Half The Country Is In On It!! Sandra Wallace On The Secret Plan To Hook US Citizens To Biofield Control Grid!!

This is a long Post Make Sure you go to the Bottom.


IITM: Amazon can legally run data through us since 2021? By any way one wants to look at this transhuman agenda, it is huge, it has been going on for several decades, and they have the support of the largest corporations, and hold much political influence.

Emergency Broadcast System Also Goes To Your Body!!

Explosive Sabrina Wallace Bombshells!! Remote Controlled Mutant Humans By 2026!! Satellites Aimed At Nanobots In Human Bodies!! NO Ships Going To Mars!! Future Mars Tourists Will Vanish!! Walmart Human Hunting Licences In 2025!!


Explosive Sabrina Wallace Bombshells Incoming!! What Is NASA Really Doing? Satellites Aimed At Nanobots In Human Bodies!! NO Ships Going To Mars!! Future Mars Tourists Will Vanish!! Walmart Human Hunting Licences In 2025 For Those Who Don’t Take The Injections!!


IITM Is NASA really aiming their satellites at us for nanoscale measurement… or even, control!!

They must be up to something, to be giving us all those fake space videos… which basically convince the tax system to funnel billions to them for what? I’m sure there’s much more than this… but this is pretty bad right?

A few notes:

The will hunt down those who didn’t take injection and put them in 15 minute cities.

Doing your own research, is mocked.

You won’t be leaving your killbox.

By 2026… people will be more synthetic.

2026, they will turn people into whatever they want to.

A technology is coming, that will be much worse than smart meters.

Warfare in 2027 because people will be so f’d up.

If you don’t behave they can turn people into a thing, from the press of a button since 2014!

They can watch our photons with wireless!

People’s DNA can be changed remote control via cellphone.

Remote controlled torture… they love it! They make it an art.

They prefer human screaming and pain, to music.

6G meta materials.

It is easy to manipulate people with opto-genetics.

Human biosensors existed in 2005 and nerds who worked on bluetooth knew about it and said nothing.

People don’t hold each other accountable, so why expect congress to do it?

People in families are playing stupid about all of this  (I agree, lots of this going on!)

She goes on… as you can see, this is a must hear!!


Now, as is clearer than ever, everything that I wrote in this book pretty much aligns with Sabrina’s intel… what are the odds of that, since we don’t know each other?


What if everyone suddenly all around us, including ourselves, were finding ourselves involved in one way or another, by a hidden plan to change the DNA of humanity, to create a new species, that is genetically altered, remote-control programmable, destined to live in a planned permanent prison!??  These are some essential study notes to help navigate the final battle between light and dark… see for yourself, if you can afford to miss out on this critical document.

Source: https://www.ournewearthnews.com/emergency-broadcast-system-also-goes-to-your-body/ & https://www.ournewearthnews.com/explosive-sabrina-wallace-bombshells-incoming-what-is-nasa-really-doing-satellites-aimed-at-nanobots-in-human-bodies-no-ships-going-to-mars-future-mars-tourist-will-vanish-to-be-never-seen-agai/

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Bluetooth People Scientifically Explained!! Everyone Is Wired For Wireless Since 2005 And Data Available Commercially!! Everyone Is Preparing For Electromagnetic Drone Warfare Says Lady Who’s Parents Were In Space Force!! Shows 1953 Photo Of Electromagnetic Weapons!! – Stunning Sabrina Wallace Presentation

IITM: I agree that the US citizens have several wars to deal with, all at once, and that the United States and other parts of the world have a serious learning deficiency, which prevents the public from figuring out how they have been hacked!!

This is the type of video that MUST BE SHARED!  For the sake of the human race… SHARE THIS VIDEO!

Recommended immediate download: HOMO SAPIEN GOT HACKED!!

What if everyone suddenly all around us, including ourselves, were finding ourselves involved in one way or another, by a hidden plan to change the DNA of humanity, to create a new species, that is genetically altered, remote-control programmable, destined to live in a planned permanent prison!??  These are some essential study notes to help navigate the final battle between light and dark… see for yourself, if you can afford to miss out on this critical document.

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