“Elena Danaan’s new book, We Will Never Let You Down, casts much needed light on the diplomatic negotiations between President Dwight Eisenhower and Valiant Thor—an ambassador of the Galactic Federation of Worlds—from 1958 to 1961. Now we finally have a fresh new perspective, directly from Valiant Thor himself, of the unsuccessful negotiations that were conducted. We learn about his warnings about negotiating with an alliance of alien predator races; Eisenhower’s betrayal by MJ-12 in signing secret agreements with this exploitative alliance; and how the Galactic Federation has ever since been mitigating the effects of these nefarious agreements through numerous covert actions to raise human consciousness and spark a planetary awakening. A must read for all wanting to prepare for the momentous global changes that lie ahead! “
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Rescued as a child by Extraterrestrials, Elena Danaan kept contact with them all her life and wrote her story in the bestseller: “A Gift From The Stars”. “We Will Never Let You Down” follows up by depicting contacts the author had with Commander Val “Valiant” Thor and her journeys in this solar system. Written at the brink of a new era, this book is a testimony of the presence and dedication of benevolent extraterrestrials protecting Earth.
This book includes also precious messages from Commander Thor Han Eredyon from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, revelations about Val Thor’s sojourn in the Pentagon, his relation with Dwight Eisenhower, his stay in Russia, the political background involving secret treaties with the Grey Alliance and the complex underlying Alien-Human diplomacy. Astonishing details, unknown until now, are revealed in this book.
Born in France, Elena Danaan is a Fine Arts graduate, Archaeologist, Druidess, Shaman, Energy & Sound practitioner. She worked as a field Archaeologist for 20 years, mainly in Egypt. Balancing both scientific education and cognitive abilities, Elena narrates with honesty, pragmatism and simplicity, the incredible adventures she was privileged to live and share.

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