In a world of infinite possibilities, what do you see, and what should you seek?

Since death is inevitable, I personally see that all the excitment in this life is worthless / meaningless. One should first solve the puzzle before it’s to late. People come and go. Funerals remind us every now and then, but we’re too occupied or blind and continually entertained by the fluff of this virtual realm… showing off, flattering, following desires, and working tirelessly to accumulate more wealth, only to swallow the same bait those before us did. Without exception, they all left it all. Everyone becomes equal with everyone after death — just like birth itself (except that at birth our fists are held tight whereas at death time our keen fists are set loose, and all the people can see our empty palms).

This is vividly meaningful by itself. Indeed, if I cannot remember the enjoyment of yesterday, how am I going to feel sorry for the details of a lifetime “enjoyment” mixed with eventual pain and repeated inconveniences?! This is most definitely a trial place, NOT paradise per se. As such, it said: ‘keep your eyes on the prize’. We are by default rational beings. If we cannot see our purpose of life within the frame of the big picture/general context, one would definitely be a loser, especially when there is no second chance to ponder upon things and make up for what we have missed on.

Please do your homework now; the exam paper will be due soon. Seek you the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free. This is an evergoing remider, to myself first, before to anyone else. Peace to those who wish peace for themselves!


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