Challenging Jurisdiction in Court

Here Are A Few More Ways, Be careful as these are not as nice.

Your Honor, I would like to resolve this matter as quickly as possible, however, I am not a lawyer and do not understand legal procedures and legal opinions only facts. If I can ask a few questions in regards to the Nature and Cause of the Charges, I am sure we can get this matter off your docket.

If he refuses to allow you to ask questions he is denying you your right to know the nature and cause of the charges. They are denying you the right to be informed. That is a breach that can not be corrected. The case will be over turned on appeal.

Normally you would receive an OK, however, We can not provide legal advice only an attorney can do that.

I just have a few basic questions because I do not understand what is happening and how best to respond.

Go Ahead

Am I entitled to a fair and just hearing / trial?


If A Conflict Of Interest exists would you still seek to enforce your decisions?


Who has the burden of proof?

The Prosecutor

Direct the next question to the prosecutor – Sir / Madam Do you have facts in evidence that prove a complaint / injured party exists in this case?


Sir / Madam – Who do you represent / work for?

The State of Whatever.

One more question your honor,

Who do you Represent / Work for?

The State of Whatever.

If no evidence exists that prove a complaint I move for Dismissal for lack of a complainant and for a Conflict of Interest as everyone here works for the State of whatever. You the Judge, The Prosecutor and The Cop all work for the same Corporate Charter.


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