Russia’s Special Forces Z Battalion Taking Out The Trash Around The World!

For the first time since the war in Ukraine, Russia has fired its Kinzhal hypersonic missile in Western Ukraine!

The decision to use the Kinzhal hypersonic missile, one of Russia’s many superior weapons along with the Zirkon hypersonic missile

& the Poseidon torpedo, is an IMPORTANT SIGNAL TO NATO.

To understand why this is a C7 move by Putin: Besides the known deployment of troops and weapons to Russia’s neighbors, Putin definitely has information that NATO [DS!] is preparing something to escalate the situation in Ukraine. The Kinzhal missile is a big warning to NATO.

2000km range, Mach-10 speed (10xSonic), flies in the stratosphere & is designed to evade air defense systems (Patriot, THAAD, AEGIS) making it an invincible threat. GAME AT A NEW LEVEL!

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