Benjamin Fulford: Our Worst Fears are Now Confirmed – Operation TRUST To Appease The American People – Now It All Makes Sense

A Psy-Op From The 1920s is Being Used as a Pacifier To Appease The American People

“Operation Trust” was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover.

Here’s an except on the “Trust” operation from pages 13-14 of Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn’s book, “New Lies for Old”:

The similarities with the Q-Anon “Trust The Plan™” psy-op are remarkable.

One of the more disturbing aspects of the “Qanon” online Trump base pacification hoax is that while it claims to be fighting the “deep state” (permanent security complex) it promotes the rendition of Edward @Snowden and CIA regime change in Iran.

More “Qanon” pacification efforts:
Dec 19, 2017: “TRUST SESSIONS”
Jan 14, 2018: “TRUST SESSIONS”
Feb 18, 2018: “TRUST SESSIONS”, “2018 will be glorious”
Mar 08, 2018: “TRUST SESSIONS”
Apr 10, 2018: “TRUST SESSIONS”
May 15, 2018: “Do you Trust POTUS?… trust SESSIONS…” 

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)

“Qanon” pushes for regime change in #Iran, mirroring long held CIA, Mossad and neocon goals.

Q-Anon made Trump supporters who were right to be angry over the criminal nature of our ruling class delude themselves with fantasies that “White hats” in the military were going to save us while Attorney General William Barr was busy covering-up the Jeffrey Epstein case and the Kushner administration was busy pardoning fraudsters who donated to the Aleph Institute and releasing traitor Jonathan Pollard from parole to “make aliyah” in Israel.

Just as opposition were outed and arrested by Operation Trust, potentially dozens of Q-Anoners were outed and arrested as a result of the march on the Capitol.

This Q-Anon operation has had some blowback — Q-believing Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt was horrifically executed in cold blood by a Capitol police officer and turned into a martyr — but the movement has gotten tons of Trump supporters thrown in prison and labeled domestic terrorists.

Their neo-Bolshevik revolution is almost complete.

I’ve always thought that the information didn’t quite fit the bill for some reason or other until now. The missing piece of the puzzle to the many questions of why the ball has been kicked to the next week, the next month and the next year after year is finely answered.

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