What Happens to your Debt when the Dollar Dies

Yes, you see that correctly; $29 for a ham and cheese sandwich!

Now, admittedly, this is from Eli Zabar’s on Madison Avenue in New York City. As you might have guessed, Madison Avenue is some of the most expensive Real Estate in the world, and prices in stores along that avenue match that reality.

While this is certainly the exception to the rule, very soon, it won’t be.

Very soon, these are the types of prices that YOU will be asked to pay when YOU want food or other items you need.

Just giving you a Heads-up. The Democrats you put in control down in Washington, DC, are directly to blame for this.

They imposed economic sanctions on so many countries, for so many years, that a whole slew of those countries are now fed-up with us. They’re getting together, collectively turning their back to the US Dollar, and settling their trade in their own currencies. Now, the US can’t Sanction them anymore because the US can’t control THEIR currencies!

As more and more countries dump the dollar, what you see above, will be common. Not just with food, but with E V E R Y T H I N G.

Democrats did this.

When you can’t afford to eat or feed your kids, remember who is to blame and go pay them a visit to . . . thank them.

Actually, the manufacturing output of the U.S isn’t that bad. We are very close to China:

It’s still important to be prepared for anything, but the number of times I’ve heard people say it’s going to crash and then nothing happens over the years… if I had a dime for every time someone said it was going to crash, I’d be a millionaire.

If it does crash, no one will believe anyone who warns them ahead of time. It will be “The boy who cried wolf.”

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