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The Articles Below are From Real Raw News  Intel you Find Anywhere Else.

The Untried and the Dead: David Axelrod

As reported in April 2022, U.S. Marines under Gen. Berger’s command apprehended former Obama strategist David Axelrod near his Chicago condominium. At the time, we had no details on the charges against him or what punishment he might face. A source at Guantanamo Bay recently pulled Axelrod’s file and shared information on what led to his arrest and his final fate.

The military had opened an investigation on Axelrod in February 2022, after receiving tips suggesting that his role as Obama’s political strategist was a pretextual and convenient cover for the depraved duty he performed: selecting underage boys for Obama to sexually molest.

According to our source, the military’s evidence included a video of Axelrod offering underage boys the opportunity to personally meet and dine with Barack Hussein Obama at the White House. Obama’s prey, he said, were among the forgotten–teenage runaways, street addicts, children pulled from orphanages and foster homes.

“Obama fancies boys ages 13-16, and Axelrod made sure he got them,” our source said.

No boy, though, ever saw the inside of the White House.

Obama felt so untouchable that he had the audacity to brazenly have a group of boys form a line that stretched from the doorstep of his D.C. townhouse to the sidewalk, with Secret Service and D.C. Metropolitan police officers ensuring that the children remained orderly and quiet. Axelrod then pointed out which boys he felt might best satisfy Obama’s dark urges.

“Ever play dodgeball in gym class, the picking of the teams, the dorkiest kids never getting picked for either team? Obama typically picked thin, Caucasian males. He’d bring five, six, or seven in his house at one time, and the cops and the fu***** feds knew all about it and covered for him, just like the media,” our source said.

Sometimes Michelle Obama, also known as Michael Robinson, stood in the shadow of the doorway and whispered in Obama’s ear as he made his selection.

The boys that made the cut went behind closed doors with the Obamas; the others left with Axelrod. In either case, they were never seen or heard from again.

“We know this picking process took place three times. JAG had enough evidence to charge, indict, and try Axelrod,” our source said.

From the moment of his arrest, though, Axelrod was quiet as dust, and during interrogations at a holding facility in Florida, he answered all questions with a sinister, condescending smirk.

He uttered his first words on board his ride to Guantanamo Bay, a Cessna 441 Conquest whose occupants included a shackled-to-a-seat Axelrod, the pilot, and four U.S. Army Military Police officers. As the turboprop soared at 4,500’ toward Cuba, Axelrod asked one of the MPs whether he had a teenage boy who fantasized about other men, older men, and the ways those men might use him. The MP said he had no children and told Axelrod to shut his mouth, or he’d shut it for him. A second MP, however, apparently had a teenage son, telling Axelrod his offspring was beyond the reach of perverted pedophiles and sadistic, satanic savages.

“We could have your son if we wanted. He’d like your son, I’m sure. You think we can’t find out who you are, who he is, even now? I promise we can,” Axelrod said, sneering at the MP.

The four MPs opened the cabin door before unchaining Axelrod and freefalling him into the water.

“Unless Axelrod sprouted wings, he’s gone. Even at that altitude, the velocity would be like hitting concrete. On the outside chance he survived the fall, it was 150 miles or more to swim to the Bahamas, Miami, or Havannah. Hopefully, sharks got a satisfying meal,” our source said.

He would not discuss what consequences, if any, the MPs faced for hurling Axelrod from the plane.

Military Sting Catches 100 Criminal Covid Doctors

A White Hat sting to expose vaccine-loving physicians resulted in the arrest of 100 providers figuratively foaming at the mouth to jab Navy JAG and Army CID investigators posing as patients.

As reported earlier this month, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps is holding sealed indictments on at least 19,000 physicians who conspired with the CDC/NIH to frighten patients into getting the clot shot. A JAG source told Real Raw News that this week’s sting is independent of those indictments.

On Monday investigators of the joint task force began scheduling appointments with random physicians across 12 states, establishing themselves as new patients needing a physical exam. Some task force members told receptionists they felt perfectly healthy but hadn’t had a physical in years. Others complained about mild maladies—sore throats, sniffles, stomach aches, etc. A few frantically said they had Covid and were sure of it even though home-testing showed negative results. They all posed as uninsured, cash-paying patients using counterfeit identification.

That afternoon, an undercover investigator walked inside a Seattle clinic and was given a lengthy questionnaire to complete. Are you vaccinated against Covid-19? When was your last vaccination? Have you knowingly had contact with a Covid positive person in the last 14 days? “No,” “Never,” and “How would I know?” the investigator answered. In the exam room, a tech glanced at his chart and shook her head in disappointment, commenting that the doctor would be upset at the patient’s vaccination status.

“I don’t care about Covid. I’m here because I have stomach cramps and chronic diarrhea,” the investigator lied. “I’m shitting myself at night.”

The tech was correct about the physician’s demeanor. He cared less about recurring diarrhea than the investigator’s “irresponsible decision to stay unvaccinated while 1,000 people a day in the U.S. were still dying of Covid or hooked to ventilators.” He scolded the investigator, saying the unvaccinated were imperiling the lives of family, friends, and co-workers, and recommended that he get a “double vaccination” during the office visit. As he belittled the patient, a nurse carrying a syringe entered the room and told the patient to sit down and relax his arm.

When the investigator refused, the physician called him an “anti-vaccine conspiracist” and said the clinic treated only “cooperative” patients who didn’t subscribe to “conspiracy theories.” Moreover, he admitted he was obligated to report the unvaccinated to the King County Department of Health and to a regional medical society, the latter a plunderbund of 12,000 physicians that blacklists unvaccinated persons.

“Are you saying you’ll tell other doctors to refuse service because I don’t want to get vaccinated?” the investigator asked.

“That’s correct. I am ethically bound to protect the vaccinated against the unvaccinated,” the doctor reportedly replied.

The investigator met further resistance at the reception desk. He tried paying the $160 bill in cash, but the receptionist claimed the clinic accepted only credit or debit cards. He chuckled, left the money on the desk, and departed the office.

That evening, investigators apprehended the physician as he closed shop, charging him under Part 253 of the Insurrection Act of 1807, which states, “…allows the president to use the military in a state to suppress any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy that so hinders the execution of the laws that any portion of the state’s inhabitants are deprived of a constitutional right and state authorities are unable or unwilling to protect that right.”

“That our plant didn’t get vaxxed is irrelevant. There’s a broad conspiracy denying medical care to people who want to stay unvaccinated, evidenced by the doctor’s willingness to add patients’ names to a universal blacklist. That’s actionable. We will find other crimes on him, like getting financially compensated to push the vaccine,” our JAG source said.

Although detailing each arrest is beyond the scope of this article, the task force nabbed 99 other physicians in 11 states under similar circumstances over the last five days.

“There’s a silver lining to all this; we also saw 35 doctors who adamantly discouraged the plants from getting vaxxed and encouraged them to use ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine if they ever test positive. Shows there are still some good doctors out there,” our source said in closing.

President Donald J. Trump has been informed about the arrests.

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White Hats Arrest Black Hats in New York State

White Hats on Sunday arrested a U.S. Army major and a command sergeant major who had pledged allegiance to Joseph Biden and were instructing subordinates on how to wage urban warfare against law-abiding citizens, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The disgraces to the uniform were Major David Dunbar and CSM Nema Mobarakzadeh, the 10th Mountain Division’s staff officer and senior non-commissioned officer, respectively, at Fort Drum.

Our source did not detail the actual arrests but said they took place off post, after dark, on July 30.

A JAG affidavit reviewed by Real Raw News states that Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh recruited 250 10th Mountain Division soldiers into a “private army” whose mission was to suppress civil insurrection if Joseph Biden wins the 2024 presidential election, and details their nefarious plan to storm Trump supporters’ homes and seize their weapons at gunpoint. According to the affidavit, Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh recruited volunteers and conducted urban warfare drills behind Garrison Commander Col. Matthew R. Myer’s back.

Our source said White Hats presently have no evidence incriminating Myer. Nor does he know whether JAG will issue indictments on the 250 soldiers that participated in house-to-house search and seizure drills.

Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh, he added, enlisted only soldiers who said the 2020 election was equitable and legitimate, that Donald J. Trump caused January 6 and deserves imprisonment, and that the Biden administration is the lawful governing body of the United States. The soldiers also pledged allegiance to Joseph Biden instead of “…to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands…”

Somehow, Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh had financed a property rental, a 20-acre tract of cleared land about 15 miles west of Drum, on which they erected a “plywood town” to simulate attacks on American citizens. The soldiers were tutored on breaching doors, setting explosives, and killing Trump supporters. Their extracurricular training also included lessons on “where to shoot a Trump supporter for maximum effect,” our source said.

“They were told people who support Trump have tactical gear like body armor and to take headshots not center mass. They did live-fire exercises on mock targets,” he said.

Interestingly, the soldiers did not use military-issued weapons; they used personal weapons and ammunition bought from various firearms dealers in upstate New York, and improvised explosives such as Molotov Cocktails and nail bombs.

“The training revolved around a singular hatred for President Trump,” our source said.

After Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh were arrested, White Hats demolished the plywood town and found brass—military slang for an ejected cartridge—scattered about the area.

We asked our source how Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh planned to wage war with only 250 troops in heavily Right-leaning upstate New York.

“That’s the million-dollar question. There may be more; these sects may be forming at other installations. Right now, we know about the 250.”

The 250, he added, included all enlisted ranks from privates to a first sergeant.

In closing, we again asked our source why White Hats hadn’t arrested everyone involved since their actions were treasonous and violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the U.S. Constitution.

“Look, there is an investigation. I can tell you we have to rule out psychological manipulation or chemical coercion. That’s all I can say right now.”

Before publishing this article, Real Raw News solicited comments from Fort Drum and the Watertown City Police Department. A Drum’s Public Affairs Office spokesperson said Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh were on “emergency leave,” and a Watertown PD spokesperson said the PD had no info on an off-post training facility.

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Mitch McConnell or Clone?

Encircled by a throng of lawmakers, venerable Republican Senator Mitch McConnell suddenly and inexplicably froze and fell silent for a minute during opening remarks at the weekly Senate Republican press conference on Wednesday. After the event, medical pundits quickly ascribed McConnell’s taciturn minute to a stroke or other significant neurological crisis; however, a Deep State cloning scientist in military custody believes McConnell experienced a “cloning glitch” common among clones approaching their 3-year expiration date.

As reported in January, White Hats apprehended a still unnamed geneticist who had previously worked at a hidden cloning lab in the Missouri Ozarks. The 50-year-old German-born mad scientist repented his ethical misconduct and agreed to help White Hats identify clones within the political elite, though he denied knowing the whereabouts of other cloning labs on American soil, blaming his ignorance on Deep State compartmentalization. He has been held under “isolated supervision” at Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, where White Hats had examined and dissected clones recovered from labs in Missouri and Alaska.

Clones of McConnell were found at the Alaska laboratory.

Having watched McConnell spaz on television, Womack staff solicited the geneticist’s professional opinion on whether the McConnell on the screen was the real deal or a clone. He couldn’t definitively declare it a clone but said that McConnell’s sudden bout of catatonic behavior was an unsolved symptom of clones nearing the end of their existence, the consequences of hasty science and imperfect cloning techniques.

According to him, clones exist only three years from the date of maturation and are picked up or recalled, dissolved in acid, and replaced before displaying signs of decay. Indicators of deterioration include synaptic and cardiovascular failure. Less common, observable side effects include skin lesions akin to eczema, boils that break and ooze puss, and gigantism in one or more extremities. In rare cases, a clone near termination may become violently psychotic.

These defects, the geneticist said, occur over the last few days of a clone’s existence, if at all.

“These automatons, and I don’t know what else to call them because I don’t believe they have a soul, I don’t believe they are born of God, have a microchip with recall instructions embedded in their brains. [name omitted] says the Deep State can trigger the chip to recall the clone. They can also short the chip, which destroys the clone,” our source at Womack said.

When neurologists at Womack performed craniotomies on recovered clones, they found scorched microchips about half the diameter of a baby aspirin. The geneticist claims the implantation is performed by a robotic surgeon like those developed by Elon Musk’s Neuralink company.

“So, we can’t say for sure the McConnell we saw yesterday, the world saw yesterday, is a clone, but he sure acted like one. The only way to be certain is to capture him, get a look at his teeth, feet, and genitals, and take a bone saw to his head,” our source said.

“I would tend to think that Mitch McConnell in Congress is a clone, since we know clones of him have been made,” the geneticist reportedly said.

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