern, and I’ve got three, my second concern is that people understand because there’s been so much reporting about what FEMA did or didn’t do or should have done, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Most people do not realize the primary reason that FEMA exists is for Continuity of Government. It is not for disaster relief.
For every $1 that FEMA spends on natural disasters, they spend $12 on Continuity of Government. And everybody who’s listening should do themselves a favor and Google “enduring constitutional government”.
That’s FEMA’s job. That’s their primary job. And “disaster relief” is Cover for Action.
So, of course, they did a terrible job because their actual job is protecting the Government – not protecting you. OK? So, yeah, they’re terrible at their job. They’ve been terrible for as long as I’ve been doing this, which is since Hurricane Katrina, 19 going on 20 years!
They’re always going to suck. They absolutely sucked during Hurricane Helene. And they’re going to suck during the next one and the next one after that, because it’s not their job.
However, this is the first storm I’ve ever worked from Hurricane Katrina, forward where FEMA was part of the problem. They weren’t just in the way. They were part of the problem.
And that’s very curious to me. Lastly, my third concern is Accountability. What does that look like? What is the point of getting all this information out here if there’s nothing that we can do with it? We should, for the preservation of life, make sure that the people who are living there and working there aren’t going to get sick.
But to what end? At what point? How do we hold these people accountable? Whoever it is that is hiding the reports that are coming out, that is whitewashing the information before it hits the Mainstream Media, the politicians, local, state, national, the people who are buying-up land at a fraction of the cost after this, the people who are trying to reopen mines that have been closed, etc., etc., etc. I think what you’re doing here is good and it should be done, which is why I’m being a part of it.
But I’m a strategic thinker. I think, where does this go next? And how do we make sure this doesn’t happen again? And I don’t have an answer to it, but I hope that we can figure one out. And that’s my piece for the evening.
Billy Bond: No, Bear. Hey, before you run away, I know you’ve got a lot going on there. Michelle’s going to kind of add to your report, there. Well, first of all, Folks, if you didn’t notice already, what Bear said was 180º out-of-phase with what’s being officially proclaimed.
Now, as far as what we can do about it, well, we’re going to talk about solutions that, once we drop the bad news, we’re going to start with the good. And that’s where, you know, Dr Will and Pat really come into things. Well, Dr Will’s also going to drop some bad, too, and worse than many of you would ever want to hear.
Part of it is, look, Biden just announced the other day we just gave a billion dollars to African nations for rebuilding after natural disasters. Meanwhile, the people up here are struggling on the whopping $750 they got from Uncle Sam. All these people that are supposed to be able to be eligible for Temporary Unemployment, many of which aren’t getting anything.
I know some that are, but many aren’t, or they’re being given the runaround. And, of course, there’s going to be that part of our citizenry that say, “Oh, well, gee, you know, there’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t want to pay attention.”
Well, you can’t do anything about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, but you pay attention to that. So, I guess, in a nutshell, what we’re really trying to do is spotlight some cockroaches and spotlight this entire system. But before we go to Michelle, y’all, I just want you to know.
First of all, I want you to hit that thumbs up, because everybody you know needs to know about this. Number one, and it’s going to let the algorithms out there to let everybody know that we are live. And number two, there are some strange things going on.
So, if you don’t see this feed, I should have said this from the very beginning, but if for some reason this feed gets taken down for whatever because the powers that shouldn’t be don’t want this information out there, we’ll keep on rocking on, and then we’ll eventually put it up on Rumble, but we’ve had some weird things happen already electronically.
X would not allow us to put this on X. OK? Despite everybody talking about how much of a free speech platform it is, well, they wouldn’t have us. So, right now, we should be broadcasting on Instagram Live and also in all of our platforms right here, on YouTube.
So, Michelle – Bear, this is to your point, and this is actually in the area that you were talking about. Michelle came up with another little article that you might want to know about.
Michelle Bond: So, Nuclear Fuel Services is located 0.2 miles from the Nolichucky River in Irwin. They process highly enriched uranium for naval nuclear reactors and power plants. Their official statement after Hurricane Helene is, “Everything’s fine, we’ve suffered minor damage, nothing to see here.”
However, this article in the Knoxville News states that back in 2007, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission found out that there was a spill, back in 2006, a spill of highly-enriched uranium, and they didn’t tell anybody about it for National Security reasons.
So, there was a spill that happened in 2006 that they didn’t tell anybody about, but they want us to believe that “Everything’s just fine,” after Hurricane Helene.
Billy Bond: Yeah, so basically this spill, of course, there’s no details as to how or why or whatever, but the bottom line being, you lied about it then, but people are so willing to be spoon-fed these lies from the powers that shouldn’t be.
So, I mean, Bear, your response to any of that? I mean, I’m sure you’re not surprised.
Bear Independent: So, first of all, a little just map recon. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is essentially co-located with Nuclear Fuel Services. They are next door to each other.
They share a property line. It’s just so everybody understands the level of cronyism that’s possible here, that literally one half of the fence belongs to each of them. They’re literally right next door to each other, in Erwin. So, surprise, surprise, they’re covering for each other’s tracks.
Next, and this is RUMINT, rumor, OK? But it is, and I don’t know if it’s single-source that’s been repeated by a thousand different voices or if there’s multiple different witnesses on this. I don’t know.
If you look at Google Earth and you look at Nuclear Fuel Services along the highway, here that’s right next to the river, there’s an old pole barn (1205 Banner St, Erwin, TN?). And the old pole barn is where per NFS, their statements immediately after the flood was that what was damaged at Nuclear Fuel Services was that pole barn and that there were “training barrels” of cesium-137, etc., that were located in that pole barn for “training purposes”. Again, RUMINT, unconfirmed by me. And that the only thing, the only structure that was affected was that pole barn that had “training materials” in it.
However, immediately after that, drone footage was acquired of their property. And if you look on Google Maps, if you look at Nuclear Fuel Services in Erwin, due east is a metal building, about an 8,000 square foot metal building.
And that metal building, talking to locals, is used for cleaning all the contaminated pieces, parts, etc. And that building flooded, as well. And all the stuff that was in that building washed away.
And where it went down the Nolichucky, I have no idea. But it wasn’t – again, RUMINT – and I’m saying this, mostly because I’m not suicidal.
Billy Bond: None of us are, by the way. (Laughing)
Bear Independent: None of us are! But, that building that’s used for decontaminating all of that equipment that’s used for processing these nuclear fuels, that building was severely compromised. And it wasn’t just training materials.
And so even the talking line of “It’s just training materials that washed away, that were stored in a pole barn,” that was confirmed to be untrue, using drone footage, aerial footage of their property within days of that official statement coming out, “Oh, it’s just training material.” So that’s known to be untrue, as well. And I’ve seen that drone footage with my own eyes.
So there are truths, half-truths, complete lies just being thrown-out, when it comes to NFS. And I wanted to just bring that up. And the Nuclear Regulatory Committee, or whatever they call themselves, the nuke-muckety-mucks are literally next door to Nuclear Fuel Services.
And so the fact that one would cover for the other doesn’t surprise me, a bit. So I just wanted to add a little bit of color to your statement.
Running Time: 117 minutes