Your Heart Is Not A Pump – You Have Been Lied Too.

“Rudolf Steiner*, said that the heart is a 7 sided regular form that sits in an imaginary box in the chest. Regular means that all seven sides are identical.
Plato described 5 Platonic solids and Steiner said there was a sixth one.
He also said the heart is not a pump.

This fantastic claim was vindicated by Frank Chester, who figured out how to design a 7 sided regular form, and it fits perfectly inside a cube at an angle of 36° off centre to the left – the exact same angle that the heart sits in the chest.
When submerged in water and spun, two counter rotating vortices are formed.

The man who unfolded 1000 hearts, Dr. Torrent Guasp, discovered that the heart is a single muscular band folded over itself in a spiralling pattern. It is not a pump it is a vortex machine. For centuries it was believed that matter can only exist in 3 states;
such as water ( liquid, ice and vapour).

Human cells are 70% water but most of this water is not in any of these 3states.
We have recently learned that with water there is a 4th state.
This 4th state is called the plasma state/ structured water and this is what pushes your blood through the entire cardio-vascular system.

Fuelled by infrared energy from its environment, the water in our body becomes an electrical propulsion system .
This propulsion system will run indefinitely, so long as it stays charged and the way you charge it is with the earths electromagnetic field, infrared energy and positive thought…

This new model shows that it is the blood that pumps the heart not the other way round, and in order to keep the flow strong and healthy,  our best medicine is to connect to the Earth, get sunlight ,love ourselves and love one another with physical touch.

Viktor Schauberger spent his life studying water and found that in the natural world water will always create vortices along its path..that this spiral action is what structures the water in nature and that when subjected to modern man-made water treatment it loses its structure.

Dr. Tom Cowan, in “Human Heart Cosmic Heart”… has an interesting theory which may explain the saying ‘a heart of gold’; a recent discovery is that gold in its purist form doesn’t appear to be gold at all.

Under the right conditions normal physical gold can be transformed into a fine white powder known as monatomic gold and it has very strange properties; it can be made to levitate and disappear.

Monatomic gold is superconductive and many would argue that this is what the alchemists were after; one of the ways of turning metallic gold into monatomic gold is by putting it through a high-speed vortex and when this transformation occurs there is a flash of light and a 44% loss in weight.

Dr Cowan believes that the trace amount of gold in our blood is transformed into monatomic gold as it travels through the double vortices in the heart creating the spark of life.”

“[This book] deserves to be in everyone’s library. . . . It’s loaded with great information, and it can save your life or the life of someone you love.”―Dr. Joseph Mercola

“This book is life-changing for those trying to understand their own bodies, or those of loved ones, and it’s truly transformative in the hands of medical professionals, especially young doctors.”―Foreword Reviews

Thomas Cowan was a 20-year-old Duke grad―bright, skeptical, and already disillusioned with industrial capitalism―when he joined the Peace Corps in the mid-1970s for a two-year tour in Swaziland. There, he encountered the work of Rudolf Steiner and Weston A. Price―two men whose ideas would fascinate and challenge him for decades to come.

Both drawn to the art of healing and repelled by the way medicine was―and continues to be―practiced in the United States, Cowan returned from Swaziland, went to medical school, and established a practice in New Hampshire and, later, San Francisco. For years, as he raised his three children, suffered the setback of divorce, and struggled with a heart condition, he remained intrigued by the work of Price and Steiner and, in particular, with Steiner’s provocative claim that the heart is not a pump. Determined to practice medicine in a way that promoted healing rather than compounded ailments, Cowan dedicated himself to understanding whether Steiner’s claim could possibly be true. And if Steiner was correct, what, then, is the heart? What is its true role in the human body?

In this deeply personal, rigorous, and riveting account, Dr. Cowan offers up a daring claim: Not only was Steiner correct that the heart is not a pump, but our understanding of heart disease―with its origins in the blood vessels―is completely wrong. And this gross misunderstanding, with its attendant medications and risky surgeries, is the reason heart disease remains the most common cause of death worldwide.

In Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, Dr. Thomas Cowan presents a new way of understanding the body’s most central organ. He offers a new look at what it means to be human and how we can best care for ourselves―and one another.

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