Marshall Report
Why are most Patriotic conferences being held at 501c3 Churches?
You Can’t Sleep Your Way Into Gods Kingdom, You Have To Be Awake – The Marshall Report
Reposted From: gave us the secrets of the universe…he said think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. This is not just physics, this...
Q – Operation Update For 4-5-2021
We will pick where we last left off that Q is an ongoing military operation and sting and the current USA, Corp is under Military Control while our President Donald J. Trump cleans house.Trump made a proclamation on January 6, 2021 he did so directly after his speech....
What If I Told You, Your Watching A Biblical Movie
What If, What We See With Our Eyes And Read In Our Media Is An Illusion, A Carefully Scripted Movie? Remember, The Eyes And Ears Can Be Deceived! Credit for Portions of this Post Goto Dianne Marshall of TheMarshallReport.WordPress.Com & Mike Adams of...
Visit For More Awaking ArticlesThe lesson in the Book of Daniel chapter 5 is a strong message for all on earth this very day. It’s a must watch as we see how God takes charge and says, enough is enough. Know this, God is not...
Boom A Repost & Link
From Maureen McKnight Winans The Trump card is very close to being played. According to section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, ” No one may be a senator or representative in Congress, an elector of the President and Vice President, or hold...
Cleaning Out New World Order Swamp Churches
New World Order Church Swamp…. Founded in 1948 the World Council of Churches (WCC), is an international, interdenominational fellowship of Christian churches that was proclaimed “a fellowship of churches which accept our Lord Jesus Christ as God and Savior” at the...
WHO IS THE REAL PUPPET MASTER? – reposted from the marshall report
original post - How long have we, as a nation watched lawlessness creep in and grab hold? How long have we allowed those who write the programming to rob us of our...
THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES GETS NEW CEO Original Article - first Day of the Biden Corporation is off to a very busy start. Many executive orders needed...
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