COVERT INTEL: $34T in U.S. Treasuries Said to be “Worthless” – Claims Bank of Japan, Federal Reserve “Collapse” After Russia signs Currency PEG Agreements with Saudis and UAE / OPEC

As I write, it is 1:10 PM eastern US time on Thursday, December 7, 2023. At about 3:45 AM today, alarm bells starting going off over Intel Circuits regarding the visit by Russian President Putin to the UAE and Saudi Arabia, yesterday. On that trip with Putin was the Chief of Russia’s Central Bank, and Chechnyan Leader Kadyrov.

According to Intel, Putin signed “Currency PEGs” with both the United Arab Emirates and with Saudi Arabia which were allegedly done on behalf of all OPEC. According to Intel, these Currency PEGs “Destroyed the Petrodollar,” which then caused . . . .

US Treasuries to “become worthless.”

Now, I am NOT any kind of financial expert or guru. Frankly, a lot of this financial stuff causes ME to have my eyes glaze-over with a sort of Deer-in-the-headlights look on my face.


The raw Intel (Unfiltered, unverified, un-critiqued, and un-analyzed) from about 3:45 AM this morning, CLAIMS the following:

Begin raw intel:

Bank of Japan has collapsed

Federal Reserve has collapsed

SoftBank has collapsed

The currency PEG’s signed between OPEC (Putin’s visit to Saudi Arabia & UAE on Putin’s visit yesterday) and the Central Bank of Russia’s chief Elvira Nabiullina brought an end to the petrodollar.

The $1.1t of U.S. Treasury bonds held at the Bank of Japan, as the CARRY TRADE UNWINDS, is responsible for The Bank of Japan collapse and the SoftBank collapse,

The Federal Reserve has now also collapsed because the signed PEG agreements (between OPEC) ending the petrodollar, and ISO 20022, and Basel III, have collapsed the $34t in outstanding U.S. Treasury bonds; That’s why yields exploded on both the Japan Government Bond(s) 10yr and US10Y at the same time.

Expect massive monetary deflation, It’s over for the U.S. Dollar.

U.S. Treasury bonds are now worthless.

Gold will now move much higher and the oil price in dollar terms will collapse.

This will now ALL unravel in the coming hours, a few days.

End Raw Intel ——————————————————————————

I must re-emphasize that I DO NOT YET UNDERSTAND ALMOST ANY OF THIS. I cannot analyze what I do not yet understand. But the screaming over Intel Circuits about this was so ferocious, and continues to be so ferocious, that I felt the need to report it to you ASAP.

One thing seems clear: Putin’s visit to the United Arab Emirates and to Saudi Arabia yesterday, seems to have set-off some sort of financial shit-storm. I just don’t know how or when it will reveal itself in any of our markets.

More info if and when I get it.

Cryptos, Crash, & Duration

by Clif High | There are patterns for this kind of thing.

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Two hours after I caught this story and said to a friend it is over if this gets out Hal Turners Site was Hacked and the Database Destroyed..

Hal Turners Site Has Been Recovered!

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