Did the Office of Military Settlements Pay Off the National Debt?

r. Three Rivers and Howard Bertram rejoin the program to discuss a bombshell UCC filing by the Office of Military Settlements. We also discuss the bizarre UCC filing for 14QaudTrillion dollars that was filed by the DOD and the UCC filing by Dr. 3 Rivers to counter. Lastly we discuss the Missouri vs Biden case and the fact that Sarah Westall was added as a “person of interest” and a whistleblower to the case. Lastly we discuss how others who have been affected can be added to the case. If you are interested in volunteering to help with this important matter, please contact Sarah at https://SarahWestall.com

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See Important Proven Solutions to Keep Your from getting sick even if you had the mRNA Shot – Dr. Nieusma

MUSIC CREDITS: “In Epic World” by Valentina Gribanova, licensed for broad internet media use, including video and audio

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SOURCE: https://sarahwestall.com/did-the-office-of-military-settlements-pay-off-the-national-debt/

Biography of Dr. Three Rivers

Dr. Three RiversDr. Three Rivers is a native of Cherokee and the Hawaiian Nation. He is a former Chief Justice of the Cherokee Nation, PhD in International Law, a doctorate in traditional indigenous medicine, a masters in Child Psychology and a bachelors in Music Education. Rivers is now serving as Chief Justice of the Hawaii Nation.

After 40 years in Alaska as a traditional Native American medicine man, Rivers brought his talents to Hawaii to work with healing COVID damaged patients on the Islands.
Three Rivers claims to have discovered natural medicines that not only cure C19, but also repairs the damaged DNA, heart, respiratory, and more.
Three Rivers has also written many books on analyzing Hebrew poetic structures in teh Bible and new prophecies given today.


Biography of Howard Bertram

Howard BertramBorn in Toronto, Canada and a graduate of the University of Guelph.

Currently a Tribunal Judge on the Natural and Common Law Tribunal For Health And Justice.

Also active with a number of groups, including Ontario for Safe Technology, as well as research.

Howard has been described as a true renaissance man who has worked on Parliament Hill, Inventor, Publisher, Representative of an International Insurance Company, Founder of the former Music Technologies Inc. & True North Press, Federal Candidate in the newly formed Canadian Action Party and ran in the 1997 Election with the Hon. Paul Hellyer, and served on his local hospital board serving as Chairman of the Hospital Board in his last two years on the board.

Most importantly Howard drew his own line in the sand during this Covid Plandemic and is committed to do all he can to bring light to the darkness that humanity is presently going through.

You can contact Howard @ bertram2468@protonmail.com

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