Analysis of the Debt Clock K.I.S.S. method.


  1. Small business assets are Increasing
  2. Corporate assets are Slowly Decreasing
  3. Household assets are Decreasing
  4. National assets are Decreasing
  5. S.S. Liability is Increasing
  6. Medicare Liability is Increasing
  7. Unfunded Liability is Increasing

We are spending 4.2 Trillion in Interest. – That can be eliminated as it shouldn’t exist in the first place. Time to put money changing pirate bankers to work digging ditches. No cushy desk jobs, Hard Labor is what they Require.

We spend 850 Billion per year on Defense or better yet Slush funds and Offensive Pirate Expeditions.
(They keep the booty)

We spend 730 Billion per year on Interest on the so called  National Debt.

Savings of 1.58 Trillion by eliminating War and Interest, 168 Billion to go and we Balanced the Budget by getting rid of things we really don’t want anyway. (actually going to Defense Only is much Cheaper)

We are spending 556 Billion on Charities Per Year. (Most are child trafficing rings or Big Pharma Posioning) We can do without Both of these.

We now have A Suplus, Quite Simple Really just Stop the Theft.

Simple Obsevations

8-2023 Paper to Silver was 278 now that they have suppressed the price the Ratio is currently at 390 to 1

Silver future price is shown as Dollar to Silver Ratio 5 & 10 Years Average sits at 1562.00 and 1124.00 per ounce Respectfully.

Check Out Gold for yourselves now that you Understand.


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