They Have Been Poisioning Us For Hundreds Of Years!
- 1492: The Columbian Exchange
- 1665: The Great Plague of London
- 1817: First Cholera Pandemic
- 1875: Fiji Measles Pandemic
- 1918: Spanish Flu
- 1957: Asian flu
- 1981: HIV/AIDS
- 2003: SARS
- 2019: COVID-19
Guess Where Cancer And Auto Immune Diseases Came From! Watch Dr. Eva Snead Below And Find Out.
You Have Been Lied Too From The Start!
You Have The Right To Remain Innocent Or Leave Via Self Determination.
Devastated Woman Talks About Freedom Shortly After Watching Her Husband Die In Bed Right After Taking The Kill Shot!
They Are Killing Our Children – You Have The Right To Leave Via Self Determination.
Proof Of Intent To Genocide The Planet With A Bio-weapon By Governments Around The World
Authority = Slavery, Say No Loudly To Authority.
Civil War Is Coming!
They Have Done It Before And Have Activated Plans To Finish The Job!
This Is Hard For Some To Understand, But All Religions Divide People And Are A Means Of Control And Destroys Real Spirituality!
This Is Pyschological Abuse. They Are Saying We Are No Longer Required. Because We Choose Differently!
We Did This To Ourselves By Not Trusting In Our Creator. They Programmed Our God Given Ability To Heal Out Of Us. Trusting In Their Medical System Will Get You Killed!
Same Goes For Authority. The Creator And Colt Is All The Protection I Need. The Majority Of People So Strongly Believe They Need The Protection Racket Called Pirates or I Mean Police, Sorry I Don’t Sugar Coat.
I Also Have A Full Understanding Of What The Police And Alleged Authorities Are!
If These Police Actually Worked For Us We Could Sue Them If They Fail In Their Duties To Protect.
However No Such Actual Duty Of Protection Exists.
This Means We Are Being Protected Against Our Will At The Point Of A Gun With No Recourse For Damages!
When A Live Stream Video Has More Power Than A 1000 Bullets, You know, They Know What They Are Doing Is Wrong!
Your Children Are Their Next Target!
Leave And Fight Or Stay And Fight
Or Die It Is Your Choice!
If Your Choice Is To Stay And Fight Answer This: If You Win, What Have You Won? Answer: Your Slavery For Another Day!
If You Leave And Fight You Have Already Won, Why? Because You Removed Yourself From The Slavery And Now Have Opportunity To Have A Life!
Do We Need To Discuss The Last Option, No We Don’t As Nothing Matters At That Point!

If you’re a US citizen you have “granted Privileges” which can be un-granted by Sovereign Authority. citizens have no Immunity in US law or in International law because they have NO STANDING…and there is no other issue but Standing. Un-Alienable Rights Only Apply To The Sovereign Whom They Programmed You To Believe Is You. It Isn’t, Your Owned And Now If You Have Been Vaccinated Your Considered Property Via The US Supreme Court.
As far as the code….as said in the Pirates of the Caribbean….”it’s a set of guidelines, not set in stone”.
In addition..the IRS does not get its authority from the IRC…it comes from the Bank Account holder agreements; where “checkes and other items are received subject to the uniform commercial code and ANY COLLECTION AGREEMENTS”.
That is a private contract with the Federal Reserve and its agency the IRS under trust number 66 in Puerto Rico. Congress cannot interfere with private contracts…which are enforced on Citizens of the United States (Jay Treaty 1794 and 14th Amendment) via an international claim according to the BANK ACCOUNTING METHOD.
Further…I fail to see why someone would want to remain a citizen…especially a Citizen of the US who have the murders of millions of innocent women and children on their hands… just by being a “member of that Society” and under the doctrine of E PLURIBUS UNUM; which comes from the Supreme Law…TREATIES….whereby, in accordance with the Rights and Duties of Nations..”the federated State is viewed as a sole person in the eyes of international law”. Therefore…if one is guilty within that “Sole Person Juridical Construct…Society”; then everyone is guilty. And the US…with its 201 Armed military Conflicts since 1945; is the biggest violator of Human Rights Treaties on this planet. Why clothe yourself with everyone else’s dishonor?
This Is Why The Bible Tells Us To Get Out Of Her My People Or Suffer The Wrath Of God At Judgement Day! Mandatory Genocide Shot Anyone?
lastly….I have seen men sit in prison as a Citizen of the United States; for 3.5 years with no arraignment and no trial and no one could help them. The US does not bother me; because I acquired my Separate and Equal Station and Immunity; just as those Founders did.
I have pledged my life and fortune and have paid to build a New Society. I wanted that Diplomatic and Sovereign Immunity that comes from accepting the Responsibility to build something new; and I stopped playing this “IRS-US GAME”, because the following “luck of the draw scenarios” apply…even when you think you’ve won:
General Immunity Pertaining to Prosecutors, Judges and Government Agents
1.) Prosecutor may violate civil rights in initiating prosecution and presenting case.
– United States Supreme Court in Imbler v. Pachtmanz 424 U.S. 409 (1976)
2.) Immunity extends to all activities closely associated with litigation or potential litigation.
– Second Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Davis v. Grusemever, 996 F.2d 617 (1993)
3.) Prosecutor may knowingly use false testimony and suppress evidence. – United States Supreme Court in Imbler v. Pachtman, 424 U.S. 409 (1976)
4.) Prosecutor may file charges without any investigation.
– Eighth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Myers v. Morris, 810 F.2d 1337 (1986)
5.) Prosecutor may file charges outside of his jurisdiction.
– Eighth Circuit Federal Court of appeal in Myers v. Morris, 840 F.2d 1337 (1986)
6.) Prosecutor may knowingly offer perjured testimony.
– Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Jones v. Shankland, 800 F.2d 1310 (1987)
7.) Prosecutor can suppress exculpatory evidence. (Exculpatory defined: Evidence showing one innocent)
– Fifth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Henzel v. Gertstein, 608 F.2d 654 (1979)
8.) Prosecutors are immune from lawsuit for conspiring with judges to determine outcome of judicial proceedings.
– Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Ashelman v. Pope, 793 E.2d 1072 (1986)
9.) Prosecutor may knowingly file charges against innocent persons for a crime that never occurred.
– Tenth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Norton v. Liddell, 620 F.2d 1375 (1980)
- Having said this,Declarator provides further research of misrepresentation hereinbelow. Please let Declarator offer the following excerpt from a Fourth (4th) Circuit decision in the case called Pinder v. Johnson, 33 F.3d 368, 372 (4th Circuit 1994), to wit:
A.) ‘Our survey of the legal landscape as it existed in March 1989 indicates, that, in general, members of the public have no constitutional right to be protected by the State from harm inflicted by third parties. E.g., Fox v. Custis, 712 F.2d 84, 88 (4th Cir. 1983); Wells v. Walker , 852 F.2d 368, 370 (8th Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 489 U.S. 1012, 109 S.Ct. 1121, 103 L.Ed.2d 184 (1989); Ketchum v. Alameda County, 811 F.2d 1243, 1247 (9th Cir. 1987); Bowers v. DeVito, 686 F.2d 616, 618 (7th Cir. 1982).
B.) Judge Posner aptly explained the reasoning behind this general principle when he stated in Bowers that:
The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties; it tells the state to let “We the People of the United States” alone; it does not require their agency federal government or their state(s) to provide services, even so elementary a service as maintaining law and order….for those not a party to the contract (Constitution). Thus, because there is no constitutional duty to provide such protection for the Public at Large, {the state’s} failure to do so is not actionable under Title 42, section 1983, of the United States Code (U.S.C.). [emphasis added]
Per: Bowers, 686 F.2d at 618.
- These above mentioned judicial dicta, support both cites given herein below.
1.) “But indeed, no person has a right to complain, by suit in Court, on the ground of the Constitution. The Constitution, it is true, is a compact (contract), but he is not a party to it. …” (emphasis added).
Per: Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah, 14 Ga. 438 (1854).
2.) “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”
Per: Senate Document #43; SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 62 (Pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933.
Source: David Wiliams – Prime Minister of The Dominion of Melchizedek