Sound Frequency Hijacked by Rockefeller To Shut Down Our Creative Abilities.

Frequency (so music) has the power to change your emotions, but you can also completely reprogram yourself through it. Nowadays, however, the playback frequency of music is different than it was back then. Back then, sounds and tones were played back at 432 Hertz. 432 Hertz is the natural earth frequency. It was used to tune the body and mind to the earth and has many healing and positive properties. Nowadays, all apps, radio and TV play music at an unnatural 440 hertz. This is how stress arises in tension in the body, in every cell of our body, in the cell water and in the intercellular tissue and switches off your right brain hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity, emotion, consciousness, dreams and much more. Do you want to know more about it? Here is the PDF // 40% off everything with the code: WISDOM

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